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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Right, I'm going to go watch The Soprano's now. If there's no better news when I come back then there will be a hissy fit of diva like proportions.
  2. In fairness £15 million spent isn't really powder being kept dry. It's total mismanagement of the situation. Small squad to start with, 9 players gone and only two (plus one on a 4 month loan) brought in, despite players going on frees in positions we need to strengthen.
  3. Hope we bleed the fuckers dry. If they've got this big pot of cash that has been implied cash we'd better be taking advantage.
  4. Ah the "I'm so cool because I can name people hardly anyone has heard of" list. Poor year, this year, when compared to last year for me. Only Guillemots and The Longcut stand out for me so far. Thom Yorkes was ok but didn't do much for me.
  5. We've just got new bins for recycling. Still a bit shit though. Each bin gets emptied on alternate weeks. It's not the greatest idea especially when they weather has been hot and the "normal" bin get a bit smelly after 2 weeks. Plus we're going through shit loads of plastic bags as they want all the different things kept together i.e. all cardboard together, all the tins together. On top of that they say they want the glass put out in the little green box we had before but the fuckers haven't emptied ours since we got the bins.
  6. Good to hear things went well and yep we're on 5 live after the F1.
  7. Ditto. I'm never confident when it comes to away matches.
  8. Kluivert has been told to find another club. 185750[/snapback] Linked with Fulham, imagine Kluivert in the capital. 185751[/snapback] His Greggs addiction would upgrade to a Subway one
  9. Release date is 27/10/2006 incase anyone was wondering.
  10. 606 has been GLORIOUS tonight. Spurs and Gunners fans twisting. Toys out of the pram stuff.
  11. Agree on Newcastle Races, it's canny. Me and some mates were there on Ladies Day, was heaving and a good laugh. Queues for the beer tent and the beer stalls inside were really busy though.
  12. Housewarming on Sunday night then a few bars after. Very quiet one this time round.
  13. Ferguson has already said Smith will go back to playing as a forward when he returns from injury I think. 179211[/snapback] Makes sense. I hadn't heard heard or read any quotes from Fergie about Smith but you'd think they'd give him another go upfront considering there hasn't been that much movement for top quality strikers this summer.
  14. I got 20 odd tracks before registartion was required like. Then I just put in a US zip code. 06390 was what I used. 179349[/snapback] It seems to remember people when they come back to the site. This is only the third time I've come back but t's remembered stuff from when I've been there before.Anyway I'm registered now, thanks for the Zip Code.
  15. Just had a look at Pandora and it asked me to register after one song. Then I needed an US zip code to become a member. Bit shit that you can't listen if you aren't from the States.
  16. Stick "Mew" in. Worth a try anyway. Quality band, if you give them a few listens anyway.
  17. If he signs it'll probably means that Smith will be upfront again for them.
  18. Cathy Davey - Save Button Price of Gasoline - Bloc Party
  19. Very nearly lost my cool, calm facade at the end of Green Mile like.
  20. I stuck 606 on last night and it was Ray Stubbs, was hoping that they had given Spoony the spanish archer. Chiles is always good value like. Anyway it took three calls to get an actual Scouse Liverpool fan. You get some weird ones on there, there's a Chelsea fan from Durham. My personal favourite is a town fan who is totally spineless. He would phone in with his high pitched voice and just agree with Alan Green. After a shit result under Souness he'd be fuming then after Green was finished he'd be all but singing Souness praises.
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