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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Listened too it earlier. Post match stuff from the first two league matches, interview from when martins signed and some shite generic football sounds in the background.
  2. N. Ireland beating Spain 3-2. Healy with a hat trick. Editted for clarity. 5 Mins left
  3. My sister was a bitch! One of her favourite tricks if she got in from school before me and it was raining/snowing/freezing, was to put the chain on the front door. When I got home and tried to get in the chain would stop me, and she would come running to the front door and tell me to go to the shop and get her some chocolate/a magazine/whatever because if I didn't, the chain was staying on, and I was staying out in the cold. 193822[/snapback] Evil genius tbh Mine is worse now than she's ever been. Total slob and rebel without a clue.
  4. Given it a blast to see if I get any. Cheers Laz.
  5. Nope, got one sister. Although at time's I've wished I was an only child
  6. What do the Monkees remind you of? 193685[/snapback] I thought it was the Monkies for some reason but google came up with nowt so I used Monkeys. I like the Arctic Monkey's first album but have serious doubts they will last as a band unless they can expand their music and subject matter a bit. 193695[/snapback] I don't think it'll matter, they've got a big enough fanbase (including the casual music buyer/listener) so they'll sell stuff no matter what. Oasis have been churning out the same type of stuff for years but have the same kind of fanbase that will always buy it.
  7. Colin Carr? Used to teach PE at Blackfyne. He was manager of Consett when they got to the first round of the FA Cup back in 96 or 97.
  8. http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=270580&cc=5739 Then later: http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=337901&cc=5739 Two years for erection relief? Must have been hell.
  9. I've not been in years. Infact that might have been the last time I was there . It was done out a while back. I'm at the sports centre across from it all the time for 5 a side. The courts at that place have never changed since I was a bairn. It still has that balcony too and the pool table.
  10. The one near the end of Requiem for Dream. Very tender and hearfelt.
  11. Only the once, was on Tyne Tees news in the background when they were at Consett swimming baths doing a piece on an inflateable obstacle course that was touring the North East. It was a dinosaur themed one . Must have been in 1993 cos thats when Jurassic Park came out.
  12. You can go straight to June 2050 with this save game: http://www.sortitoutsi.net/index.php?page=...file&fileid=949
  13. The bouncers on the doors at Baja run a little side business, last time I was there the one that stands a little further back by the queue and he would tell a group of blokes if they give him some cash (I presume it's a fiver a head as thats what they handed over) they'd get in no problem. No doubt feeding them the line that they normally don't let groups of lads in.
  14. The only good use for that pigswill they call diet coke. Nasty stuff.
  15. All the best to the birthday boys.
  16. Leave it to your assistant. Make sure you hae a good one though - i usually poach sammy lee. 175835[/snapback] Can you do that? It's not on the manager options screen.
  17. I've just updated with the latest patch (from the first patch) and my usual 4-4-2 tactics fall flat on their face straight away. Jesus wept. No one can hit a barn door and every fucker is getting injured.
  18. The tv is appalling tonight. Only good thing is on at 2 o'clock in the morning. Cracking German film on Channel 4 called Run, Lola, Run. Defo worth sticking a tape in for/Sky +-ing. It'll see me through the shite tv tomorrow.
  19. I wasn't expecting muc, mainly because of Vaughn, but it was pleasently surprised. David Mitchell was on form. Had to knock off that Charlotte Curch thing after 10 minutes. So bad. Couldn't put my finger on what it was though. Then I checked and found out it was a 50 minute show. Couldn't force myself to sit though any more of it.
  20. £8.5m starting budget 191018[/snapback] Damn. Looks like my other games will go on the back burner then, too much of a temptation not to start a new game.
  21. Is everythign else the same? Like we have a pittance of a transfer budget like the original start?
  22. Unless they are represented by Oor Wullie McKay we're not interested.
  23. I've given up the ghost now. Catch you all in the morning.
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