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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Canny. It's now doing the rounds via text message.
  2. Elbows live set on Mark Riles evening show on 6 Music. Including a sparkling brand new track. Huzzah!
  3. The Mighty Hog


    http://www.sporting-heroes.net/files_footb...921010_GH_R.jpg Do a bit a resizing - job done! Cheers Craig, now you just need to tell me how to do resizing! Btw Pokoyo is class! Someone else might be able to do a better job though
  4. Both Extras and Mitchell & Webb were better than last weeks offerings. Cracking night for TV: Mythbusters, Dragons Den, Extras, Mitchell & Webb and finish it off with The Sopranos.
  5. The Mighty Hog


    Randall Flagg. Legend.
  6. I've heard the twin pack (ointment and suppository) is the quickest way to get rid of them.
  7. There were alot of guests on yesterday too. I just put it down to being a matchday. Weird that there's so many lurking around.
  8. Aye, thats the price that Nintendo put out. But Gameplay did say (in an update email) that they hadn't had the price confirmed from their suppliers yet. So it may be less.
  9. All kicking off now by the sounds of it. West Ham fans trying to get to the dugout or something. Given stretchered off aswell.
  10. Electric 6 - High Voltage Not heard it in yonks. Just downloaded Will Ferrels interview from Radio 1 last week. My mates were saying it was a good one so will listen to that next.
  11. Pretty much the same reason I didn't watch it. Serious subject like, shame that Channel 4 picked BBC Sports court jester to front it.
  12. I prefered the series over the movie like. I've got series 1-4 stashed away on the PC and when you mach them up to the first four series of The Simpsons it's a no contest. The Simpsons pisses all over it, despite being repeated constantly. I've only ever dipped in and out of Futurama when it's been on Channel 4 so not really been able to comment on how good it is.
  13. I'm a few months behind but managed to sort my season out after a shite start, am just at the back end of Feb: With the squad:
  14. Contact your mobile phone company. 195229[/snapback] Aye, I text UNSUBSCRIBE to them earlier. I'll follow it up with FUCKING UNSUBSCRIBE later and if that doesn't work I'll follow your advice. 195238[/snapback] Most companies use ask you to send "STOP" to their number to cancel the subscriptions. Might be worth a shot.
  15. I wear them for the PC and TV. Thats about it like.
  16. TV Burp was class. ITV fucked around with it's time slot too much. It started off late night then was bounced around between 5pm on a Saturday and another late night slot. I liked his sketch show on Channel 4 in the late 90's. Suppose it was an aquired taste though.
  17. Aye, they're canny. I get the podcast they do. One of the few that gets a repeat listen.
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