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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Cottee made a good point on SSN, the pitch could be fucked for awhile after tonight. Hope we have a mild Winter or it will be a total wreck.
  2. already? that's got to be a record, even by our standards Not the players fault. The weather sounds appalling.
  3. Sounding like a farce so far. And I don't mean the selection of Bramble
  4. Kristoffer Haestad Contract runs out in December but he won't negotiate to move away on a free til the back end of October, beginning of November.
  5. Aye, it was a canny series. Always had me coming back for the next episode so it must have been doing something right. Man to Man was good on Friday, waiting to see how the series pans out.
  6. I read that as....."Are we playing ??........well ?? " BEEB Newcastle seem to think we were the betetr team in the first half. Huth and Rochemback coming on for the Smogs.
  7. Ditto. I think it'll be a long afternoon.
  8. Fuck me ! he's £8m in my game !!! Aye he is £8 million in mine aswell
  9. Classic bug at the beginning of the game, check out Kelvin Davis value once the game starts. Still too early to report anything from me. Flogged Dyer and Butt for £2.5 and £625k. Brought in Sammy Lee as assistant. Won my first match in the inter-twobob 3-0 at home.
  10. It's on piratebay now, if like me you couldn't wait til Friday.
  11. Can't say I'd be surprised. With Moore saying he wants to finish his career in Oz it'd leave us with only Taylor and Ramage as centrebacks with first team experience. Not saying I agree like.
  12. The CSKA v Arsenal match has been canny. Good entertainment.
  13. He's shit. Not "so shit, he's good" which seems to pass for an excuse to ramble on about him and like his music. The only thing worse than The Hoff is Scott Mills and his local radio features.
  14. I thought it was usually quiet on here on Sundays, moreso with it being an international week.
  15. 1-4 6 Minutes into the second half.
  16. Mike Baldwin was on SSN saying it was bollocks, apparently he told the reporter face to face it was. The Neviller was singing from the same hymn sheet aswell. Lets face if anyone was going to lead a dressing room revolt it would be that little toad.
  17. I don't think they've been as bad as the dark days of the Champ Manager 4 series which were really buggy.
  18. Unlikely. They won't cough up anything until you renew your contract.
  19. The only time I don't is if I'm out down Newcastle there is one of those blokes lurking round the sink with his trigger finger on fucking Joop or some other shite.
  20. I heard it was fake jeans. He'd have them in the boot of his car and flog them to the trainee's after training.
  21. nice one ... aye we should start at the back next time round , everytime we are facing a counter attack its like no... fingers crossed ..miss it etc.. cos we are so dodgy [as usual] in that dept.... We'll have to. With Bramble and Moore out of contract next summer (Moore saying he wants to go back to Oz) The only defenders with first team experience we'll have are Taylor, Ramage, Carr, Babayaro, Bernard and whoever (if anyone) comes in in January.
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