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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Got us a win against the Mackems on my 10th birthday. Still have the programme and ticket from the match. Was always one of me favourites because of that.
  2. You jinxed it Mr Hips. Finished 1-1. Mightaswell make this the "Todays Football" thread. Reading 1-0 at Fulham with a penalty and Fulham down to 10 men.
  3. Cheeky get Thats never happened to me before. Probably would have accepted anyway.
  4. Aye, I got the pm's too. Fucking insane and how hasn't that thread been deleted yet?
  5. Right this has me totally loopy, I've tried working this out with no success. Me mother bought a second hand Dell Latitude CSx laptop and it came with an external Sunday dvd rom drive. The drive connects to the laptop using a pcmcia card that slots in the side. Now here's the problem. There is power getting to the external unit becasue when I put a cd in it hums and turns the cd as if reading it. However nothing shows up on the laptop.
  6. I had the books before the films came out. Read The Hobbit but had to take two attempts at LOTR was worth it in the end. I enjoyed the films too despite missing out certain parts. Pretty disappointing that New Line would prefer to give The Hobbit to someone else than sort out the current problem.
  7. Euell is at Boro now. A shit and factually incorrect joke.
  8. Reasonanly early in my family like. in their 60's. Although my Grandad is still alive and nearly 70 despite aspestosis and diabeties. but he's forever in and out of hospital through the winter.
  9. I barely listen to it anymore. Maybe half an hour in the morning. It's gone down the pan now. I catch Zane Lowe now and again if I hear of a band I like doing session for him. Annoying voice but he knows his music. He also has the massive advantage in that his show isn't playlisted like the daytime shows. Moyles was canny when he started out in the very early morning show back in the mid to late nineties. But he's one of those people who, as they get more popular, get worse. He just gets egged on and milks every last joke for weeks and even months. Mills is just abysmal. Absolute shite, that diary feature about some lass that works o nthe show was the worst thing I ever heard. Then he just does wacky phone calls and encourages tthe listeners to phone up and make up equally wacky stories.
  10. Oliver said it in the Ronnie Gill earlier this week as well iirc. Edit: Actually Oliver said he had heard it from one of his sources. Does that mean that Geordie Boy Lee Clark is one of the blokes feeding him tits bits of info?
  11. All the best! Happy Birthday.
  12. Aye, could I get a look at it too, it doesn't seem to have appeared in my inbox this week Cheers. Have you fallen out with Ken, as well? Cheers Catmag, legend tbh
  13. Aye, could I get a look at it too, it doesn't seem to have appeared in my inbox this week Cheers.
  14. I only have two different watches. A Storm one for smart and one of those ones with the thick leather straps for casual. If I'm going out I'll wear some leather and bead things on my wrist and I've got a pewter pendant on a leather "string". I had my ear peirced in my early teens but don't weat anything in it, haven't done since I was 18-19.
  15. The Services, That Peter Kay Thing and the first series of Phoenix Nights were all well written imo. Not sure about The Services and TPKT but Phoenix Nights was co-written by Dave Spikey and Neil Fitzmaurice aswell as Peter Kay, after re-watching Max and Paddy their writing was missed.
  16. So which countries are the best for getting a second nationality? I thought 4-5 years was pretty much the standard.
  17. Still, it's not as bad as Fergies latest offering.
  18. I was the opposite, that whole part of the show made me laugh, especially the mountaineers yodel. THE YODEL!!! You probably shouldn't visit this site then: http://priceisrightyodel.ytmnd.com/
  19. I was the opposite, that whole part of the show made me laugh, especially the mountaineers yodel. For me it was
  20. Glenn Hoddle lined up as his replacement according to 5 Live.
  21. I can only think of one, she's an old woman called Mabel. She flags down any bus thats going past then dithers as to whether she's going to get on or not. Then when the bus driver finally has enough she'll shake her fist, bag or in one case I saw her lob a snow ball. She lives in a flat above a shop in the people who work in the place below her reckon she's lifted up all the carpets so she can hear what is going on. Then she complains that everyone is being noisy down to people closing their car doors too loudly.
  22. He did again at home (i think) a season or so after.
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