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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Are the goals online yet? There are links in the match thread.
  2. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/u/unkle/eye+4+a...x_20351288.html The rest of those lyrics sound about right?
  3. Elbow should have a new album out around then (Brambles - http://www.sendspace.com/file/ucnul7, a new track if anyone is interested), so if they are playing this year there should be alot of newer stuff. Doves are writing aswell.
  4. Was waiting to see if this was the series too far when I saw that Kev and Veronica were gone. The Oirish mafia seemed to be better in smaller parts too. Will keep watching like.
  5. This is apples first venture into phones isn't it? I'd hold off til the second and third models are out, just incase there are any teething troubles.
  6. "more than one way to skin a c..." I heard Catmags the gasp of shock from Consett
  7. 1st December 1989 According to Fm07
  8. Yep woth a knee injury, until the end of January according to Physioroom.
  9. Didn't you say there had been little to no noises in Jormany about Emre going to Bayern? Wouldn't be surprised to find out it was all put about by Emre's agent to help with contract negotiations. Provided all of the info is correct.
  10. I've been having a nosey through Ebay now and again. Is it a case of you get what you pay for? Cos there are some dirt cheap ones on there: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FM-TRANSMITTER-4-Fre...1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. The Mighty Hog


    Normal Treets were better Only if you had bad teeth and were from the poor school where they all had nits. How very dare you! Just because a woman has bad taste in confectionery and knows all the lyrics to Judy Garlands songs doesn't mean she attended a school for chip butty folk and got called 'Nitty Nora' while she was there! Nitty Nora Not heard that for ages.
  12. 5th best (kennel) club in the league the past decade.
  13. More importantly the photoshoppers on here haved so far failed to deliver a Secret Squirrel/Roeder hybrid. Preferably avatar sized aswell.
  14. The Mighty Hog


    I like them all. Even the coffee.
  15. Sounds exactly like the reasons they flogged Gary Speed to us! They flogged Speed to us because he handed in a written transfer request after Everton turned down 2 or 3 bids.
  16. Totally different situation. The key difference is that Bellamy was a young hungry striker who was playing out of position at Coventry and making a step up. I can't see how we would use him any differently either, as a target man to get knockdowns and hold the ball up. As for who we would get instead I'm not so sure. I can't see anyone letting goe of players that are good enough quality. This is themajor problem with trying to do your business mid-season (incedently this is when Beattie was signed for Everton). Doesn't mean we should go and spunk a large wad of cash on a sub-par player just so we have bodies in the door. It'd probably be better to perservere with Sib upfront until the end of the season and re-evaluate then if there's no one up for sale. Maybe then players will become available at better prices. Ashton will have had some first team football. If Preston don't go up Nugent maybe available, if he'd be available now i'd take him (young and hungry, much more comparable to the bellamy situation than Beattie). Not forgetting this striker that comes in will likely be a rotation player. or we're going to have a £10 million pound striker permanently on the bench when Owen comes back.
  17. He's done nothing of note since is wonder season nigh on 3 years ago. He was shite for Everton before Johnson turned up and he was the main man for them. His attitude was questioned then and it was questioned when he was at Southampton as he had the "Billy Big-Bollocks" attiude but wasn't turning in the performances. £6 million for a player who can "do a job? I thought we were looking to spend sensibly. He had the chance to become a very good player but he's rested on his laurels. If Moyes couldn't get the best out of him and motivate him I don't see why our set up or the fat wage packet he'd undoubtably get would be able to change his mind.
  18. Wouldn't be impressed with Beattie. Never been a big fan. His attitude has been brought up a few times and he's being kept out of the Everton side by a kid apparently. £6 million is about £2 million too much for him, especially if everton want rid.
  19. His reasoning may be shite, but the result will be right.
  20. The Mighty Hog


    Can't be arsed with it this year. Staying at my place with the family til 10 then off to a mates house for a few more drinks. Total fanny on.
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