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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Hello I'm Robert Goulet Da da de da da do
  2. Not sure if this has been posted already but some guy did all our Uefa cup goals so far in Pro Evo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpxqkoexPfg
  3. Even the bloke on 606 who regulalrly phones in to slag him is changing his mind. Although he back pedalled and said 20 league goals instead of 20 goals would prove that he's a £10 million player.
  4. Game of the Day on Football First Thompson with a face like a slapped arse on SSN but says it was a pen.
  5. Jinxed by Jimbo bringing back his avatar tbh.
  6. http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11716 In the article that SM posts Roeder says that he will ask Martins not to play in the friendly.
  7. Just listening to the news on 5 Live and they had a clip off 606 last night and a Spurs fan was going mental, slagged everyone off it sounded like his head was just about to explode.
  8. The Eclipse one looks pretty tempting. I'm with EFH broadband (1 meg unlimited for around £18 a month) and am looking to change, might give that Eclipse lot a ring and see if there is anything that makes it too good to be true.
  9. I think my nearest comic shop is in Newcastle so I'll nip in next time I'm down. The guts are surprisingly good. I pushed to get referred to another specialist cos things were going nowhere under the guy I'd been seeing since the colitis first showed up. So the new guy took a more aggressive approach and it was hell for the first month or so but it calmed back down and as of now I'm in my first period of remission since I was 18. Even managed to be best man at my mates wedding back in August which was a miracle considering I still couldn't really do travelling this time last year. As for piss ups I reckon I'd be able to show my ugly mug next time you are up in the area, so keep me posted.
  10. I won a black 30gb video Ipod last summer, can't complain too much as it's a freebie. Battery life is ok but I do use it nearly everyday.
  11. I'd say it's more lurking in stealth mode than posting regularly I keep meaning to put in a subscription for it but now the date is upon us I think I'll just end up picking them up one at a time. There was a sketchbook that was supposed to be given out free if you made enquiries aswell but I don't know much more than that. I was having a nosey on the marvel mini site for it and it seems that the first lot will just be re-telling the story of Roland getting his guns and then going to Meijs. Wizard and Glass is probably my favourite of the 7 so I'd be hooked no doubt.
  12. SE W810i Contract is up again in May so will see what i can squeeze out of 02. Last year was difficult to get anything on the 12 month contract but I managed it.
  13. Hogziniho. Not changed since the summer when me and some mates were out when a Brazil match was on. Never usually have the bluetooth on as it drains the battery.
  14. The Journal are saying his contract is up in June so he could be on a free in the summer.
  15. Even I knew what he was talking about: http://www.celebrateboston.com/songs/overthere.htm
  16. A couple of my mates have tickets for it. They went off travelling in September and have made their way to the states via the far east, New Zeland and Australia.
  17. I forgot, I saw Supermac in the summer in Consett. Sporting a horrible grey t-shirt and matching shorts ensemble.
  18. It was better than Kay's stand up. But then I wasn't a massive fan of that either. I'm not really up on stand-up and live shows so I wouldn't like to say who is better than those two.
  19. Only a matter of time before someone opens the Fearne Cotton can of worms.
  20. I saw the two he did that were taped for TV/DVD, they were ok. Not worthy of the mass fawning that seemed to be going on.
  21. I'm sure Mike Hooper was a doorman in Durham, Fighting Cocks I think it was.
  22. I saw Shearer, Nobby, Speed, Cordone and a few others in Chase. They used to get in regularly on Mondays. Saw younger players at the time in Baja. Saw Beardsley in the Metro Centre a few times and once saw pav there too.
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