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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. For the last couple of ones there's been some .inc files you could download and move that would correct competion names and things like that. Has anything been released this time round?
  2. They mentioned it on last Fridays, didn't really do too much though.
  3. Best off reporting it on the SI forums, if you can be arsed like. Went to try and sign up but the link for the "Seag Pass" wouldn't load. Very appropriate all things considered. Makes you wonder who tests it when something llike a player not being cup tied squeaks through after a patch.
  4. Why don't they just download FM Scout? Would be cheaper.
  5. Have I missed a rule change? Owen played (and scored) in my 3rd round FA Cup tie. Then he wouldn't sign a contract so I flogged him to Chelsea now in the 5th round of the FA cup he's on the bench for them to play against me.
  6. it part of the game, you don't necessarily get all of your transfer fees back to spend, it still goes in the clubs balance Utter cunts I didn't read the small print.
  7. Has anyone noticed if they are not getting the full whack for their transfers? I just flogged Enrique for £9 million (all upfront not over time) and my kitty is only at 7 million, I had £1.5 in there already. If anyone could have a look and see if there's a clause to say Villareal get a slice. Same thing happened with Geremi but I assumed it was because his fee was spread over time.
  8. Just to say all logos and facepacks will work in 09, you can just copy and paste them into your created folders. Although if you stick your facepacks in you might be missing a few people so this one is kicking about http://www.fmglive.com/index.php?option=co...nfo&id=1184
  9. The PR machine starts. Probably means there's fuck all interest so he's going to have to placate people through the transfer window.
  10. I had the budgets turned on. Might explain how every other person is looking at players rated at 5 or 6 million and I'm fucking about in the bargain basement
  11. Had a WP turned down for Appiah trying again but not holding out hope.
  12. I've stupidly took steam off and now the disk won't re-set up the game. A could scream. Yeah that's what happened to me. I had to download the game from steam and then try to register. Was about 5 minutes away from sitting in a corner rocking backwards and forwards, I'd say it was a farce but they tend to be funny. Why download the game, I've already bought the cunt!! I'm not paying another 30 quid! You don't have to pay for it again. Your keycode will still be valid with a downloaded game. It's just the inconvience of having to wait for it to be downloaded when it's sat there on a disc.
  13. I've stupidly took steam off and now the disk won't re-set up the game. A could scream. Yeah that's what happened to me. I had to download the game from steam and then try to register. Was about 5 minutes away from sitting in a corner rocking backwards and forwards, I'd say it was a farce but they tend to be funny.
  14. Mine finally got sorted at 7pm, after about 5 or 6 hours. Just gotta keep hitting back when you get the error message then try again. Tedious stuff. Got a game all set up but really can't be arsed tonight to set up training and tactics right now.
  15. What an utter fucking cunting farce. I paid nearly £30 for this. The code registration system was down (could still be for all I know) so I uninstall and start again and now nothing happens when I insert the cd, apart from Steam re-installing. So I've got to download it via steam despite them having all my details and the key code bollocks.
  16. I think the Dublin thing was under Dalglish. I remember us playing in a tournament over there. EDIT: It wasn't during one of the tournaments: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn41...s_/ai_n14473404 it was the March of 1998
  17. Might invest in it after I've heard back on what it's like after the first patch is installed. Same shit every year, bug ridden when first released then the first patch. That patch then has it's own problems so it gets a second patch/data update. Sometimes they do a third but after the second one this time there was fuck all.
  18. Thats strange, I had Nod 32 when it looks like all things appeared and it didn't catch any of them. It wasn't til i swapped back to AVG and started using Adaware again that things got caught.
  19. I've got a sneaking suspicion that there are some nasties lucking on my PC that are managing to avoid getting picked up by anti-virus and spyware detectors. Is there any way to find out if this is happening?
  20. Pelé's not as potent as he used to be though. As anyone who saw that infamous advert will very well know..
  21. Thing is, as much as I agree "people are using this as an excuse to get at people they don't like " I don't think it's actually anything to do with Ross or Brand, but the owners of the daily mail who have a host of interests in commercial television (Associated Newspapers Ltd own Teletext used only by ITV, Channel 4 and Five) using it to hurt the BBC. "Is this what the lisence fee is for" propoganda to have their budget cut or dropped altogether. Shameless. Yeah, I thought the Collings and Herrin podcast was good this week too. EDIT: Mind I couldn't believe how much they went along with the Mail point of view. Surprised me a bit too. I was expecting them to have a field day with things but they were quite reserved. Mind you that all changed when they went on to talk about Zara Phillips. Anyone shocked that this Georgina Baillie has been dabbling in porn? (obviously NSFW) http://www.strictlybroadband.com/sb/media/...ml?type=latest5
  22. Thing is, as much as I agree "people are using this as an excuse to get at people they don't like " I don't think it's actually anything to do with Ross or Brand, but the owners of the daily mail who have a host of interests in commercial television (Associated Newspapers Ltd own Teletext used only by ITV, Channel 4 and Five) using it to hurt the BBC. "Is this what the lisence fee is for" propoganda to have their budget cut or dropped altogether. Shameless. Yeah, I thought the Collings and Herrin podcast was good this week too.
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