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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Loved Resi 4 on the Wii but this is wank. Got it last Friday and barely touched it since Sunday. Great graphics, shit controls and a tragic inventory system. A lot of people seem to have been addicted by it but I'm not seeing it.
  2. I'd love to get one, but there's no way I'm locking myself in for 18 months. I'd rather go for an 02 Simplicity and buy my own phone (for the first time in 5 years) than do that.
  3. Royksopp - The Girl and The Robot I feel slightly gay for liking it (Doesn't Robyn have a rather large following in the pink mafia?), but it's class.
  4. Who's that in your ava Hoggy? Ewa Sonnet, she's a polish model. This might be of interest, http://ewasonnet.ws/ NSFW btw.
  5. Was supposed to be going to a mates for a drink tonight but things change quickly now he and his missus have a 2 month old. Can't say I'm too arsed because I'm not a huge fan of kids, well apart from my nephew. Nothing on the cards for tomorrow night at the minute either.
  6. General theme that I've noticed seems to be those who've read the graphic novel think it's great and anyone who hasn't thinks it's shit.
  7. That's the one I'll be looking at at the end of April. Not a fan of SE's anymore and I doubt I'd get an iphone on my current tariff and my relectance to switch to an 18 month contract.
  8. Hope you hoyed in some of these kidda Can't be any worse than hacking at my face with multiblades that go blunt after the first shave and having to shave again later in the day if I'm going out on an evening.
  9. Green is a known Liverpool fan. He's not a Man Utd fan, in fact isn't he one of the reason Fergie had a huff at the BBC?
  10. Now there's a Champ Man blast from the past. Will do as my new userbar thing though.
  11. I thought it was just me who was finding the Collings and Herrin podcast a chore now. Apparatjik - Ferreting
  12. The Grey Horse up this way do some canny real ales. Brew their own stuff too.
  13. Careful Pud, don't do a Ron Atkinson when you think the mike is off.
  14. Nearly at the end of my first season after leaving the game alone for a week. Sitting in 7th with 2 matches to go. Another fucking Llambias takeover. Utter bollocks. Will post screenies at the send of the season.
  15. Not a fighting film but Grosse Point Blank has a class fight scene between John Cusack and Benny "The Jet" Urquidez, Mirror in the Bathroom is playing in the background and it really works well.
  16. http://elbow.trinitystreetdirect.com/store...d=17&col=30 This x2
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