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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. When it's the weekend papers I'm more inclined to believe it's complete and total horse shit.
  2. During the summer the main sports writers usually don't do the stories. But they come back around pre-season time.
  3. I'd be quite happy with a relatively immobile but experienced striker and someone in midfield with a bit of pace. A lot's made of how difficult it is to get out of the Championship, but a fairly simple approach and a couple of sensible buys should put paid to most of the bottom half at least. It's only if we rest on our laurels that we'll be screwed beyond belief. Fair enough, if some of the kids are quite quick then them being on the bench would be ok. I just think we need other options, for when you need to run the time down. Having someone who can get on their bike would mean keeping the ball down in the opositions half. Especially when it's being mentioned of our strike force being Shola, Carroll and Ranger ast it stands. Not much movement there, quite similar (having said that I've not seen Ranger but I imagine he's a target man). Although I wouldn't say no to a experienced poacher, like you say.
  4. Some pace, please. We've got none of that up top. Or anywhere else for that matter.
  5. FWIW my head is still battered now trying to comprehend it all. Personally I think it'll hit Wednesday. No tears, just bewildered.
  6. After your first season the game re-asses it's tactics against you. Even crap teams would think they have a shot against your and play relatively open against you. You might want to knock your attacking up a couple of notches against the weaker sides, especially at home. Might help to play with a little more width too. Oppostion instructions are key in your second season this little article helped me no end:
  7. But if he's already contracted with his current phone he'd have to pay up to end it early, if they'll let him end it at all. Plus with the Iphone you're tied down to 02 for 18 or 24 months on their own tariff that you have no choice to take because, as of now, they are the only UK network that offers the Iphone.
  8. It certainly was Hog...fantastic gig Which one were you at? I went to the Thursday one, the police were coming and going through the first support so i thought there might have been some bother the night before.
  9. Maximo Park - Lets Get Clinical Was class when they played it live at the Academy last week.
  10. That Kluivert fanboy made a compilation. Possibly the only decent thing he did on here. http://video75.com/vd.php?i=klrna&hellas-hell Edit: That wasn't the one I was thinking of. There was a one that had posts from here at the beginning of it.
  11. Best thing I did was give it a second chance after series 2. I'm totally hooked on it again.
  12. Someone please transpose Roadrunner & Wiley Coyote's head's on that one... pure class! I'm hoping for a a Youtube clip with the Benny Hill music in the background. Mint.
  13. Someone please transpose Roadrunner & Wiley Coyote's head's on that one... pure class! I'm hoping for a a Youtube clip with the Benny Hill music in the background.
  14. I found that going with the grain gave me as close a shave as doing two passes (one with and one against the grain) with one of the multi-blade razors. Don't suppose you used shaving soap and a shaving brush? That seemed to help me too. I'll see if I can find a decent guide. Found the three that helped me when I first started: http://artofmanliness.com/2008/01/04/how-t...e-your-grandpa/ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6886845/ http://www.shaving-shack.com/shop/catalog/...Tips-sp-55.html If I'm feeling brave enough to go with and then shave against the grain I can get away with not shaving for 2-3 days. But I'm much more likely to nick myself going against the grain.
  15. I know, not exactly a great way to plug it but it's the biggest thing you'll notice as you'll keep the old habbits from the disposibles.
  16. I've got the 34C, cracking razor for the price. http://www.shaving-shack.com/shop/catalog/...sic-p-2725.html Takes a little while to get used to, as said before. But I found that a styptic pencil was ideal for bigger cuts and Zirh Soothe aftershave balm heals up any small ones.
  17. Don't forget it Alladyce landed us with some of the overpaid/underplayed wasters: Geremi, Viduka, Smith, Barton.
  18. I'm still only at 4-2. I literally do a chapter then can't be arsed.
  19. Friday, 3pm FYP. Anyway this is just totally mental. Fingers crossed it all works out.
  20. Hasn't he still got a potential FA ban hanging over him as well?
  21. Loved Fist of Fun and This Morning with. I think the beeb lost the master tapes for both series so can't have them put out on DVD. I saw the first episode and thought it was pretty good. He was spot on with the Radio 4 comedy voice.
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