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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. http://www.recipedelights.com/measurements.htm That any good to you?
  2. Seen it before, but it's the first time I've nothiced his printer boxes in the background. I remember him mentioning he had to keep going back and buying new ones cos the previous models he'd buy wouldn't do the job he wanted. My favourites are "Yes Bucules" followed by "Why doesn't he let me finish my story". Workshy bastards are finished for the summer now, which is a shitter.
  3. One point something billion, IIRC
  4. They had to do it by letter in the end. The post-it note kept blowing off his car apparently. Thought the crayoned it onto the back of his jacket. Cock piss Lovenkrands?
  5. We had a Health and Safety thing at work, the obligatory Fire section was included on the dvd and all I could think of was Keith Lard. Spent the rest of the session stifling my own laughter..
  6. Brett Emerton WILL be a Newcastle player by the end of the week
  7. My rental copy came today, it's a fucking nightmare because there's no booklet with it. So I'm having to literally having to remember everything from the training mode, which reduces me to putton bashing (or swivelling in the case of the stick) hoping to hit one of the more advanced, powerful punches.
  8. Nah not really. I only had some trouble on the Times Square (2nd level) level. I'm only at the museum (4th) so I'd imagine it will get harder later in the game.
  9. http://www.play.com/PC/PCs/4-/5180776/-/Pr...amp;source=9593 Worth a punt for under £20.
  10. It's good stuff. Watched the first two episodes last night and can't wait for the next one.
  11. My copy came today, it's good stuff. Not the greatest game in the world but it's a great nostalgia trip with the nice twist of an all new storyline.
  12. Beresford v Villa in 97. I always liked Pedro's penna against Boro where he goes to one of his sons after he nets it. I'm pretty sure it was a landmark goal, one of the Statto's on here will know.
  13. On import: £31.99 plus a fiver for 3 day delivery. Not bad.
  14. I got it for UFC but they've punted it onto Setanta 2, so couple that with an unreliable signal and it's uterly pointless me having it.
  15. Only got themselves to blame. People have been fucking off in droves thanks to shit signals and awful customer service. Just have to google them to see the problems people have been having.
  16. You're missing fuck all, embarrassingly and predictably wank, it's 0-2, and we don't deserve it. They re-sent the signal. It could be womens football and, at the minute, I'd watch it. Hate football-less summers , when it gets to now i'd watch anything.
  17. Typical, I get 10 minutes of the match and Cuntanta cuts out.
  18. Two poached eggs on toast. Got a couple of small chicken breasts marinading in olive oil, lemon juice, basil leaves and salt & pepper. Gonna cook them off later and roast some peppers. I usually have it with a mayo I mix up. Start with your normal mayo, mix in some lemon juice, chopped basil and grated parmesan, tastes a bit like pesto. It's nice in tiger rolls with some avacado or as a meal with some spinich and potato wedges.
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