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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. When I'm out of the house its worth its wait in gold, MSN, Twitter, Web browser, E-mail, Games, Music, Podcasts, Movies, Camera, Maps, radio, Skype, books, the list goes on. My point being that my much cheaper and easier to use Nokia can do all of that Easier to use ? you must be joking, I've had Nokias in the past and they've been as clunky as hell. I've got the 5800 and it's a piece of piss to use. I'd get an iphone. But putting it simply it's a rip off, because of 02's monopoly on them.
  2. His crepe thing was in Shakamaker on Dean Street. But apparently he was going to open a coffee shop too. Was on the Ronnie Gill website.
  3. Mew - No More Stories Are Told Today, I'm Sorry, They Washed Away Just about to start listening to it. Four fucking years since their last album so it'd better be worth it.
  4. Would love to see Doves get it, this is their best album since Lost Souls.
  5. Very simple....the hardest part is just getting the case off. Cheers, I'll give it a try.
  6. How easy was it to replace HF? The battery is fucked on mine, just won't hold charge. Bear in mind I'm a ham fisted numpty who has a nasty habit of finding things left over whenever I take things apart and put them back together.
  7. They are being re-realeased after being tarted up with voice acting and new graphics (or you can play it the old fashioned way), anyway the free trial is avaiable today if anyone fancies a look at it.
  8. Bisping was massively naive, his corner were telling him and telling not to circle to Hendo's right. I'm happy Lesnar won, nothing against Mir just there will be a plethora of "MMA purists" crying that a former pro wrestler won the title. Especially on such a landmark PPV, seemingly forgetting his history in the NCAA (Which Couture also competed in). GSP is insanely good. Nothing else to say, his stats are ridiculous.
  9. Mew - No More Stories EP Utterly fucking glorious.
  10. Can I please say, I've had no birthday thread for two years and these cunting (relative) newbies get them on tap. You bunch of cock smoking clerks.
  11. I fucked it off after an hour and a half and still not getting into the mob.
  12. There's some twats with scores into 30 and 40 millions. Something wrong there. How can you tell if you've won anything? Cos they must be giving away shit loads of stuff if thousands are in the mob. maybe there are only a 100 in the actual mob but others play along.
  13. Seems to be a fair bit of waiting too. The questions should be a bit more of a sliding scale, with regards difficulty. Seems a bit random.
  14. Aye, I'm top in my little group too.
  15. No idea. In the bars accross the screen I've got a mate and 2 randoms.
  16. Jamelia looking a bit tit-tastic there.
  17. About 8 years, previous to that (on Pay as you go) when I got a new phone I'd keep the sim that came with it so I was changing my sims reasonably regularly.
  18. Maybe it was Casers and I'm not remembering right. I was the lowest of the low mind, I was a goal moocher.
  19. I remember saving up for ages to get a Mitre Delta and being disapointed when I realised it was the 32 panel (hexagon and pentagon) design rather than the classic 18 panel design that they actually used in the matches. Thing is in those days there wasn't a contract for the entire league - it's whatever the indivdual clubs have a deal with. The adidas clubs in the mid 80s (Liverpool, Man Utd & Arsenal) all used Adidas Tangos, most of the other teams used Mitre Deltas except a few, including us that used Minerva Supremes. Could only find the 'snow' ball for the Minerva and couldn't find any pics of the classic Mitre Delta apart from a pic of Gary Kelly at Wembley back in 1988. I remember the Tango one, I think it was part of my Subbuteo set. Minerva defo rings a bell. I think we used to call the leather ones "Size 5's" as well.
  20. The Mitre Delta seemed to be the daddy of all leather balls when I was a kid. I'm trying to remember if we called leather balls "Caseys" or "Kaceys" or something like that.
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