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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Absolute is canny. They do the no-repeat thing between 10 and 5 which would kill of most other stations. Radio 1 daytimes seem to have tipped over the edge into a black hole of blandness.
  2. Has his dad started doing press-releases again? That was my first thought.
  3. Guthrie looking a touch "special needs" there.
  4. I blame Craig, he put the mockers on the whole thing in the other thread.
  5. Could you PM me the link please? me too please Go on, I'll have this as well if it's doing the rounds.
  6. The last time against Reading? The 3-2?
  7. I'm expecting a loss. Same as last season where a game gets our hopes up, somewhat. Then the next one they go to pieces.
  8. £65k a week. He HAS to go. Even if we get new owners it's not a manageable wage in this league. As for Player X, Y or Z should go first, you can only peddle the players that other clubs want to buy.
  9. My favorite Mosier moment: They're at the door!
  10. The Benny Hill Dumbledore was my personal favourite. Mosier really comes into his own and becomes fucking hilarious as the Smodcasts go on.
  11. I've had the 5800 for nigh on six months and not had any problems with it. I just kept updating the firmware and it's been great. Piece of piss to use compared to my last couple of SE's.
  12. Oh Forrest, what were you thinking of?
  13. Wouldnt work with the players who may still be here after Aug 31st.......he commands little respect at the moment I imagine so giving him a years contract won't make much difference. And if any new players come in and see the players at the club not really giving a fuck what he says then they'll behave in the same manner. He's a number 2 in my book. O'Leary is Kinnear with a run in the champions league the best part of a decade ago under his belt. Better than nowt but no by much. Can you see anyone fucking about under Gordon Strachan though?....... The players will fuck about regardless of who gets it under Ashley, maybe barring Shearer, because they know he'll be at best a yes man and at worst a temporary manager who stays much longer than intended. So long as we have a reluctant owner I believe we're fucked. Literally any player will go and the manager won't say a thing about it, because it's more than his jobs worth.
  14. http://www.gm.tv/videos/star-guests/36668-...a-jovovich.html She does seem a bit mental.
  15. Can someone please give Alex Dunn a map of the British Isles.
  16. After finding this (NSFW) my hard drive has seemed have filled up rather quickly.
  17. Too expensive! Might go for that google phone like for that price! £35 a month and you get an iPhone What you get with it though? A 24 month contract and the most basic of the Iphones. Get plenty of texts and free minutes though. http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paymonth.html I looked into it in March. 24 months is an obscenely long contract. Not the most basic. It's the new generation, but not the uber one. It's still worth it imo. I've never understood why people tweak out about 18 or 24 month contracts when, given evidence from this site alone, people don't seem to habitually change their tarriff every year anyway. It's the most basic one the offer as a new phone. The problem I have with the 18 and 24 month contracts is that it puts all the power with the company. After 12 months I was always able to negotiate a better tarriff and/or a better phone. Sometimes knocking upto a fiver a month off. Now that adds up over the extra 6 or 12 months if you take the longer contracts. Plus i've never had a phone that wasn't getting tatty or having some faults by the time it got to the 12 month point. But since 02 are hammering the 18 and 24 month contracts, not to mention holding people to ransom with the Iphone I've gone for Simplicity until things calm back down and bought my own phone. The iphone looks like a good bit of kit but not worth the £800 + you'd pay over 24 months. Plus due to it only having 8 gigs it wouldn't replace my ipod. Which is full at 30 gigs. I'm hacked off with contracts but really want to keep my number. Is there any way of tranferring it to a pay as you go deal? I'm not sure you can take you number with you to PAYG but the rolling one month contracts might be worth a punt. That's what I did with 02, I went from their 12 month one to the Simplicity tarriff. Basically you can give them a months notice at any time. But because they're not subsiding a phone you can get it much cheaper. T-Mobile and 02 do them. http://shop.o2.co.uk/sim-only-simplicity http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/shop/mobile-phon...rd/pay-monthly/ Cheers for the heads up Hog. Still got 9 months of an O2 contract to run and then will assess my options, heard the Virgin are cheap too if you already sunscribe to their TV/telecom and don't require a new hand set. Just had a look at their sim only deals if you're already with them for TV and they look very competitive. No idea what their coverage is like, but if you're on a rolling contract you'd only have to put up with it for 30 days. http://allyours.virginmedia.com/html/bundl...obileoffer.html
  18. Nowt personal Fishster, just that I've seen loads of people banging on about the Iphone like it's a baragin. But when I looked into it I didn't see it that way. But it sounds like you're more than happy with it so fair play.
  19. Too expensive! Might go for that google phone like for that price! £35 a month and you get an iPhone What you get with it though? A 24 month contract and the most basic of the Iphones. Get plenty of texts and free minutes though. http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paymonth.html I looked into it in March. 24 months is an obscenely long contract. Not the most basic. It's the new generation, but not the uber one. It's still worth it imo. I've never understood why people tweak out about 18 or 24 month contracts when, given evidence from this site alone, people don't seem to habitually change their tarriff every year anyway. It's the most basic one the offer as a new phone. The problem I have with the 18 and 24 month contracts is that it puts all the power with the company. After 12 months I was always able to negotiate a better tarriff and/or a better phone. Sometimes knocking upto a fiver a month off. Now that adds up over the extra 6 or 12 months if you take the longer contracts. Plus i've never had a phone that wasn't getting tatty or having some faults by the time it got to the 12 month point. But since 02 are hammering the 18 and 24 month contracts, not to mention holding people to ransom with the Iphone I've gone for Simplicity until things calm back down and bought my own phone. The iphone looks like a good bit of kit but not worth the £800 + you'd pay over 24 months. Plus due to it only having 8 gigs it wouldn't replace my ipod. Which is full at 30 gigs. I'm hacked off with contracts but really want to keep my number. Is there any way of tranferring it to a pay as you go deal? I'm not sure you can take you number with you to PAYG but the rolling one month contracts might be worth a punt. That's what I did with 02, I went from their 12 month one to the Simplicity tarriff. Basically you can give them a months notice at any time. But because they're not subsiding a phone you can get it much cheaper. T-Mobile and 02 do them. http://shop.o2.co.uk/sim-only-simplicity http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/shop/mobile-phon...rd/pay-monthly/
  20. Too expensive! Might go for that google phone like for that price! £35 a month and you get an iPhone What you get with it though? A 24 month contract and the most basic of the Iphones. Get plenty of texts and free minutes though. http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paymonth.html I looked into it in March. 24 months is an obscenely long contract. Not the most basic. It's the new generation, but not the uber one. It's still worth it imo. I've never understood why people tweak out about 18 or 24 month contracts when, given evidence from this site alone, people don't seem to habitually change their tarriff every year anyway. It's the most basic one the offer as a new phone. The problem I have with the 18 and 24 month contracts is that it puts all the power with the company. After 12 months I was always able to negotiate a better tarriff and/or a better phone. Sometimes knocking upto a fiver a month off. Now that adds up over the extra 6 or 12 months if you take the longer contracts. Plus i've never had a phone that wasn't getting tatty or having some faults by the time it got to the 12 month point. But since 02 are hammering the 18 and 24 month contracts, not to mention holding people to ransom with the Iphone I've gone for Simplicity until things calm back down and bought my own phone. The iphone looks like a good bit of kit but not worth the £800 + you'd pay over 24 months. Plus due to it only having 8 gigs it wouldn't replace my ipod. Which is full at 30 gigs.
  21. Too expensive! Might go for that google phone like for that price! £35 a month and you get an iPhone What you get with it though? A 24 month contract and the most basic of the Iphones. Get plenty of texts and free minutes though. http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paymonth.html I looked into it in March. 24 months is an obscenely long contract.
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