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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Yeah, I desperately want to sign Bolzoni, he could be in my midfeild for the next 10 years or so but I think I'd need a couple of the loanee's to be sold before I'd have the cash. They want around 6 or 7 million. Edit: he won Young Player of The Month and came out and thanked the fans of the club for making his loan spell so enjoyable, now newcastle is one of his favourite clubs. He's barely been here two months.
  2. After getting promoted here's my transfers and starting 11: Harper, Smith, Jonas and Nolan all have the option to buy. So here's hoping I can shift them. The key to Colo playing well and consistantly seems to be keeping his morale up. Just praise him regardless.
  3. Anyone who has every watched him on tv or had the misfortune to listen to his "show" on 6 Music (although apparently he's been shunted to weekends) will know he's a cunt of the highest order, just ask Ray Davies. Shabba indeed.
  4. I defo remember reading something in FHM back in my young days about her getting them inflated. They've (both sisters) have got to have had some repair work to their faces, looks all pulled back and tight giving them a perma-smile and startled look.
  5. I think it's Nightowls Halloween thing tonight. Might tune in for the first hour or so. It's a tradition.
  6. A whole lot of free porn, thanks to links posted on here. Mostly by Jimbo and Lazarus, iirc.
  7. Can't see what you're complaining about, takeover aside (they are random and the "cheap" takeover seems more common than the sugar daddy one), the game is fairly realistic. We know there's a lot of dross in this league and all it would have taken for us to have a good punt at it was some sensible management since our first 11 is well above that of others in the league. It doesn't need a tactical genius, you just need to keep the bulk of the squad fit and healthy and pad it out with freebies and loans. The real challenge is keeping us in the league in the second season. Obviously that's been made easier for by your takeover but it won't happen for everyone. The odds might be 1 in 10 of it happening. So the rest of us will have to wheel and deal and try to make the most of what we can get by finding a good solid tactic.
  8. I'm still top, so I should be ok.
  9. Patch is out. http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=158962
  10. http://shop.lovefilm.com/dvd/deadwood-comp...et/9941689.html Deadwood, all three season for under £30
  11. Picking up in a shop. Can't take the chance. I am still taking the chance and if it doesnt come I will just go out and buy it and return one of them. To be honest they should still be through as the sorters are on strike on Friday and the boys on Delivery on Saturday. It should be through the system and with the delivery men for Friday. Aye they confirmed that today after I'd canceled it due to non-committal answers. Oh well it was a bargain but not the end of the world. You might as well just download from Steam at midnight then for 30£. All though I guess it should be about £25 in ASDA/Tesco. After last years steam debacle I'll not be having anything to do with it, if I can help it.
  12. Picking up in a shop. Can't take the chance. I am still taking the chance and if it doesnt come I will just go out and buy it and return one of them. To be honest they should still be through as the sorters are on strike on Friday and the boys on Delivery on Saturday. It should be through the system and with the delivery men for Friday. Aye they confirmed that today after I'd canceled it due to non-committal answers. Oh well it was a bargain but not the end of the world.
  13. I started watching them on Richard Lee's website but the quality wasn't great so gave up.
  14. Gonna get delayed because of the bastard postal strikes, isn't it? Zavvi seem to be dodging all questions about it on their website.
  15. Excellent. That's that downloaded and saved on the hard drive.
  16. Luckily I don't think I've ever been that bad, not sure if it's the worst I've ever been but the worst I've been found by the family was when I was 18/19 passed out with my head on the bog seat after throwing up. Was put to bed by my mam and was promptly sick over the side of the bed. Classy. Other casualties that night from the lads were out included one tripping over a grass verge and dislocating his shoulder and one (aged roughly 23/24) nailing the 17 year old sister of a local nut case. I think we were drinking pints of something called "Get Laid" from what was then Presidents and is now Gills Chippy.
  17. The best tactics tend to exploit slight bugs in the computers AI, when a patch comes out it fixes these bugs meaning the tactic will be less effective. Normally it opens up another set of AI bugs that people tweak their tactics to exploit until the next patch comes out. It's why there aren't any super tactics anymore, like the Diablo formation.
  18. Aye, that's the same for me. Don't see the point in starting the demo, there will be a patch out on release date that will render tactics etc useless and will need a new game for you to see the benefit.
  19. It's not bad but not a patch on gta 4, so far, not as polished and a tad clunky to play. But still, it'll be worth pushing on.
  20. In my inebriated state the only thing I can come up with is "All graft, no craft." Although, fair play to them they threw everything in front of every shot/pass into the 18 yard box.
  21. What the fuck is the balloon made of so that it deflects an , and I'm assuming here, full blooded shot?
  22. Not bothered with the un-official updates so I've just been pottering on with my old game til 2010 comes out. But Balotelli had an insane first season for me.
  23. Picked it up for £8.99 in the Gameplay sale. Just gonna give it a whirl today. Can't go wrong for that price really.
  24. http://www.shopto.net/page.php?page=dettag...;codart=PS3MI01 £6.99 if you want to have a punt on it now.
  25. Apparently an overly familar member of staff went to help her and asked "Are you bleeding, love?" Sorry.
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