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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Well speaking only for myself I am a season ticket holder and i voted for Nolan. Goals have been crucial and he has been a proper leader and as the squad stands should be made captain in my opinion. Its part sad / part amusing that a few people on this thread just can't handle a contrary opinion! Sure Nolan's form dipped at various points but somewhere on this thread someone says (can't be bothered to track back) that he turned in the most inept performance he 'd ever seen. Now I suppose it depends how far you go back (early 70's for me) but we have had any number of poorer players / performances than Kevin Nolan at his worst!Actually as exhibit "A" I'd go back no further than post Christmas Micky Owen on that one! There is of course a case for Collo, Jose, Jonas to be player of the season (for as much as it actually matters like!) but certainly for his goals Nolan has to be a contender and on that basis so has Andy Carroll. And had his contribution (obviously due to terrible personal circumstances) not been so "half a season" then Lovenkrands would have been a contender also. To repeat from my first post Champions have lots of contenders and therefore opinions will vary! Just relax everyone! Percy Says Relax. Get it on a t-shirt. You'll make a few quid.
  2. Are you still trying to register 25 players even though you only have home grown/club trained? If so then try leaving 7 spaces. If you had no home grown players then you'd only be able to register 17 players. But you have one so should be able to register 18. Bear in mind you only need to register players that are aged over 21 on the 31st of August. If that doesn't work you could send me your save game and I'll have a look at it tonight and see if I can get it to work..
  3. No problem. Just keep an eye on the transfer list. Sometimes good players can crop up quite low down (if you sort by value). If you're skint then loan the better players (normally for a fee) and pick up the others at knock down prices. But players come and go from it quickly during windows.
  4. Raggi is handy, although he took a little time to settle in at RB. He can play anywhere across the back. Another alternative would be to play Saylor at RB and sign Burdisso on a freebie to play at CB with Colo and use Kadar as back up. Either way is cheap and cheerful.
  5. Kalou was transfer listed on my game so I got him on loan as my right winger and signed him the following year. Andrea Raggi was my right back, he was on the transfer list at Palermo.
  6. Listened to the first 10-15 minutes of the first episode of that on the way home last night. Does it get better? I didn't even make it that far. Mumbling and bumbling about the name of the show. I don't mind them in small doses but dread when Smith goes back to Jersey as he does around a months worth with them. Yeah, when Smith goes back to Jersey and records SMod with Brian (and sometimes Walt) sometimes it's a bit too in-jokey and half the SMod is them pissing themselves laughing at something that may only be mildly amusing. Tell em Steve Dave has had some good moments though, mostly resolving around Walt. He's funny, but not in the traditional sense, and his laugh alone is hilarious. Brian hsa his moments, but for the most part Walt is the drawcard IMO. Mosier is definitely awesome though, and has certainly grown with his contributions. They've gone a little off the boil lately with their new sponsor, but I'm sure that will settle down. I think they've been a bit hit and miss since Zack and Miri didn't do the numbers he wanted and he hit the weed hard. I can't get away with Malcom either. I'd be very happy if Adam and Joe came back. I gave up on the Collings and herrin podcast but don't their 6 Music one, oddly enough.
  7. Listened to the first 10-15 minutes of the first episode of that on the way home last night. Does it get better? I didn't even make it that far. Mumbling and bumbling about the name of the show. I don't mind them in small doses but dread when Smith goes back to Jersey as he does around a months worth with them.
  8. Guivarse was defo done before the World Cup, I remember some of the papers calling him "The French Shearer" then when he eventually got on the pitch for France he was awful and I was wondering what we'd bought.
  9. Have we had the Pickles question yet, Ken?
  10. 2-0 Carroll. Somewhere Louise Taylor's keyboard takes a pounding.
  11. 1-0 Gutieriez. Possible deflection.
  12. I'm pretty sure she didn't. In one article a few years ago she slagged Shearer (when he was still playing) something rotten, but began by saying that she had a bit of a thing for him at Euro 96 and that's why she started watching football.
  13. http://www.101greatgoals.com/videodisplay/5308157/ You'll have to listen up a bit to hear anything juicy.
  14. Forgotten about GTA. Just got it on Ebay for under a tenner delivered.
  15. Anyone recommend any decent games? Aside from Zelda, which I'll be getting anyway. I won one of these and as it stands it's now a rather large paperweight.
  16. 1-0 Sounds like Harper fluffed it.
  17. Didn't happen to me I went on holiday til the end of march then played through the first of April. Maybe it has to be before 12pm.
  18. I've never had it before, either.
  19. Hughton's job is to get us promoted. If we'd have had 3 decent strikers on our books then Carroll would have been dropped. We did not have those options. The 'big picture' that our Mackem scribe alludes to is securing promotion. We won't be back into the Premier League on high virtue. Nothing else matters. If Steven Taylor wants to leave because we didn't do something that would have cost us 2 points, well off you go. When it comes to the crunch, it's about going up. No-one is going to remember in 10 years time that there was a dressing room dust-up, all they'll remember is the 'P' next to the league record. Hughton surprised everyone in retaining Carroll for Tuesday, and it paid off. He took a tough decision in the public spotlight (something humdrum regional sports journalists rarely are called on to do). And despite the initial controversy, it's actually been less of a story than it could have been, mainly due to Hughton's blanking of media discussion. 'Surely diminished'? Not a chance. And quite how this whole affair could lead to the manager's eventual replacement for Steve McLaren is beyond me. I'd love to know exactly what this mystical 'chain of events' in Louise's head actually is. One of those occasions where the journalist totally backs the wrong pony. Why she thinks she is onto a winner with this is very strange. Totally agree with the bit in bold. As someone alluded too a few days ago, it looks like Taylors dad has been on the phone. I really couldnt care if we keep both, either or none. Ive always found Taylor funny and harmless and I dont like thugs, which Carrol definitely seems to be. Hopefully we can replace both in the summer. Not easy to replace them both though. Home grown and cost the club nowt. Both being young and English, how much would it cost to replace them like for like? Unnecessary burden on the summer transfer funds and plans.
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