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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Reserves 0-2 up at the Mackems apparently. Ranger and Lovelyhands. Edit: Down to 10 men, Xisco sent off for kicking a Mackem player. Lets be honest we've all thought about doing it.
  2. They haven't. The first two series were one school year. This one is the beginning of their second year at 6th form.
  3. Sounds like a dutch cartoon about a moose and a squirrel.
  4. Shirt, jeans and a couple of pairs trainers from the All Saints online sale. All for under £100. Not bad considering you could spend nearly that on one of their non-sale shirts.
  5. No idea, but for some reason he reminds me of Pete Waterman.
  6. Let the spinning from both sides begin. There will be some dirty laundry aired in the rags.
  7. Mrs (or Ms, I can't remember) McDonald - For some reason she took a real dislike to me and told me I'd be lucky to get a grade in Business Studies and stuck me in for the foundation paper. Needless to say I was over the moon to get a C, which was the top grade for that paper. She stunk of tabs and lethally strong coffee and thought an Extra Strong mint would cover it up. Mrs Mallett - Very rarely had her and never had a run in with her, more just to say the poor woman was a fill in teacher and mercilessly has the the piss ripped out of her all the time. I think she was German and no one respected her let alone listened to her. I think she would nearly have a nervous break down every lesson.
  8. You Tube has a lot to answer for. Unfunny cunts doing "hilarious" parody characters desperately hoping that someone on a slow news day decides to promote their videos and they get a brief 15 seconds of undeserving fame.
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...ston-Villa.html £8.5 million for Reo-Coker
  10. http://www.101greatgoals.com/videodisplay/6643767/ 25 seconds in apparently.
  11. Ronnie Gill Nowt about Ben Arfa in the Chronicle link. False advertising. Ban hammer please.
  12. Tiote, like a tiger. Sorry.
  13. Love the photo in the article, probably just a stock photo but still class.
  14. The Hancock Museum is free and good for a couple of hours if you have kids. Same for the Discovery Museum. I was thinking about that. Haven't been since I was a kid. Didn't it have a make-over recently to make it like a mini Natural History Museum? Aye. It's pretty much open plan now. Much of the collection is the same, it's just presented in a more modern way. My little 'un loves it. ( and yes, the freaky Egyptian mummy is still there). Was there today with my sister and nephew and it was good value for the suggested donation of £3. It didn't look like I remembered , but seems to have a more kid friendly set up. It meant the bairn could be out of the pushchair and toddling about and not miss anything. The touch screens went down well along with the fish tank that had "Nemo" in it. The mummy is still class.
  15. I hope your other half doesn't read that.
  16. i think this has to be my best league win. Certainly in 10 anyway.
  17. The Drug - Royksopp. Looking forward to Senior when it comes it.
  18. the end of august Not really I think there is paperwork that needs to be submitted to the FA after the transfer has been completed and before he is officially registered as able to play for the club. Say he signed sometime on Monday or even late Sunday there's a chance he wouldn't be registered with the FA in time for the Man Utd match.
  19. Because he started off as a left winger. Then converted to left back. Well that's how I read it.
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