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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Was it Graveson who nearly broke Bernards leg a few years ago at Goodison? Or Carsley? Either way they were never appropriately punished. Just while we're raking up the past.
  2. Apparently he is. I didn't notice it until someone mentioned it and even then it's not like it's distracting..
  3. The guy who plays Quinn looks fucking ill like.
  4. Just to continue with the Katy Perry love:
  5. I think everything is "as normal". Not sure about the traditional pubs but the bars and clubs have their usual closing times.
  6. 24th is always a big night out. Was pretty dead last year like, so not sure what we'll be doing this time. Xmas day always starts hungover but it's a lazarus-like recovery after bucks fizz and in time for the dinner. Gonna be fairly quiet this time round though as my sister will be going to take her nipper to see her fellas family morning/early afternoon. Flip side is they'll be back for the rest of the day and we have two lots of present opening and to be honest I'm more bothered about my presents going down well with him than anything else. Plus it all distracts from the wank tv in afternoon. Will be putting in an appearence on Boxing Day night which is always heaving round here. But I'm working between xmas and new year, used to hate it but now I like being able to take my holidays when I want instead of having them forced on me when no bugger is doing anything.
  7. Wikipedia & .COM suggest the same. That'll explain the police activity- part of a sheep-bothering ring Allegedly One for the Belta Minge thread, shirley.
  8. Shrewsbury, if FM is to be belived.
  9. Nolan's two penneth: http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Kevin...icle589693.html
  10. Spoiler: The bit where he breaks the news to the kids that their mother is dead while wearing a Mickey Mouse hat with ears is delightfully fucked up.
  11. Once this cat procreates it's the begining of end for the human race.
  12. I'm impressed how he got back from prohibition era Chicago.
  13. Man Utd 2-1 down at the Reebok. Was some canny build up play to Bolton's second.
  14. Aye it does, I thought you meant literally drink from the bottle for some reason and were opposed to transfering it to a glass first. Nah bollocks to that - it was in reference to storage rather than drinking vessel. Canned beer is 'spoiled' by the tin IMO. More than likely. I'd never really given it too much thought until just now. I normally get given a few of of the "seasonal" ales around christmas. They are usually a bit rich but then again so is the food so it goes down well.
  15. Aye it does, I thought you meant literally drink from the bottle for some reason and were opposed to transfering it to a glass first.
  16. On the real ales I always liked Waggledance, Spitfire and Hobgoblin. Not sure it will be up your alley since you said lagers served in the bottle but I really, really like Duvel. I like Erdinger Wheat beer but after two bottles I feel like blueberry lass from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
  17. They don't have the greatest of records up here though, do they? Especially compared to a Man Utd and other "Top 4" teams. They've come away with some draws but I'm sure we've taken some points off them. Even during the Henry years. Boumsong had a couple of decent games against him.
  18. Now high with Walliver. Clearly he's developed better taste
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