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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. The unenviable task of following Gemmills find: http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/8m9qrfyr/boobs1.gif http://imgur.com/vjSGB.gif Just stuck the links in as they are both NSFW
  2. Just like slipping back into a comfy pair of slippers, albeit ones that have had a bit of a makeover.
  3. Bale hattrick. Bit fucking mental.
  4. Got the text from shopto this morning. Sent by first class. So should have it tomorrow. looking forward to it.
  5. very tempted. However with Fifa just out and Football Manager next month I'll wait till its down in price. Getting good reviews. I'm all prepared. Got the cash for this, Fable 3 and FM 2011 waiting. Then I saw the trailer for Assasins Creed
  6. Tom Bosley pegged it doday. Don't think anyone would have had him though.
  7. Seems very topical given a certain persons drunk postings.
  8. Cheers, that's the badger. Working like a dream.
  9. When I try to enter that info under static it just disappears when I exit settings and come back, there's also no space for default gateway.
  10. On the DHCP and BootP I can't. But if i click on static i can enter the ip, subnet, router and DNS (which I could on DHCP).
  11. Just started with O2 yesterday and got everything set up with my current router instead of using their own one. Everything else connects no problem without any change to their setting, (xbox360, HTC Desire and my old nokia 5800) however my ipod touch just doesn't want to know. I tried renewing the lease and telling it to forget the current router. But everytime I try to go online I get a message saying it can't connect to the internet. Now it connects to the actual router. But I can't get internet access. Anyone else had these problems?
  12. Caught something on 5 live saying that H&G have managed to get a judge in Texas to pass a restraining order saying it can't go ahead. Apparently this has RBS and the new owners shitting themselves due to their business interests in the states and not wanting to cross said texan judge.
  13. From Viz's twitter profanisaurus thing: CHILEAN MINER n. Fellatio style where mouth "goes down to the bottom of the shaft & stays there for ages" aka Deep Throat. Made me laugh.
  14. If you've got the cash upfront to buy a phone I'd say do it. Get a sim only deal. I've got a rolling 30 day one with 02 and every once every 12 months you can buy a phone off them at discount. Got my HTC Desire for £285. With longer contracts you end up paying over the odds for a phone when you work it out.
  15. Is this that new "cool" song? Heard it tonight. Made for cunts by cunts.
  16. That's so shabbily touched up if there wasn't other photo's I'd be convinced it was a photoshopped nude. (I'd touch her up f'nar-f'nar)
  17. Engagement present? Wtf? Congrats btw. She got a fucking ring didn't she? Being a bit hard on yourself there, mind . Congratulations though.
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