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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Tiote with another yellow. Had to do it after Campbell went AWOL.
  2. Nolan. 1-0 Good free kick then knock on by Carrol.
  3. From Caulkin on Twitter: http://audioboo.fm/boos/235493-st-james-park-protests
  4. Sent off against Liverpool but recieved two other bans. The Blackburn one and the six match one with the other 6 matches "suspended" from the Dabo incident. Suppose you could include his time locked up for the McDonalds thing as it prevented him from playing.
  5. Next Monday can't come quick enough now. Damn good stuff.
  6. Never had any bother with AVG, personally.
  7. I collected badges for some reason. Still got them somewhere. I also "collected" model cars but I didn't have much say in that. The parents decided and come birthdays or christmas I'd normally end up with a couple. Still got them in their boxes and stuff. I was into the He-Man, TMNT and Thundercats but wouldn't say I collected them because I played with them to death and don't have any of them today.
  8. Pretty much, it's sponsors get their nose in the trough as well.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10091277
  9. This afternoon is probably when it's turned from being an incovienience to looking dangerous here. Paths and roads are in a bad way.
  10. Krul Simpson S Taylor Campbell Enrique Routledge guthrie Tiote Jonas Carroll Ameobi Nolan has a knock on the ankle.
  11. But not for a "try before you buy" it was a way to try and get around the clauses that Pompey had to pay to Watford. The intention was to sign him outright from the beginning.
  12. For one day. I wouldn't really class that as a loan. From the wiki:
  13. Didn't have Williamson. But had Hall, Harewood and Khizanishvili to add to that list.
  14. The Gang of Four Ep that the Guardian are "giving away".
  15. I've been there, not on the beach but landed on a stopover. Must be a fair old sight when you're coming into land. Spot the mistake.
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