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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. I first started on toontastic when the link was up on .com. Then the link was taken down and I couldn't find my way back, never thought to bookmarking it. So I dossed about on the 606 board. But it was shite, closed at 7pm and opened at 8am as they wanted it moderated. Got so bad that every message needed approved first. About the time I was getting fed up of the "Would Dyer be better off on the wing?" argument that came up every two days (I was massively against and would be a proper twat to the newbies on the board). I found toontastic again and gave up on 606. I used to "re-broadcast" the coverage on Metro Radio through yahoo messenger for a time until the messenger programme changed and made it more difficult to stream sound. I jusmped at the chance to re-join toontastic after it was set up again, general chat was fine but I didn't like the football board.
  2. NM, seem to have found what I'm looking for.
  3. He'd never pass the medical anyway.
  4. He's 30 in a few months. Getting rid of Routledge is just stupid. He might not offer much end product but at least he stretches defenders. Good to have as a sub when they're tiring. And furthermore, how in the fuck does Alan Smith manage to stay on on his wages yet a player on (you'd assume) a lot less who at least offers something gets moved on? Absolute joke. You've answered your own question there.
  5. For the bird's sake I hope that's not true. But for the imagery of a gang of people so utterly ridiculous that they'd throttle an animal because it's black and white, I kind of hope it is true. They have in the past. Danny Baker and Danny Kelly did a shortlived podcast a couple of years ago. In one there were some journo's in studio who were going to interview them for a new football magazine. It was around the time of the 1-1 derby in 2007. Anyway the these journo's had been to the match and took some photo's, one of which was a bloke going into the ground with a dead magpie strung up by a Sunderland tie (!) slung over his shoulder. Baker and Kelly put the photo on their website. But sadly it no longer exists.
  6. Arse. FT. Still, we took 4 points off them.
  7. Tiote suspended, Taylor and Carroll injured.
  8. Link One stream is down on First Row, but Link two is still there. Not as good quality though.
  9. I ticked it once when I had to log in along with the "remember me" thing and it just stuck as part of the logging in. If I'm on my Ipod or phone I show up, I think.
  10. http://soundcloud.com/listenbeforeyoubuy/e...eat-little-rows The new Elbow single.
  11. This isn't as bad as being made out. He praises Ranger's talent. Can't say I've been impressed with Pardew's soundbites on the whole so far, but this isn't a clanger.
  12. With it the match being a week away now I'd reckon so. Even with the appeal in. It'll be sorted out mid-week I'd have thought. If it was a Tuesday or Wednesday he might have been ok.
  13. I remember that, fair play it takes some commitment to skid on the turf on your cheek. Especially on that surface. There was another one before the Smith booking. It was a tackle by Nolan, the guy did three or four rolls and started hammering his fist on the ground.
  14. Apparently one of her security has died. Maybe why the early reports had her as being the one that had died.
  15. is that Tiote on? And that's ESPN fucked again.
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