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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. I've won a Nintendo DSi XL, A 32gb Ipod (it was one of the classic's before the touch's came out), Marvel Alliance 2 for the 360 (I think that was sorted out by Ritchie on here), won tickets through the years, it used to be piss easy to win cd's on Metro Radio when I was a bairn so I won some stuff from them. Never won money or a holiday.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb71aW3KG1o
  3. Just seen the Lego Movie with my nephew and sister, very silly but in an enjoyable way. Half the fun was trying to spot the different types of lego I had as a kid. I had the spaceman that was in the film, in white rather than blue and his helmet (fnar fnar) was broken in exactly the same way as the character.
  4. Those are quotes from an article Ryder did in 2011. He tweeted the link to it during a conversion with someone over his sudden change in tune after the press were banned. I clicked the link and thought it was a current article until I got to the bottom and saw the dates of the comments.
  5. Not sure about that, I had BBC Newcastle on while I was pottering about and he was taking pelters left, right and centre in the phone in. John Anderson could barely put up any defence for him which is unusual. It wasn't just about this performance, a lot of them gave the impression they'd given up all hope on him.
  6. There's some new Metronomy kicking around: http://t.co/Olguu1OEft
  7. I'm sure Ant does something with RSS feeds and uTorrent. I've never got round to doing it.
  8. Fair enough, I'd recommend the John Oliver host ones from this summer. If only for his Carlos Danger dance.
  9. Just blitzing American Horror Story, well the first series. Seems like every horror cliché (purposefully) crowbarred in to each episode. Not bad but not outstanding.
  10. Not a fan of downloading? That and The Colbert Report are up everyday on Pirate Bay, not missed an episode in years.
  11. Might be a blessing in disguise, that one.
  12. Chvrches are my guilty pleasure at the minute.
  13. I'm sure harper tweeted saying they were going to start going out after the Fulham match. So I'd imagine it all started yesterday.
  14. Pretty much. Luke Edwards nailed it on twitter too. They hail the clubs solvency when it fits their angle them but that doesn't suit their story today so we're skint again and can't compete.
  15. He's back tracked a little and said keep the expectations low and you might end up surprised.
  16. Luke Edwards on twitter saying there's more than likely bugger all happening tomorrow on the incoming transfer front.
  17. Literally just walked in the door, anyone sum things up for me?
  18. Just popped up on my Twitter feed too. Sky North East are running with it and the Gomis thing.
  19. Turns out the cunt was right, left out.
  20. Not from the local journos I follow, they are just saying he didn't check out the pitch with the first group of players to go out there.
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