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The Mighty Hog

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Posts posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. The rumour I heard was that after shagging some lass he disapeared out the room for a bit, then came back in starkers, playing the trumpet. Really well.




    Their was one on the Popbitch messageboard, a lass saying that a friend of a friend ( :blush: ) went back to Nobby's place after he'd just moved here. Being a football groupie she expected champagne. He came back into the room with a four pack of Kestrel and started talking about his trumpet :D

  2. I'm assuming she's not heard of condoms then?


    But she's a Catholic, so she's not allowed to wear condoms. :D





    :blush: Gotta love their logic, condoms and children are a no no.


    Abortion and pre marital sex are perfectly fine though.

  3. The only thing that keeps me going back to clubs is the off chance I miss anything. Generally it's all good in the bars, even better if you get find one where you can get everyone sat down for a bit crack on.



    Aye but Hog, you come from Consett! ;)


    Is Butler's Bar still on Front Street? Same side as the Theatre but further down towards Safeways (I mean Morrisons)....?




    After a quick consultation with me mam Butlers is now called Chaplains, but was called Churchills before that. Aye Consett is a funny one. Get plenty of people coming in for a night out. I remember talking to one bloke who'd come from as far as Wallsend with his mates.


    To be fair its full of charvers. It's got a few nightclubs (4 I think, with possibly another opening up). But when it's summer those charvers don't mind putting on the short skirts and low cut tops :D



    i seem to remember them not minding much in doing the same thing when it was brass monkeys in the middle of January as well.... :blush:




    Many a time I've found myself out in the middle of January at two in the morning wondering why the hell I didn't have some kind of a jacket with me. Or wondering why the hell I didn't book a taxi. Normally we manage to blag one. Lurk round by Argos then spot one thats been waiting for awhile, bung him an extra quid or so and it's all good :D

  4. Love it. Fantastic writing and the execution of each line is spot on.


    Taking a cold look at it, it ended at a time that would let it still be held highly. If that makes sense, it didn't over stay it's welcome.


    unfortunately it didn't get the chance due to Morgan's death the day after the final filming :D




    Yep, thats why I said looking at it coldly. Damn shame that he passed away, but because of it being cut short it's never going to drag on and the quality was never allowed to dropped.


    I'm pretty sure alot of people would rather it did drag on and still have him around.

  5. The only thing that keeps me going back to clubs is the off chance I miss anything. Generally it's all good in the bars, even better if you get find one where you can get everyone sat down for a bit crack on.



    Aye but Hog, you come from Consett! :blush:


    Is Butler's Bar still on Front Street? Same side as the Theatre but further down towards Safeways (I mean Morrisons)....?




    After a quick consultation with me mam Butlers is now called Chaplains, but was called Churchills before that. Aye Consett is a funny one. Get plenty of people coming in for a night out. I remember talking to one bloke who'd come from as far as Wallsend with his mates.


    To be fair its full of charvers. It's got a few nightclubs (4 I think, with possibly another opening up). But when it's summer those charvers don't mind putting on the short skirts and low cut tops :D

  6. The only thing that keeps me going back to clubs is the off chance I miss anything. Generally it's all good in the bars, even better if you get find one where you can get everyone sat down for a bit crack on.

  7. Will hold off getting any of them for a year or so, maybe into the run up of the second Xmas. Will wait and see what the score is. Will still get a good two and a half, maybe even 3, years before the next gen after that comes out. I'll definatly geth the Nintendo Revolution at one point, probably second hand as it'll just be for Zelda etc. Then it'll be a choice between the other two as to which one will be my big buy.

  8. I met him a couple of times. I was working at a hotel at the time and he used to turn up at Abba tribute nights ( 3 course meal and a disco included :D ) with his Mrs and another couple. Not a fan of his writing, but I didn't find him rude or arrogant. Couldn't comment on his drinking habbits as everyone used to pretty much get hammered at the do's, am sure they were around Xmas time.

  9. Why sort out a problem this summer when you can put it off til 12 months time.




    When someone else is running the club.




    Anything is possible in the wacky world of Newcastle United :icon_lol:

  10. as good as the pic looks you should check out the trailer, looks superb.






    Yep I've got got both trailers. I thought Windwaker was quite big. But this one sounds huge. Hope they've put more incentives in for you to keep coming back to it. All they had last time was the gallery and I did that then didn't go back for awhile.


    the best parts are always when you teig how they are fitting Gannon into it, or Gannondorf now.

  11. sitting here eating lasagne with a few bottles, just found out Minnie Drivers in Will and Grace tonight so hubbbaaah!



    They're repeats.


    Crap accent, great breasts.

  12. Well the highlight of the night is right now, scrubs.


    It all goes downhill until That Peter Kay Thing.


    Broke aswell so I'm not even out tomorrow. But I shouldn't complain too much as I'd been out the past few Saturdays.

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