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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Further - Longview vs Elbow Totally stripped down to the bones then rebuilt. Top Stuff.
  2. Will the local beeb still have the matches aswell? Bloody hope so.
  3. Do you know what is really disturbing. I totally don't rate Venables, his ability lies mainly in getting the cockney based media up his back pipe, but... Had we got him instead of Souness as was originally suggested, he would have come in, finished where Souness did in the league or possibly better. Would have got on well with the players because much though i don't rate him, players love him. And come the end of the season he'd be moved on as it was only going to be temporary, we'd still have a happy Bellamy, Kluivert and Robert at the club and the new manager comign in would have something to work with. 9570[/snapback] You're probably not far off the money there.
  4. http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsD...~697078,00.html For the descriptions .cock
  5. I'm sure the happiness of losing Souness will soon subside when I realise we are going to be looking to the likes of Terrible Venables to come in as his successor. Thats how low we will have sunk.
  6. It's not just in your mouth, you can get it all through your system I think.
  7. I've got two Newcastle ones. I can zip them both and then upload them to you send it. I'll edit this post and stick the links in when I've done it. Could only find the one I'm using now. Anyway: http://s46.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2PCM55R...5X1YJ9CA9O942C2
  8. Top of the world, Ma! The best there is, there was and ever will be (well maybe not)
  9. The thought of drinking a glass of milk almost brings me close to wretching. I can't do it. But will happily have it on my cereal though. Absolutely no logic or any kind of sensible explanation for it.
  10. Miss Lou, that new series on channel 4 is that by YOUR Danny. As in Join ME Danny?
  11. Still time for it to come back down like. But all the others I've bought from play have been £17.99
  12. It's shot up to £24.99 on play.com
  13. Happy birthday to Tonntastics most fertile member (sic) 3 kids and frequent masterbation, it's a legacy to be proud of! All the best mate.
  14. http://www.m90.org/view_image.php?image_id=6596 Check out that crazy Octopus!
  15. A pirate wedding you say? Arrrrrrr Clicky And a pirate Barbie to finish things off: A plethora of pirates!
  16. I think everyone is needing to know the colour of said pipecleaner. EDIT: Miss Lou, you're missing a treat on Scrubs, Michael j Fox is guest starring and their's alot of talking like a pirate.
  17. He was on my MSN (still is but hasn't been online this year), mad as a box of frogs but seemed canny enough. Was shocked when he kicked off.
  18. well if we're talking big butt's, it's an excuse to wheel out Vida
  19. No one will take the mick out of you for that one
  20. Lemon Barley water (Old Persons drink) Southern Comfort (Poofters drink)
  21. I admit defeat, you win in the picture stakes
  22. Yep, after a competent manager had signed Robert and Bellamy. 7550[/snapback] As back ups after he didn't get Franny "Fox in the box" Jeffers and Bolo Zenden
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