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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Rhubarb crumble is gorgeous. Don't see so much of it now. Same goes for gooseberries.
  2. Me too mate, especially in a confined area. I was once on the bus when one was buzzing around, didn't want to look soft though so sat there bricking it and sweating buckets watching its every move. Suddenly, it landed on my coat sleeve. There were two options, have a nervous breakdown and run around the bus screaming..or pass out. Instead, I swatted the bastid with my hand and killed it. I then got off the bus and had the nervous breakdown. 12781[/snapback] Christ thats just brought back some nasty memories. I used to go to college in Durham which meant an hour long bus journey there and back. Those last few weeks before we finished for the summer would be hell. Almost everyday there would be a wasp getting inside. I remember spendint he whole time watching it's every move. Most of the times somone would open a window and they would get back out.
  3. Wasps, if any of those fuckers are buzzing round my head you won't see me for dust.
  4. Got another free cd through the post today, The Magic Numbers. Not overly impressed to be honest.
  5. I still use the old classics: "Mint", "Class" and "Unlucky", they can all be used with differing degree's of sarcasm for a different effect. Unfortunatly they've all been used to death on Big Brother this year. "You're having my life" is another good on to use instead of "You joking?". For a pretty girl that is short she's called "Mini-mint", For some reason a couple of my mates started using the word "Bong" for a womans cleavage. It caught on and works great if you don't wanna get caught talking about a womans chest.
  6. If we do that now we'll get a red card for threatening the officals! Sadly that sort of attitude will help to an extent with decisions as the refs in this country are idiots, but unless you change your shirt t an arse or manu top you are never going to get their level of decisions. 12184[/snapback] How did Man Utd or Arse get this monopoly over Refs? By hounding every descision. It took a couple of seasons but it worked. They picked up bookings here and there because of it, but it works on the weaker refs. I know I'd be bricking it if I got surounded by 7 or 8 angry blokes. It's intimidation pure and simple. Today Henry was twisting his face no matter whether he was tackled fairly or not. It's ingrained on the team now, so much it's second nature and accepted by most people watching.
  7. The sooner our players start bullying and harrassing Refs the better. Make them dread giving anything against us. It's the only way we'll start getting descisions.
  8. That bloke reminds me of Tingle from the Zelda games. Camp as a row of tents.
  9. Actually, no - i don't agree. Wenger I could hardly say "rants and raves" but surely it's what is said, not the ranting. Ferguson - surely you're not telling me you havent seen him rant AND whatsmore, get away with it ? Interesting pics by the way SSR - showing the bald bastard's sight obscured by not one but TWO players, yet still sends off Jenas. Yet by the book, if neither he nor linesman sees the incident he is supposed to give player benefit of doubt. The perfect sample of why the bastard was looking for any excuse to send off a Newcastle player to please Wenger and Arsenhole fans. 12137[/snapback] I've seen Ferguson make comments in the post match and he has been given slapped wrists from the FA for it. There are times he and Wenger have alluded to poor refereeing and they get nothing for it, it's not until after the event that they launch the broadsides. This coupled with there two captains Keane and Viera (at the time) constantly going to the ref's and questioning descisions and badgering them has had the most effect. The weaker willed Ref's now have an "anything for an easy life" approach to running those games. Souness ranted and raved last season what exactly did it get him? Fines and bans, us in the headlines for the wrong reasons again. Coming out and calling the Ref's sub-standard didn't help us today.
  10. Michael Owen is 25. If he's not worth £20m then I'm Ruud Van Nistelrooy's jock strap. At least he'd feel like we were really keen and he'd be a big star again. 12112[/snapback] I'm assuming that by meeting Reals valuation that he sees we are keen. IF the fee is £12 million and we have "agreed" it why go back and give them £8 million more. Keep that £8 million and give it to Owen, then he'd know how much we want him. Also why would this £20 million come from? Bearing in mind Souness has already had that amount to spend already since the January window. It's not like he's sold the outgoing players for vast amounts. Fat Fred isn't going to be giving up his dividends.
  11. Well isn't the price agreed with Real? It's just that Owen is waiting to see if the mancs and the scousers will come in for him?
  12. Funny how it works for Wenger and Ferguson though. 12101[/snapback] Not really, they are clever enough to do it through the mouthpieces in the local rags. They allude to certain things in post match interviews then follow it up in the press so Sky and the Beeb don't get sound bites from them. 12103[/snapback] Only half true. I have seen both quite angry and saying just what I'd have liked Souness to have said. Wenger with a less red face, of course. 12104[/snapback] But you admit that they don't go ranting and raving infront of the camera/mics? Wenger and Ferguson have been pissed off in the post match and both have been fined for it. Souness did it and got the same. The point is that they have also done things that the others haven't. We've got a perfectly good sycophant in Anal Oliver who can be the mouth piece and nothing will happen to him, he's out of the FA's reach. Wenger and Ferguson have done the same. This is where the real pressure has come from.
  13. Funny how it works for Wenger and Ferguson though. 12101[/snapback] Not really, they are clever enough to do it through the mouthpieces in the local rags. They allude to certain things in post match interviews then follow it up in the press so Sky and the Beeb don't get sound bites from them.
  14. Who says he won't complain? Going infront of the TV cameras and screaming at the bastards last season got him (not to meantion the team, descisions wise) fuck all. How about a different approach like coming back when the blood has cooled. He could still end up getting ignored, fined and banned but atleast it won't look like a heat of the moment rant or sour grapes.
  15. Eugene was a legend. Glad he fucked them over and took half.
  16. Well it keeps his price up, if nothing else.
  17. I see Sky gave both Bellamy and Robert a 6 in their ratings.. 11754[/snapback] The bloke that was doing the match updates on 5 Live said all of Pompeys chances came from Roberts deliveries. Nothing else about how involved in the match he was. Mainly had my ears open for ex-player news today more than anything else.
  18. Is that the sound of straws being clutched at and Oliver cranking up the PR machine? Incedently on the Bellamy front I was listening to the Blackburn match and they said that Bellamy had been carrying a knock this week. Also they weren't massivly complimentary about his performance. But neither did a few Blackburn players. namely Dickov (for obvious reasons) and Emerton.
  19. Basically saying there's no chance now. We were given the price 6 weeks ago, never even came close to it even when we've upped our offers. Boa has been made captain and is staying put. Even if we met the fee now he'd still stay put. Seems to be poo-pooing the Boa Morte unhappy angle, if he had itchy feet he'd never have got the captaincy.
  20. Thats full time now(Apart from Scousers/Smogs) Aston Villa 2 - 2 Bolton Everton 0 - 2 Man Utd Fulham 0 - 0 Birmingham Man City 0 - 0 West Brom Middlesbrough 0 - 0 Liverpool 5.15pm Portsmouth 0 - 2 Spurs Sunderland 1 - 3 Charlton West Ham 3 - 1 Blackburn
  21. A free month can be a good way of starting a clean slate. Go for a month then just get into the habbit of drinking smaller amounts when your out. It's piss easy in the pub. Just have a soft drink every other pint. Tougher if you're doing bars and clubs though.
  22. And Dikov has just seen red after Etherington scored. Some handbags afterwards aswell.
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