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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/t...dio/4188560.stm He's going to be marketing director for a mortgage broker. Bet he's on a canny wage for that one aswell.
  2. I never thought my life would end at the hands of a gif. Would make for an interesting headstone inscription though.
  3. The smiley needs to be bigger, I had to put my glasses on to see why you were saying a ninja smiley with a stick could be a religous fanatic.
  4. Engineers - Engineers Needs another listen but I quite enjoyed it.
  5. Excellent, I have Benayoun in my dream team.
  6. Expect the unexpected has summed this series up nicely. 282-7 Pietersen has has played a blinder. Making them pay for ballsing up their chances to get him out. Makes you wonder if they'll be a little sore about letting him slip through the net and ending up playing for England.
  7. Mine still aren't going into the group charts.
  8. There was a bloke behind the bar in The Coach and Eight down Durham last night who looked the spit of Hoggard. Everyone seemed to take great pleasure in pointing it out to him. Bet he's been getting shite like that since the Ashes started.
  9. I think Wright, Ferris and Winspear have been there for years, certainly before Souness arrived on the scene. 31570[/snapback] Yep, Wright and Ferris go back as far as Keegan I think. Not sure about the others though. It's not as if hamstring injuries are new to us either. There may be some kind of link there.
  10. That explains it. The trauma of watching Amdy Faye playing nearly a full match shocked you into football related dreams.
  11. All the best, have a good one!
  12. Parker sent off for a second yellow. They hit the crossie with the freekick.
  13. Bowyer failed a fitness test but he's been warming up during half time.
  14. What chance do we have with Faye in the team? 31251[/snapback] Shouldn't laugh but couldn't help it. Bocanegra (spelling) booked for a tackle on Owen when he was on the break.
  15. Fulham are takin the piss. Passing and moving well. We can't even get the midfield sorted out. Everyone is apparantly all over the place.
  16. According to BBC Newcastle it was down to Taylor. He didn't look back to see where anyone was just passed it.
  17. For fucks sake. Taylor tried a back pass to Given and fluffed it, the ball made its way to McBride and a piece of piss finish.
  18. Given Taylor Boumsong Bramble Baba Carr Parker Faye Luque Owen Shearer Bench: Bowyer, Harper, N'Zogbia, Elliott and Clark.
  19. Anyone like to hazzard a guess at the team? Bowyer on the right? two from the three of Taylor, Bramble and Boumsong?
  20. I did GCSE Psychology when I needed to fill up my timetable for my GCSE resits. Was quite interesting, was only a one year course and came out with a C. Anyway good luck on getting another college sorted out, they should still be taking people in now.
  21. Lawro has us down as 2-0 winners. I'd take that in a heartbeat.
  22. Having Nobby back seems to have gone over well with a few of the players. Seems to be a good lad to have around the dressing room. Seemed to like socialising with the players aswell. Suppose it's a hell of a difference from where he grew up in Peru.
  23. No mention of championing new music, just UK music. Regardless of their popularity. 30833[/snapback] I know. David Bowie got nominated a few years back. But the Mercury prize has to keep itself relevant, Bowie was nominated because it was his best album in years, this was coldplays worst. If it starts just pre-empting the Brits then what's the point in it. Personally I'm glad there's a prize that promotes new and interesting music rather than chart shite. Would you prefer it was the Brits, Smash Hits Poll Winners Party and the MOBO's that decided who gets rewarded? Even the NME and Kerrang awards are geared toward the most popular tripe. 30839[/snapback] Personally I put it up there with all awards. They're not worth anything and could all be stopped for me. If you have to be told by an award to go and buy an album then there is something wrong. I couldn't give a shite what Jo Whiley (I'm surprised she didn't try suddenly announce that The Killers were really from the UK and crowbar them in) et al say is their bestest album.
  24. Actually the full description for the MMP says: No mention of championing new music, just UK music. Regardless of their popularity.
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