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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. I'd be gutted if I was a Blackburn fan, playing one upfront against our ropey defence, not allowing Bellamy to do his thing and work the channels.
  2. Thats what I was wondering. Think its a bit like a goth. 34619[/snapback] I've had them explained to me roughly. In the male case they are super sensitve with floppy hair. They like bands such as My chemical romance. Apparantl there have been three waves of emo the first being back in the 80's. The urban dictionary says: and
  3. Lucas Neill booked already for a bad tackle apparantly.
  4. The whole thought of trying to find another manager is almost enough to make me want to bury my head in the sand. I just feel like it is going to be a nightmare. FF mentioned in some interview that he liked British managers, fuck knows why as since Keegan the only Jonny Foreigner is the only one that walked away not wanting a pay off, so that leaves the likes of Bruce. The managers already on the out with their current teams. Nope Souness should never have been appointed and yes he should have gone last season, but the man that made the descisions is the man that appoints our next manager. He gives them cash but I'd be on tenderhooks all the way through the re-staffing situation.
  5. Prices have spiralled out into silly numbers and there is so much football on tv it was unheard of. 12.15 and 5.15 kick offs for relitavly unimprotant matches. Why pay the cash for it when you can watch it inthe pub for the price of a pint. Sky's greed has helped run down turnstiles while paying off the clubs for tv rights. Doesn't help with clubs insisting on top dollar for every match. Go back to no matches on the Saturday and two on a Sunday. Also it wouldn't harm for clubs to discount for awkward, midweek matches esp. Europe and cup games. Suppose greed is at the centre of it, like every industry.
  6. Well I know YOU would never forget! But I thought I should mention it just incase the ohters forgot. I just used you as a way of broaching the subject! It worked a treat though!
  7. topfive.com are already getting in the mood... The Top 20 Songs to Play on International Talk Like a Pirate Day 20> I Feel Piratey 19> Paint It, Blackbeard 18> Some Kind of Plunderful 17> No Wench, No Cry 16> Arrrr-E-S-P-E-C-T 15> This Plank Was Made for Walkin' 14> Fight for Your Right to Pillage 13> Me Hearties Will Go On 12> 50 Ways to Cleave Yer Lubber 11> Aye Will Survive 10> Arrrr! You're Lonesome Tonight! 9> Tainted Rum 8> You Arrrr So Booty-ful 7> Who Poured the Grog Out? 6> Hot Pegs 5> Planks for the Enemies 4> Can't Take My Eye Off of You 3> I Guess That's Why They Call 'Em Doubloons 2> Mateys, I'm Amazed and Topfive.com's Number 1 Song to Play on International Talk Like a Pirate Day... 1> I Still Haven't Found What This Hook Is For 34078[/snapback] Top stuff!
  8. I'm on firefox and can see it! no sound though, which I'm not complaining about.
  9. Plenty websites are jumping on the band wagon with unofficial t-shirts: http://www.teefly.com/catalog/product_info...90b6497398afc06
  10. I've seen bits an pieces of it. Some is ok. Some of it is just people trying to be "crazy", reminds me of geeky uni lads trying too hard. There seems to be a huge level of self smugness too.
  11. Did they call him Ruud Van Gullit at one point? I didn't catch it but my mate was sure they did.
  12. It's a one man spamming spree! (jealous tbh)
  13. Some of it. Some of it was totally shite though. He-Man, Transformers, Thundercats. Quality sweets for less than 30p.
  14. I'd have gone if they promised to only play stuff from the first two albums. They went wank after that. (Apologies for being wankist)
  15. ...does it always rain one me?
  16. Karma? Plenty of times he should have been cautioned for giving the ref some jip. Then he gets one for an act of petulance and it happens to be a yellow that gets him sent off. It's the only way he'll learn that you can't go giving the refs grief all the time. I said something similar in the pub and the guys in the next group along either copied it word for word or thought it was the stupidest thing ever.
  17. This one is probably quite old. Two peadophiles are sat on a park bench when a 16 year old girl walks past. One turns to the other and says "Bloody hell, I bet she was a go-er in her day"
  18. Have you been staying there....in the hot'ub with your luvaaaaaaaah? 32665[/snapback] I got The Best of Will Ferrell on Saturday Night Live DVD and alot of your usernames/locations/sigs suddenly made sense.
  19. Sadly they didn't didn't give off a description.
  20. According to the news hardly anyone turned up. Protestors were outnumbered by police and media they say. In Teeside only one protestor was there and he buggered off cos no one else turned up.
  21. They're only out for a limited time. I saw them then googled it, apparantly they're not as nice as the originals.
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