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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Read this means that Carr gets the yellow, making a red and he misses tomorrow's match. Which he was going to miss anyway as he had an injury. Thats what The Journal was saying this morning.
  2. That'd leave us without a rightback. Carr is taking the yellow card that was given to Parker so will be suspended (he got another yellow after that) plus he has a slight injury. Ramage could stay at leftback and move Taylor to the right.
  3. Mine's up. Be nice or I will have to track you down one by one and bitch slap you.
  4. I don't mind the cold so much. I hate rain though.
  5. I got my mam and my sisters presents in Boots January sale. Just need little odds and sods now and I'll be sorted. Frees up money in December for all of the other expenses.
  6. Wonder if he was having a quick something before doing the doors down Durham.
  7. Mew - And The Glass Handed Kites Really enjoying it. Top album.
  8. Well the transfer window has closed so here's my team for the season. My first team: Reserves:
  9. 1-0 Shola with a header from 7 yards. Bastid they've equalised. Liam Lawrence for them.
  10. Need a better source than that tbh. 48486[/snapback] Now they've properly announced it on BBC Newkie. Ramage at left back, emre and parker in the centre Solano makes his second debut.
  11. Some mackem bloke was being interviewed on BBC Newcastle was saying that Owen is definately out.
  12. You'll see a 403 forbidden, unless it's in your cache. Here: http://www.aveleyman.com/ActorsB/P00032413.HTML 48370[/snapback] Ghostwatch It scared the hell out of me when I watched it.
  13. On 606 they were saying that he was watching Steven Pressley.
  14. I think the patch is save game compatible, is it not? 48287[/snapback] It is. But they always say it's best to start a fresh to get the full benefit of the patch. Bowyer isn't transfer listed when I restarted and the loan players were all in the reserves and easy to find.
  15. Mine arrived this morning. Comparing it to 05 it was very quick at starting a new game, I started with a 6 leagues from 5 countries with all the players in Brazil added and a huge database. However I've just spotted that a patch is out already so am downloading it now and will have to start again when it's done.
  16. Any good freebies at the beginning of the game?
  17. I was going to just download it, but when I checked the torrents there were so many people asking questions I was clueless. They were talking about mounting images and stuff. So I caved and ordered it off Gameplay this morning with the first class post option
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