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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Mew - She Came Home For Christmas Was really good live.
  2. Pig and whistle. Grimmest bar I've ever been in. The toilet in that place looked like that one out of Trainspotting. The Rose and Crown at the top of the Bigg Market ran it a close second. We watched the England v Portugal game in Euro 2000 in there, we were lucky to get out alive. They looked like they wanted to kill us at one point!
  3. I'm terrible for going into the wrong toilets in unfamiliar bars or clubs. Did it again last week in Bar 38. There's no way you can save face, just best to get the hell out asap.
  4. They're not like.. I genuinely hate having to refer people to the CAB because most of the advisers are pretty shite. 59142[/snapback] You'll have had more experience of them than me by the sounds of things but I've heard nothing but good things about the ones up this end.
  5. Probably right on that count, but they can do alot from the legal standpoint. At worst they can set things up so you only have to pay the £240 in installments and avoid messy things like going to court.
  6. Aye Citizens Advice are spot on. Can be a bit of a nightmare but if you get there first thing then there aren't many queues. They open you eyes to how bullying certain industries can be.
  7. Sea is bad for posers like. I've only been in once and hated it with a passion. My mates have a been a couple of times (different nights) and haven't managed to stay the whole night. They say Tiger Tiger is only decent on a Thursday night.
  8. I was watching it, well half watching, and it didn't really grab me. Unless someone goes a bit nuts it's going to be a bit dull.
  9. Aye, I've joined too. Seen things like this before. I fill in questionaires for cash on one site and listen to music for prize draws for cd's on another.
  10. She's in the hospital now apparantly. Didn't watch it cos I was at the Elbow gig, but did I miss anything interesting?
  11. I did my own mini-tour tonight, of the grounds of Newcastle Uni. Couldn't find the student union so eneded up walking the length an bredth of the main buildingst
  12. Isn't he the one with a face like a bag of spanners? If so there's hope for me yet.
  13. Thats 3. Duff. He had all the time to run. Took a shot, it had a big deflection and went over Given.
  14. Now it's two. Crespo with a good finish.
  15. For fuck sake. Bramble passes directly to Gudjohnson who plays in the poison dwarf who scores.
  16. Aye, need a bit of a wardrobe upgrade. Need a thicker jacket, not sure about gloves and a hat though. Although if it gets much colder then I'd happily reconsider! I'm not sure if it usually does get this cold or not. Seem to ask that every year. Although the past few years we've not had much snow until well into the new year.
  17. They've had one in the net, but Duff was offside.
  18. Apparantly Del Horno handled in the box but we got nowt for it.
  19. Yeh ghostbusters, top quality cheesey 80's movies. You gotta love them. 58043[/snapback] Back to my childhood. Got more jokes this time round than I did when I was younger. Some of it still looked decent too, the bit where all the ghosts come out of the unit and you see the skyline was canny. Marshmallow man is still a legend.
  20. Didn't see any of it last night. Channel 4 had some good stuff going up against it so didn't channel surf at all from about 8pm.
  21. The song is an outside tip for Xmas number one apparantly.
  22. I thought that aswell, but when you are talking about sketch shows they all tend to have bits and pieces from other ones to some extent. The one that stuck out for me in LB is the Marjorie Daws one, blatent rip off of The League of Gentlemen's Pauline. 57675[/snapback] Marjorie Daws was on Shooting Stars 2 years before The League of Gentlemen was on like. 57691[/snapback] The character was but the whole set-up of the Weightwatchers group wasn't.
  23. I thought that aswell, but when you are talking about sketch shows they all tend to have bits and pieces from other ones to some extent. The one that stuck out for me in LB is the Marjorie Daws one, blatent rip off of The League of Gentlemen's Pauline. 57675[/snapback] Vicky Pollard is canny funny like. The 'I am a lady' one stopped being funny after they did same joke about 30 times 57679[/snapback] The Vicki Pollard one can be changed a little bit each time, probably why the joke is lasting longer. Agree on the "I'm a lady" one, flogging a dead horse last series.
  24. I thought that aswell, but when you are talking about sketch shows they all tend to have bits and pieces from other ones to some extent. The one that stuck out for me in LB is the Marjorie Daws one, blatent rip off of The League of Gentlemen's Pauline.
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