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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. I thought it was canny, not a laugh a minute but definitely watchable.
  2. Isn't Alan Oliver usually a barometer for what Fat Fred is thinking? i.e. He puts out what he is told to from the powers that be. If so then it would appear that Souness really is on the edge.
  3. i dont know you, i've never met you, but you are indeed a LEGEND 64416[/snapback] Thanks! Yesterday was a fun day..... I never expected to end up dancing the night away with Jesus, that's for sure. But hey, strange things do happen. 64419[/snapback] Your own, personal Jesus?
  4. Alan Green was saying the same thing. Not sure whether he was playing devils advocate or not but he was saying more blame should be laid at the chairmans door (not just ours but in general) after all they hire, fire and sanction deals. Unfortunately no one pointed out how difficult it was to shift a chairman, especially when you're a PLC.
  5. Steve Lamaq played Bling Bling Baby a while ago. Wasn't a fan. Mockney = Wrong in my eyes . It's more Chas and Dave than anything else. The site isn't working properly for me at the minute so can't comment on the other tracks.
  6. They were saying he was booked and would miss the Arsenal game on BBC Newcastle. I really hope you are right though. 64133[/snapback] Sky say we only had one yellow aswell. I heard it said on BBC Newcastle that Parker had been booked too.
  7. Agree to some degree. Switched on 5 Live for the last half of Fighting Talk and they had the audio of his funeral, eulogies etc. Not had the TV on today so don't know what that coverage has been like.
  8. Am going for a draw (even though I rarely do predictions), Villa have had a canny record against us the past two seasons soI think it might just carry on.
  9. yep, me 10 year old cousins already been offered an interview based on his CM experience. 64029[/snapback] Bastid, I thought I was a shoe in. I had screenshots in with my CV and everything.
  10. Who we go for depends on what Fat Fred has planned. Is he going for the "Anyone better than Souness" option, somone who'd be able to take us top 4-6 then appoint someone else to try and take us further or go straight in for the top manager to sort out the current mess. Obviously it'd be tougher to attract the top manager in the current state.
  11. Why walk away when you can get fired and have your contract paid up?
  12. Voodoo Ray! You philistine! 63350[/snapback] I stand corrected, the title wasn't copied into Itunes properly.
  13. Otis - The Durutti Column Voodoo - A Guy Called Gerald
  14. Seems fairly non-committal. He was always going to have to come out and say something after last night. Seems like a standard staement for the situation. He's not going to come out and say "One more shower of shite performance and you're on your bike Souey".
  15. Nothing is going to happen until there is a big fuss made and it gets into the media. Thats how it's worked in the past hasn't it? Not endorsing all that petition bollocks but once people in the spotlight start commenting on it then the rotund one will act.
  16. from Sky: Didn't hear too much being made of it during the match like.
  17. Maybe you need a better pair of binoculars
  18. Overdrawn too. Won't even be thinking of going out until middle of next month.
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