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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. I got a fair sized dose of motown aswell, not anyone in particular but alot of "Best of" tapes. It still gets my foot tapping if I hear it now. Not really sure what else. I think there was some T-Rex in there and maybe a bit of Billy Idol. Probably some Bee Gee's and Queen too.
  2. I enjoyed the third series of Peep Show, nicely hidden away on Friday nights. I got the first series of Curb Your Enthusiasm around christmas time and loved it. Saw the first episode of My Name Is Earl and it seemed like a good solid start. Little Britian seemed to die on its arse this series. There's not much springing to mind comedy-wise. There must have been some other decent ones.
  3. Related to him aswell, I think. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, if you ever needed reminding what a poisonous little dwarf he is then check out his website: Clicky
  4. Saw the username and wondered if she had anythingto do with Bluestar
  5. After observing Ms Knowles' videos over the past few years I've seen enough to give her the seal of aproval. She could shake that arse for me anytime
  6. Swiped from B3ta Probably best filed under "Bad taste"
  7. He had an excellent season a couple of years ago. Barring that I don't know much about him.
  8. Aye, I didn't recognise most of them. May dip in and out of it a bit. Mainly as no one schedules anything decent up against it as it will get trounced in the viewing figures. Still it will keep e4 and Heat in business for the next few weeks.
  9. I thought it was £2 million? Why has the idiot got such a high compo in his contract 74324[/snapback] It could well be "just" the £2 mill, I might not have heard him right.
  10. Mr Oliver has been whoring himself around today saying FF won't sack him as he doesn't want to cough up the £3 million in compo and there aren't any candidates immediatly available.
  11. Either that or Vida Guerra's got an unhealthy obsession with her own arse... 73616[/snapback] Well atleast her bloke won't get in trouble for answering "yes" to "Does my bum look big in this?".
  12. Yeah, I'd have thought so. There's not been any law suits and no one has been caught for them.
  13. I see you're sporting Ms Guerra in your avatar SO, you seen the pictures from when she got her phone hacked? http://thecelebritylife.org/?name=vida_gue...icle=1126211162 Not safe for work like.
  14. He did one for BBC Newcastle I think. I was only half listening at the time though.
  15. Think yourself lucky, I'm listening to Century - Bernie Slaven is on and the bias is, as ever, ridiculous.... I really think for games like this, they should have impartial summurisers... 72920[/snapback] Lowes has just suggested that a draw would be a decent result though! Lowes to do Souness' post-match interviews from now on? 72922[/snapback] You mean Souness is actually going to bother showing up for them?
  16. Fine and dandy thank you Bit tired like but thats about it. Need a good bath to wash the smell of smoke off me and have a lazy afternoon.
  17. Thou shan't speak ill of Clerks, a prodding with a pointy stick awats you But seriously, yeah I will check them out.
  18. I'm far too at home with this kind of humour. In my element!
  19. Depends if you go for the coronation chicken!
  20. shame..... I'm doin both !!! 72615[/snapback] And typing? Bloody multi-taskers!
  21. I had a plan for later on this morning (fuck, it's after half 3 already) of half a Subway sandwich. but the 24 hour place down from walkabout wasn't open so I'm cramming junk food down my gullet with the faint hope that what id left will bring me round. Not overly impressed or confident!
  22. Panic in Cicero is on the Clerks Soundrack. All out anarchy sums it up well. Fits the scene well. Would consider looking into them.
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