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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Cheers, it's sorted now. I stuck a filter on the main one down stairs and that sorted out the cutting out and the buzzing. All done and dusted now.
  2. That Baywatch thing is appalling. I think it came about as Ker-azy student types were wanting the original played at their freshers parties. I remember Colin and Edith saying they were getting asked for it all the time. Then a few people slung out the remixes and it went from there. Fucking hate it myself.
  3. Smoking Beagles - Sub Sub ft Tricky Space Oddity - David Bowie Small Ambulance - Mew
  4. Hmmm I downloaded it and installed it, but when I tried to start a new game it said there was a critical error. Luckily I'd backed up the previous db file.
  5. Cheers for the replies. I've since found out that there's a noise on the line too. I had a filter on the socket in my room where the pc is and as soon as I took it out the noises stopped, unfortunately it meant that I wasn't connected to the net. Someone suggested new filters, if I get them will this stop the cutting out when the phone rings and the noise on the line or just the noise one?
  6. Pretty much what it says on the tin. Recently moved house and just got me broadband reconneted. However in this place if anyone uses the phone it kicks me off. I just use an external usb modem. Anyone have any ideas on how to get round this, fairly frustrating as it never happened in the old place.
  7. Couldn't believe it when I read it on Sunday like. O'Leary hasn't said anything since on the topic has he? Speaks volumes.
  8. Aye, the first album wasn't bad. Then they seemed to take an odd turn with the second one.
  9. I can see them getting stiff necks watching Bramble's long balls aimed at a useless striker (Heskey/Crouch) up front... 85311[/snapback] Don't forget James in goal no matter what and Phil Neville playing anywhere when we need to score a winner
  10. Can't say I'd be over the moon with his appointment. Spent an obscene amount with Lazio and even then just won the title because the team that finished second (I forget who) threw it away on the final day. He's hardly proved himself to be tactically astute with England either. Then there are the obscene wages which meant we'd more than likely be unable to sack him ala Souness. Barring the latest tabloid frenzy the other scandals have been of his own making haven't they? The women went to the papers not the papers hunting down the story. Not to mention his Mrs and her mouth almighty talking to TV programmes. I don't see other managers wives on This Morning. They're tabloid fodder and don't do much to avoid it.
  11. Pffffh Corona is the daddy of mass produced non classy bottled beers tbh. Not exactly a glowing reference I know.
  12. The track they are playing to death on Radio One at the minute is catchy. The kind of track you'd expect to hear in the background of an american "teen-romp" like American Pie.
  13. Couldn't be more under-whelmed by the album personally. The singer has an annoying voice and the much vaunted lyrics just leave me, well, feeling very little. More NME over-hyping. To make things worse there will now be a million and one poor imitations signed up by the other labels to try and cash in on the craze.
  14. The Good Die Young - Music Soul (rough demo) A member of the band sent me a message on Last.fm mentioning that we both liked Elbow and asked what I thought of their stuff. Listening to a few tracks through their myspace page and they are pretty good. They are doing a few gigs round Leeds and York.
  15. I detest Venables as a manager. Crafty Cock-er-ney spiv. Full of sound bites and that's it. Popular with players because he lets them do as they please. Will show how low we've sunk if this chancer is being considered.
  16. I think they are doing a post mortem on it to see what the cause of death was.
  17. Was out, nothing amazing but had a laugh in Tall Trades. Lets face it after polyfilling walls and painting even a shite club like Tall Trades full of jail bait would be entertaining!
  18. Well after listening to Green we should keep Souness on, no one ever gets anywhere sacking a manager mid-season and Souness should never be judged until he has everyone fit. Regardless of his inept coaching increasing muscle strains Souness has had bad luck!
  19. Will have 606 before I go out, might be interesting to hear what Alan "I'm a personal friend of Graeme" Green will make of it.
  20. Mexican standoff. Fat Fred doesn't want to pay Souness off and Souness won't quit.
  21. They were onn BBC Newkie. Made it sound as if we were gonna win it all becasue O'Brien was coming on. Kuki (who they were ripping the piss out of all game) has just scored. They're saying he shouldered it in.
  22. I hate both lots, Miserable Mick Martin and Justin Lockwoods shite commentary, then you have the sycophants of BBC Newcastle.
  23. Imposter . It just doesn't have the same ring as Vitor Baia.
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