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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. O'Learly is starting to soun like an obsessed ex turning stalker. "But he said wants to stay with meeeeeeeeeeee...." On the next Jeremy Kyle, tbh.
  2. I've got the first Dave Spikey one, Overnight Sucess Tour. It's canny but I think there was a newer one for this Christmas. Not had a chance to see it yet.
  3. They sound very sinilar to the quotes from last summer around the time of Luque and Owen arriving.
  4. Sigur Ros - Hoppípolla I literally can't get enough of this one. Just makes me smile!
  5. The worst offenders are JK and Joel. They are truely woeful. You can't even tell one from they other when they are wittering on. Colin and Edith are pretty poor aswell, especially that thing they were doing where they get people from workplaces or 6th forms on the phone to talk about random crap and pick a song every day.
  6. If you over play and over-hype something that easily begins to grate it gets on peoples wick and you get a backlash. 106769[/snapback] Then the fans get angry and you get the backlash against the backlash. I've seen him interviewed and I can't even give the usual defence of "well he's a canny bloke" as he got totally on my tits.
  7. It's only half 9. Enough time for a Lazarus-like recovery.
  8. He's not even worth a rant thread tbh. Everyone knows he's toss.
  9. Caught out on the smash front
  10. 106735[/snapback] Decent advert for lesbianism if nowt else
  11. Well the top is off already!
  12. The one I see is still NHS but they are wanting to cut back on NHS patients, from April 1st infact. Infact this past week I got an info pack through from them about their own dental plan. Don't think they'll ditch me but worried all the same.
  13. I don't mind Moyles on the whole, but I can see why people detest him. He does bum any celeb who pays him/the show any attention and overkills any joke. When I was doing this place up over New year I had daytime Radio One on alot for the first time since the days of Mark and Lard and it has gone downhill. Mills is appalling, local radio shite. With his getting people to ring in with "ker-azy" stories that are blatant lies or trying to catch out cheating partners. Don't get me started on Flirt Divert. Just an excuse for stupid arsehole-y types to ring in and pretend so they can get their voices on the radio. Despite the fact no one will recognise them. He even does a request show ffs. The evening shows are ok, there's more variety when it comes to music and it's not playlisted.
  14. What worried me was that he went to pieces after his mistake. Needs to be made of sterner stuff than that. Edit: I wasn't condoning a mass scapegoating btw.
  15. Scouse radio and scousers have long been going on about said clause. I posted a while back about phil thompsons saying on radio scouser that there was a £12mil release if we didnt qualify for europe. Whether its true or not only owen, his agent and the club know. The rest is media bollocks. Personally i don't think Benitez really wants him, thats why he sold him in the first place. The links with liverpool is more the boards and owens desire imo. 105793[/snapback] Probably just speculation then. Green is based in the North West so he'll have caught it off them then. It does seem that Benitez isn't too keen, I suppose it depends on how the season finishes for them and what kind of pressure he is under to find a striker.
  16. Alan Green was wittering on with SAcousers on 606 last night. He said he was sure that there was a £12 million clause in Owens contract. I thought it was bollocks at first but then remembered he had close ties with Souness and it did sound a bit more likely.
  17. Fucking awful match. Can't think of anything positive about it.
  18. BBC Newcastle say Dyer will be on the bench. Also the team is unchanged from Bolton.
  19. Got some up here. No blizzards though. Just looks like it's been snowing steadily overnight.
  20. SE K750i. Got very few problems with it. That said I'm looking forward to picking a new one and getting an even better contract in June/July.
  21. Still can't beat that picture of him giving Lawler a piggy back in the sea while being out with that thigh injury, great way to rest it. No wonder the bloke is/was nicknamed "Village".
  22. Seen it now and again. Top stuff. Shame they don't stick it on Channel 4.
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