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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Sm-O was a nightporter at a hotel wasn't he? He'd have a few stories. Every nightporter I worked with at a hotel had ghost stories. Having said that I was a barman and worked until 3 or 4 in the morning over about 5 years and saw fuck all. Some parts of the hotel were permanently cold and there was a corridor that had a bit of a "The Shining" feel to it as did the function room above it. On another of corridors a few people had mentioned that they'd woken up with a woman standing over their bed looking at them. One nightporter said he'd be in the restaurant pottering about (skiving) and he'd hear the big doors in the main function room slam and footsteps running up and down the stairs. But there would be no one there when he went to look.
  2. Aero Bubbles rule all. The Peanut Butter Kit-Kat Chunky's ming to high heaven. Plus the name is ridiculously long.
  3. I've tried taking Milk Thistle tablets a couple of days before hand then one again before bed if I've been going out and it's done wonders. I've not had a hangover since I started trying it.
  4. All the best. Enjoy it.
  5. Got me mug in the Ronnie Gill when I was 12 or 13. Was something to do with a school art project. I was shite at art but I blagged my way onto it as it meant missing the odd lesson here and there for a few weeks.
  6. Many happy returns to the good doctor.
  7. Much better than the Charlton match. Really enjoyable. If you need a stream just track dwon the thread from last week by themags.
  8. Jesus wept. American teen punk pop imo. The kind of thing that should be on an American Pie soundrack.
  9. They used to sell some awful stuff when I was a kid. Anyone remember Panda Pop? The cola was much sweeter than Pepsi or Coke, they did Bubble Gum and Blue Rasberry. Just thinking back they must have been pure sugar and E numbers.
  10. I've gone right off most fizzy drinks. Never liked any diet ones. They are vile. I occasionally have a can of cherry coke, but mostly I stick to water. or pineapple juice in the mornings.
  11. We were just talking about that in the pub tonight. But back on topic I have very (and I mean very) vague recolections of tabloid stories of us being in for Pires and Henry.
  12. Cheers. Went out for some lunch and just got back now. Very merry. Then off to the pub later with my mates. The big night out is Friday, we'll be putting in an appearence in Newcastle. All very la-de-dah compared to Consett.
  13. He makes Amoebi looking like a good footballer? 111303[/snapback] luque urinates upon shola from a great height 111307[/snapback] And there's the frustration, he's a good player. But he clearly doesn't give a shit. 111311[/snapback] good god 111313[/snapback] Fantastic argument, you've managed to convince me.
  14. He makes Amoebi looking like a good footballer? 111303[/snapback] luque urinates upon shola from a great height 111307[/snapback] And there's the frustration, he's a good player. But he clearly doesn't give a shit.
  15. http://www.freeroms.com/n64.htm Blast Corps is on there.
  16. After getting goldeneye on that emulator I went and got it on ebay for a fiver. Can't wait. Still playing Mario Kart on the Emulator though. Cracking game!
  17. If anyone seriously wants wants some then pm your address and i'll send them out.
  18. Already a member. Joined on a whim last year. They are slack at sending the stuff out. I got a couple of packages last week and I did the adverts this time last year. Now I've got 50 bastard cola bars that I'm never gonna eat!
  19. Shite defending all round for it like.
  20. It was always Geordie had a pigeon in Walker and Byker. As for keeping them as pets, my Grandad always raced them, as did my dad until very recently. Proper fucking Geordies keep pigeons - fact Budgies are for puffs, my mate had a bright yellow one called connie until i sellotaped the fucka up, then he had a baldy pink one 110459[/snapback] A bright yellow budgies sounds like a canary, you cruel bastard! I know people race pigeons but not kids - which is what I presumed Charlie was. 110466[/snapback] Did you never watch "Geordie Racer" at school? 110470[/snapback] On the road in the street, hear the sounds of pounding feet! or words to those effect 110471[/snapback] http://www.lookandread.myby.co.uk/download...eordieRacer.mp3
  21. It was always Geordie had a pigeon in Walker and Byker. As for keeping them as pets, my Grandad always raced them, as did my dad until very recently. Proper fucking Geordies keep pigeons - fact Budgies are for puffs, my mate had a bright yellow one called connie until i sellotaped the fucka up, then he had a baldy pink one 110459[/snapback] A bright yellow budgies sounds like a canary, you cruel bastard! I know people race pigeons but not kids - which is what I presumed Charlie was. 110466[/snapback] Did you never watch "Geordie Racer" at school?
  22. Apparently there was also a Johnny who had a pigeon too. Just to stir things up a bit.
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