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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. I've heard good things about the fresh fruit and veg from both Aldi and Lidl. Supposed to be top notch.
  2. Half 10. http://www.onthebox.com/ handy link to have in your bookmarks. I never bother with the tv paper anymore.
  3. What was the injury? I was on the phone and missed it.
  4. You want a good laugh. We were in outside the Swan and three cygnets in Durham earlier today. Posing being cool. Then a barrage of wasps (3 of them) were about. Never seen 5 fully grown blokes dance about like a bunch of poofters before. The lasses up by the stairs were clearly impressed like
  5. Well tonight was a total bust. Not only did I get no eggs but I went down Durham and everywhere kcked out at at half 12. Awesome. Plus Subway was closed. Was a angry, angry man.
  6. Snap. Got SFA this year.
  7. I can't stand wasps. Vicious little twats that don't, unlike bees, have the good grace to fuck off and die after they sting you. Panic mode just sets in and me arms have a life of their own. I just tend to leave spiders to their own devices and they fuck off by themselves.
  8. All the best, Happy Birthday.
  9. Warren Barton center partin tra la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 117979[/snapback] Bastard. I'm not going to be able to concentrate on the match with that bloody tune going round and round my head.
  10. Seen the last two matches on Starsports and the commentary is in english, Warren Barton is the co-commentator and is canny enough.
  11. Just logged in on the site to see my winnings and it's £39! Then got another £7 for Spuds beating Citeh and my stake back from the mackems game. Over the moon!
  12. I had £2.50 each way on Number 6 Valve and two others after a tip off, not bad going I suppose. Since I was a new user I got another £20 to spend on betts, so I just whacked it on some of todays matches. One was the mackems v Fulham and the bugger has been called off.
  13. All the best to you both. Have a good one.
  14. just read the thread on your forum... our very own smooth operator is making a name for himself!!! 116724[/snapback] Link ? 116725[/snapback] http://www.ynwa.tv/forum/index.php?showtopic=95289
  15. Class thread like Will have to see if I can spot her when I'm down Durham on Easter Sunday.
  16. Looks like a training top. Not a fan of it tbh.
  17. When I was a kid it wasn't just an egg, you used to get mugs with them too. Got hundreds of the feckers boxed up somewhere.
  18. A pulse. Yep thats about it
  19. I really couldn't pick. Had it not been for all the Man Utd "fans" that have come crawling out of the woodwork on some forums and 606 now that they have a sniff of a chance then I'd have picked them. But now it's a dead heat of loathing.
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