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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. I did wonder if she was really a he. Predictable stuff from them like.
  2. Really looking forward to it. The England matches that are on weekends I'll probably watch out and about, but the others will either be at home or at a stretch a few at the pub.
  3. I've met him, Westwood that is, very tall bloke. Must be knocking 40 though which makes his choice of clothing all the more ridiculous.
  4. Been canny so far. Not top class but a decent football fix.
  5. Another Willie McKay player isn't he?
  6. I head you there was going to be an online feature. You'll be able to download the whole Nintendo back-catalogue aswell.
  7. Bargain. That'll go on the Christmas list with the new Zelda.
  8. http://www.nearlygood.com/video/catchphrase.html It is class like
  9. She hasn't been on MSN for over 6 months now. Last I heard she'd moved away to go to college or some kind of education related stuf.
  10. I've only been once and it was naaaaasty! Going to Edinburgh for a hen weekend next Saturday. Anyone been? 140790[/snapback] I'm supposed to be going for a stag do. If the groom ever picks a date and decides on the hotel. Heard conflicting things. I heard the Grassmarket was charver city then someone else told me it wasn't.
  11. I can't stand her. No doubt she'll stay the length cos she knows how to play the game. Tantrums for the audience and sickly sweet to the housemates, clearly playing up the "baby of the house" thing.
  12. The film was shit. Anyone who remembers the cartoon should be disgusted by the lack of Orko and Battlecat.. Transformers was canny though.
  13. I had chips and curry from the chinese across the road earlier. Much better than chips and curry from the chippy next to it. Shame it's only open 4 days out of 7 (not that I'd go there if it was open everyday, once in a while is enough for me).
  14. Elbow - The Drunken Engineer Foo Fighters - My Hero Jeff Buckley - Grace
  15. Mexico nicked it over Spain.
  16. Considering her language the soap should be whacked straight in her gob!
  17. That was class. Poor little princess having to slum it with one set of clothes and, god forbid, tap water! 138882[/snapback] Jesus, what a spoilt bitch. 138884[/snapback] Clearly the sort that only has to flutter her eye lashes and pout a bit to get her own way. Sadly it's probably blokes that are at fault
  18. That was class. Poor little princess having to slum it with one set of clothes and, god forbid, tap water!
  19. Yep. Reckon she's another one that has laid it on a bit thick for the auditions. Just waiting for her 5 minutes in Heat and hope she can get knocked up by a footballer. No token north-eastener this year.
  20. I'd have to say that Ceaser is the smarmiest cunt of the lot. Do not like him one bit.
  21. I think that's meant to be Mikey... (not you Hog!) 138165[/snapback] Imogen might grow on me. But there's not much eye candy for blokes either.
  22. Nah, he's all front. Trying to be controversial for the auditions. He'll sit back and do fuck all, will fade into the background just like that malnurished lifeguard. That singer bloke is a twat. That "comedy" fall down the stairs. Like Lee Evans at his worst.
  23. Oddly enough I was saying something similar at the pub not so long ago. Upsurps Vernon Kaye in the "twat" stakes. 137938[/snapback] You mean usurps? And aye I agree, he's an arse. Well...both of them are. 137940[/snapback] Thats the fella. The sun is on my screen so can't see what I'm typing properly.
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