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Everything posted by Howay

  1. Howay

    30 Rock

    Aye seen it a few times that Tracy Morgan's mental he's the same in real life as he is in the show from what I've seen, theres a video of him somewhere on youtube doing an interview while stoned shouting about how he's going to make someone pregnant .
  2. Aye it was when he broke his leg he got special dispensation to be given one iirc.
  3. It aint so bad less chance (if any) of me having ginger kids
  4. Our system = OMG they might not come last send them! In fairness we don't anyone within a Olympic mile of her in her event/events do we? Our system just allows some margin of error. If the best athlete isn't fit for the trials he or she can still go to the games. The system of the US sending the top 3 athletes from the trials works well for them because there's such strength in depth over there. Aye their system is a little harsh at times tbh Tyson Gay is the reigning 200m world champion (and 100m champ) and he injured his hamstring and pulled up some way into the 200m trial so he isn't going to be competing in that event, he's still in the 100m though as he won that trial.
  5. I heard Dyer has a certain illness and that's why he keeps getting injured... ITK tbh
  6. I was about to say something along similar lines when I first opened the thread, maybe Shola might do the trick as well scored loads in the UEFA cup and played in the Champions league. YPL is a pile of shite.
  7. Shambles of a film tbh most of it's cringe worthy frodo the hooligan doesnt work.
  8. Quality he even got the free kick for it.
  9. He's played 2 games for West ham according to his wikipedia
  10. Spot on. All this shite you spout calling us 'small minded' and being obsessed with locals and that's why we wont attract foreign glory hunting fans is utter bollocks go and find some 'local' Liverpool fans the vast majority of them will hate 'fans' like you.
  11. I's got the mackams flapping big style at least . I see this as probably being the same as all the previous stories about the Bin Laden's and that American company if it's true it could be good but being the new toy of an Abramovich would be worrying as if he ever decides to pack up and leave the club would probably be completely fucked and in masses of debt. edit/ JawD Beat me too it
  12. Like the coat advert where the bloke puts his hood up and walks into the rain looking mean?
  13. Can you believe those neanderthals are serious? Glad some of them have the sense to laugh. aye but they soon get shot down by mongs like mr Creosote for being idiots that they can't see that this could happen.
  14. The Sun would love the thought of that story would be on their front page.
  15. Ah well at least it worked.
  16. So you have the save file on your portable Hard drive and you can't find the 'game' folder on your laptop? If this is the problem then go into my documents, sports interactive, football manager 2008 then simply make a file named game and put the save file in it. If that's not the problem then I'm stumped on how to help hopefully someone else can help mate.
  17. exactly paying over the odds when were supposedly cutting back for someone who might just get on the odd time doesn't appeal to me hes a better leftback than enrique and is just now coming to the peak of his carreer physically and is already well adapted to the premier league he'd be an excellent buy IMO Agreed I've always liked him good solid player was disappointed we didn't go in for him when Blackburn got him.
  18. He's worth no where near the amount of money Zenit are alleged to be after also he is a gamble as there's no guarantee he'll be any good could be another Rebrov tbh.
  19. Not like we ever win at penalties anyway
  20. Go into your documents and there should be a sports interactive file somewhere in there then go into the football manager 2008 file and then the file called games all your save games should be in there, just copy them onto your new laptop and put them in the same file.
  21. Howay

    Joey Barton

    Disgrace tbh just shows how pathetic the FA is.
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