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Everything posted by Howay

  1. Wilkins is doing my nut in now, questioning how long it took Ben Arfa to get off the bench ffs.
  2. Commentators feel like a pair of idiots now for accusing Cabaye of diving now he's been stretchered off the fucking wankers.
  3. No Ben Arfa again? oh dear Pardew. I understand this side beat Man U but we should expect to control possession in this one as opposed to hoping to nick one by hoofing it up like he planned against Man U. This is shit so far nowt about us 3 fullbacks on the pitch man.
  4. Aye it's staggering how offended they get but let's be honest they take that level of offense to most things, between that thread and their vehement defence of that foul little racist Suarez it's almost helped me get over losing to them, almost. Really hope they miss out on the top 4 this year.
  5. It's a bit cringeworthy. King Kenny! *bluuurgghh* I suppose it's even worse for you lot as you had him as manager. Still, he sold us Ginola at his prime so it wasn't all bad! ha ha useless bastard. There was a thread on here recently of a Liverpool fan asking us our opinions which he posted to RAWK, canny funny thread just for the RAWK's reaction.
  6. Sorry to go off topic, but as an avid Viz reader for years I kept hearing about this place. Is it worth a visit? If you've got an accent like what I assume yours is I'd stay clear . I've managed 35 years with the Jamaican Yardies just fine, I'm sure I could manage a few Northern piss heads. Either way it's not a place I'd go out my way to visit, Andy Carroll's sort of place.
  7. Sorry to go off topic, but as an avid Viz reader for years I kept hearing about this place. Is it worth a visit? If you've got an accent like what I assume yours is I'd stay clear . Edit: Btw KSA's last 2 posts have been golden.
  8. Maybe you're right but either way (like you've said yourself) it's out of order and it's bound to piss our fans off, not that it makes any real difference to spurs fans as you don't seem to be all precious about Harry like Liverpool fans are about that ballbag daglish.
  9. Answered your own question there. It's the fact that he believes it's ok to be speculating about other players contracts that gets peoples backs up, personally I think he's a dodgy bastard but obviously nowt against you liking him as he's doing a job for your lot.
  10. How isn't he ridiculed more for it man, absolute gold that is like .
  11. Wasn't it Souness who bought the wrong player for Southampton over the phone to the lads 'agent'. Not sure? Possibly. I remember him signing a player who was supposedly George Weah's cousin and a proper cush player. He brought him on as sub and then went on to sub him later in the game, after it became apparent that he wasn't even a professional footballer. Aye I think that's him, class.
  12. Wasn't it Souness who bought the wrong player for Southampton over the phone to the lads 'agent'.
  13. Aye he's a right doilem like, I'd forgotten most the shite he used to come out with until this thread. The "Given to Taylor to Parker back to Taylor to Parker who's searching for a pass, back to Taylor" football we played under him has erased everything else in that time period.
  14. Aye his phrases fucking what a chancer, the only side he had proper success at was Rangers where he had a budget 20 times bigger than Celtic. "When I see a professional like Peter Ramage, he's what I would call a proper player." PMSL Peter Ramage man. I can't take Souness seriously ever since the mustachioed version of him ran to the half way line to plant the Galatasaray flag. Didn't he call him something like "sneaky" or similar? He meant creative and capable of producing the unpredictable, but ended up calling him close to a thief I'd forgotten all about that pity we were shite under him he was comedy gold.
  15. Some of Souness' phrases man what was it he used to call Emre? "door unlocker" or something daft.
  16. Agreed, if Fergie gives up on a youth talent this highly rated you don't touch them with a bargepole tbh.
  17. Yeah but the quality of entertainment and style of play are factors. West Ham are flying high at the minute and are looking good for a return to the Prem, but they all hate going because it's all hoof-ball and 'percentage' football. There's no fun in that, even if you are winning. We went yonks without a trophy then George Graham took over, won us a League Cup, but the football was embarrassingly bad so we got shot of him. Aye the football under Souness, Allardyce and Kinnear was truly edge of the seat stuff. It was better than Everton! No it wasn't, you just used Allardyce's style of play as an example of why West Ham fans dread going to games. To add to that I think you can count the amount of forward passes we had under Souness on one hand, the ball always went back to the centre back or keeper golden boy Parker being the major culprit of that.
  18. Aye, one of the most overhyped mid-table standard players around tbh.
  19. Supposedly an amazing talent but also a complete and utter mug, pwopaaa nawwwty.
  20. Howay

    Demba Ba

    http://www.givemefootball.com/premier-league/ba-rejects-january-exit-talk Doesn't exactly mean much as you've always got to take quotes from players with a pinch of salt but good news he's seemingly not interested in moving at the moment.
  21. Howay

    Demba Ba

    So Harry's come out and said it's half the £10m now? what's his fucking excuse for this man it's a total disgrace, you can't just talk about contracts of players who don't belong to your club how can he keep getting away with stuff like this the horrible fucking tramp. Hope to see Modric get tapped up in the near future in a very blatant way. How has this tosser any knowledge of our players contract, whether he has actual knowledge of it or not he should be banned for this imo. Look forward to the day this utter scumbag is out of football.
  22. He's a canny player, Tom has mentioned him canny frequently in the past. He's an intelligent looking player with decent movement in the (albeit) few games I've seen him play, wouldn't mind at all if we got him for a low fee tbh.
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