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Everything posted by Howay

  1. Think he's meaning it's not another 4-0 or 5-0 twatting. A loss to Stoke still hurts but at least we didn't get slaughtered.
  2. "the negativaahtee fraam the fans got to mike, then that upset mike which meant the players were upset cos he pays them their wonga and they laaav him. seein them holding up signs of support for me at the end was nice, always good to see posters wiff your name on, especially in the red and blue. anyway just want to say fanks mike for paying the bus fare for us to come here and play a crackin game of footbawww, so fanks mike"
  3. What a dreadful game between two embarrassingly bad teams. If Stoke were anywhere near being decent they could have had 4. I wish Waddle would pack in saying we dominated the first half, the fact we have the ball more means nowt we didn't create anything ffs.
  4. If it's not then I've no clue what the fuck Ashley wants, unless it's relegation because that's all this bloke can bring us now.
  5. "I'd at least let him have the two next games, then maybe think when is it time to hit the panic button" The panic button should be being fucking mashed into the ground by now.
  6. Aye Waddle is a cunt coming out with shite like that.
  7. Aye yet plenty still bought it. This football is so poor, no wonder we can't score the ball takes nearly the same route everytime.
  8. Aye, no interest in changing his system which is working fantastically well. How the fuck is this bloke still a premiership manager.
  9. Howay Mike just go and sack the fucking lot of them now, that might give the players a boost. The worst bit is Stoke are fucking dogshit.
  10. God I hope we sack this smug looking prick soon, the way things are going it's just delaying the inevitable surely. This horrible feeling of wanting him to be gone but not wanting to see us lose doesn't exactly make watching the games fun, especially as the actual games are dull anyway.
  11. Aye, I just think he can't handle pressure. He's okay coming on when you're ahead to harry, or threaten tired opposition but like you say I don't think many would get much more than that out of him, especially the winnet in charge at the moment. Shame we give up Routledge and got him tbh, as Routledge clearly had more upside.
  12. He'll find it taafff on a mild Monday night against Stoke. Regardless of Cabella Obertan is not the answer in any way, shape or form. He just can't handle Premiership games, he looks decent against lower opposition in early cup games and reserve games but seems to completely cave under pressure in Premiership matches. His decision making goes from decent to nightmarish and he goes from running at people with pace to tentatively dribbling the ball out of play. The lad is an athlete and has all the tools to be a decent to good player but he doesn't have the mentality for it tbh.
  13. This manager played hoofball with a team that had Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano (when he decided to play them over carlton cole and reo coker). He doesn't need bad players to play hoofball that's his favorite way to play.
  14. Lots of fret, Massive win, Triffic result, fanks Mike, fanks carver, you cant top moments like this caaamin away wiff a win against a tafff team in a taff place to win, last but certainly most importantly fanks to me for being The King.
  15. "Speaking from a press conference this afternoon Gyans lawyer Kissi Agyabeng said the trip was unremarkable." Aye except two of their group left on a jet ski and never come back
  16. Don't try and weasel out of it now.
  17. Are YOU going to apologise now that we know Streete just got a bus ride to London and wont play?
  18. So it seems he has full responsibility for the defence. Good to know. That king story is brilliant by the way , the bloke is right it does sum him up.
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