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Everything posted by Howay

  1. Strong argument or not you can't be listening to a bloke called Rupert Pennant-Rea.
  2. Been enjoying Luke Cage, not quite as good as Jessica Jones but imo that's down to the bad guy rather than Cage.
  3. No I've just been dealing with an absurd amount of morons this week and then I came on here to read this numpty's shite and for some reason he kept responding. People like him give NUFC fans a bad name as he is exactly like what we accuse Sunderland fans of being like, that is the annoying thing about him and I tried to explain that to him but clearly he can't grasp anything.
  4. Okay and that's it for me. Thanks for showing me you know you've lost, I know this as you began to ignore my points and just insult, you then picked at one thing and repeated it over and over despite being corrected on it, started saying I'm now wound up, all of these are classic things children do when they have lost arguments and for some weird reason you have now repeatedly tried to have a pop at my grammar despite the fact yours is at about the level of a child in reception.
  5. His first post ended threateningly and then he put a little kiss there, so aye I thought that was nice of him. You're right though 11 minutes later THAT attack came, relentless fella.
  6. I'm in a good mood actually, 3 days later and the word fettle is still under your skin though. Maybe go back and read the last few pages over if you are missing the subtle ques that it's not me everyone is laughing at. I apologise for typing more than 40 words per post, it's what happens when you have unlimited access to a computer and don't have to be supervised. Oh aye and to everyone else yes I am bored, since the International footy is on it's not like there's much football to talk about.
  7. It would honestly be the only way to shut the bloke up. He's trying to carry on an argument he lost 2 pages ago and now he isn't even doing anything bar trying to call me a mackem or insinuate that because I didn't think Niall Quinn deserved abuse for helping get some fans home I must really like him. Must be hard to live in such a fucking binary world, poor Viv whatever she makes isn't enough.
  8. "Howwld on man Viv, I've gorra watch the news see if them makems have done owt the day" NE tonight: "In other tragic news there has been a horrific car accident in Sunderland City centre, a drunk driver collided with a car carrying a family of four.... Michael aged 4 and lucy aged 7 have died both were said to be massive Sunderland fans" "YOU SEE THAT VIV!!! If they didn't support drunk drivers.they fully deserve this.you know in 1972 the drunk driver crashed into a lamppost and then he turned around 35 years later and paid for the taxis home of everyone on a flight that got cancelled.they tore the plane to pieces before they got off and then the drink driver stole 5 of the mini vodka bottles and necked the lot before driving one of the taxis when they got back there was a parade for him.andnow hes crashed into that family." Poor Viv would never get the Tena on the psychopath.
  9. I can't remember who it was but it's spot on, he must love it when the new calendars are released as he gets to write in all his favorites "28th March 1970". He'll be buzzing for 2017 with all the Adam Johnson goings on, they'll be getting a sticker from pound land to emphasize importance. What a fucking lunatic, when we give mackems grief for being obsessive we know at the back of our minds that there are equally obsessed NUFC fans and this bloke proves that beyond all reasonable doubt.
  10. He'd forget to put them on as whenever North East tonight reports on a story south of the river he gets himself into a complete strop before bed.
  11. What a complete and utter mug, or else what? There literally isn't a thing you can do to me. Pack in commenting on peoples grammar for fuck sake, you have no ground whatsoever to stand on in that regard. Go scream at people on the bus or whatever it is you usually do, you stupid little fucking mackem. Oh aye and I have no intention of answering your weird Niall Quinn question, typical of you to know it's Niall Quinn's birthday, go ahead and give me an "or else" threat if you want you fucking bed wetter.
  12. No rebuttal whatsoever? Aside from yet again trying to twist what I said about them being in a good mood despite me explaining it in extreme clarity in the other posts. Honestly man my explanation of it is fairly thorough, I even walked through why obnoxious behavior and being in a good mood are not mutually exclusive with a little example included for good measure. You clearly were trying to wind me up by saying I was a mackem, why else would you say it? You were losing the discussion so you turned to trying to annoy and twist what the other person was saying, they are both classic methods used by people losing discussions. My grammar is fine thanks, are you now trying to attack that? We both know that's a non-starter. In fact don't answer that this is my last post on this whole sorry mess.
  13. I'm not bothered by the issue on the plane, that's why I'm highlighting what a complete and utter non-issue it is, I'm saying you are being ridiculous by getting so wound up over it. There is the word fettle again, it clearly bothers you I've no idea why. I've explained everything in the post this was in response too, I can't spell my point out clearer and your attempt at twisting what I was saying is ridiculous. If you genuinely think there have never been incidents of Newcastle fans getting thrown off public transportation or flights for being drunk and obnoxious (again the mood is irrelevant in the discussion of being obnoxious as I spelled out in the plainest terms in my last post) you're just being daft and again as bad as the mackems on that point. Also no I'm not a mackem and saying it doesn't offend me, learn to spell the word as well and while you're at it learn to type properly.
  14. Ok I'll spell it out for you, it is possible to be drunk and obnoxious while being in a good mood. Is that simple enough for you? Have you ever been stone cold sober in a room full of really drunk people? It is very possible for them to be in a good mood and having a good time but be very obnoxious to anyone who is sober. You've got some absolute neck on you by the way, everyone on this forum thinks you're a fucking mug, I never minded you but you've made a right fool of yourself to me the last day or so. I'll also spell out my point about them possibly being in a good mood since that is also missing you: Their team had won and they were perhaps (notice that word? it means I'm unsure of what happened, the same way you are) in a good mood, they were chanting maybe even clapping their hands, in a small, enclosed space such as an airplane this can be very obnoxious for people, you see how they are in a good mood and yet are still being obnoxious? the only reason I brought up mood in the first place is you nor I have any idea of the mood they were in, this is a possibility and it completely changes the light they would be viewed in compared to a nasty, hostile, group being aggressive.
  15. I've been looking into Google Fi tbh, phones are an absolute bump over here (my bill is $88 per month for 3gb of data and unlimited talk+text) so the idea of paying just $20 per month for talk and text and then $10 for each gb I use is enticing as I'm a fairly low data user (I rarely go over 2gb but the plans are 1gb or 3gb). My only concern is they use Sprint and T-Mobile networks, I've no experience with T-Mobile but I used to have Sprint and it was complete and utter dogshit despite what their adverts are now saying about being only 1% worse than Verizon. Getting the Pixel would add $27 per month to the bill but that would still only bring me out at $67 or so per month for 2gb of data, the best part is you pre-pay for the data so if you don't use it they apply that money to your next month and reduce it. I've got about one year left on my current contract so I suppose it gives me plenty of time to see how others find the Fi network but it's definitely going to be tough to keep my Verizon contract if Fi is decent. The really big plus for me is you can use your Fi data in 120 different countries and they don't charge any extra for it, so when I visit home I'd be able to get 3G data on my phone without paying any extra roaming fees etc, you can also get up to 9 data only sims on the account which all link to the same pool of data so that is good for any sim-ready tablets or laptops. I've no idea if this is coming to the UK anytime soon, it's just been rolled out in my area recently but I doubt it's far off since they have an agreement with T-mobile. The pixel actually looks canny as well, I use chrome on my iPhone as it is so I'd not need to adapt to that. Google home and Google wifi look canny as well, it seems like they're making a real go at pushing Apple to the side.
  16. You're really trying to point score over a complete and utter hypothetical? Neither of us fucking know if they deserved to be hoyed off or not man, my point about the pilot possibly being in a bad mood was simply to highlight that they may have been thrown off the plane for an issue that would normally have seen them warned whether or not that is the case again my point was to highlight you have no idea of what actually happened on the plane, the word fettle seems to have really bothered you. I thought that my point about the pilots mood was completely fucking obvious but evidently I needed to spell it out. To that end it's a ridiculous thing to get so upset about anyway, you're acting as if being drunk and obnoxious (I think we can agree that was the limit of their behavior as there is zero evidence there was any physical harm or damage done) is a heinous crime, plenty of Newcastle fans have been chucked off trains, planes, buses etc for the same thing, which is further evidence it's a really weird thing to try and attack the mackems for. You tried to link two events that were three years apart, I was pointing out that you were being like the mackems by changing order of events. Now with this holier than thou act of getting massively offended by purely anecdotal evidence of what happened on a plane you're being no better than the mackems 'mag at work' nonsense. The bloke done a decent thing, they have done plenty of things wrong so attack them on those things don't try and make a bloke doing a good deed into some massive slight it's absurd. On top of everything this fucking incident happened nine years ago man, get over it.
  17. I agree on the bread and plenty of butter if there's no sauce, I prefer the bacon done in a pan.
  18. Yeah my assumption is the pilot may have been in a bad mood and he couldn't be arsed listening to a plane full of mortal football fans chanting, I wasn't blaming the pilot I was merely saying the mackems may not have done a whole lot to warrant getting booted off, they may well have but from what I read it just seemed they were being obnoxious which can get you kicked off a plane. If they bothered the flight staff/pilot by giving them grief then your pop at them is warranted. I don't know why the flight ended up not leaving, I assume that was mechanical issues. No I know you don't like Quinn and refer to him as the drink driver due to his drink driving incident(s), fwiw I don't like Quinn either I just thought he did a canny thing by giving the fans a lift home especially as it wasn't all of them who were hoyed off for being disorderly.
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