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Everything posted by Howay

  1. . http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/sunderlands-david-moyes-hopes-inspiring-9190867 How fucking desperate is big eyes that this is what he's resorting too?
  2. http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/37872020 FIFA are a fucking joke like, so that came up in the poppy discussion so they're going to go and punish Ireland 8 months later? Fucking disgraceful organization.
  3. I love that they're using it to have a pop at us, they deserve the absolute shit show that they are being served up. Keep turning up for the free tickets, keep just getting grumpy and leaving after your lot concede the 3rd goal why the fuck will Short be pressured to do anything if the fans are happy to sit on their hands simply to point score against us? If they want to attribute Pardew being out to us protesting (I don't but they have used that to point score) then you can thank that for us having a manager of Benitez's caliber.
  4. I forgot he said that, what a nob.
  5. Having Steve McClaren for over three quarters of the season is what relegated us, if we stood any chance of staying up Rafa should have had from the January window or at the very least that two week break after Chelsea demolished us. The fact Rafa got that train wreck to within 1 point of staying up isn't something they should keep bringing up.
  6. Imagine getting the opportunity to negotiate a deal with McClaren and Charnley, I'm surprised the clause was as high as it was.
  7. I think that's fair, I think a drop and rebuilding is probably the absolute best thing that they can hope for now, they could financially blow up as they're that much of a fucking mess. I'd love to see them do a double drop and stay in the lower leagues, it's something they stupidly thought would happen to us but I think it's far more likely to happen to them. I think the best case scenario for us would be if they kept big eyes and then sacked him when they got relegated, imagine the fucking clip of managerial candidates they would attract? a newly relegated team, shit squad, no morale or fight in the squad, and no fucking money to buy players, oh aye and you have to sell the dirge you have just to level the books let alone to buy players Has Paul Jewell got a club?
  8. Their squad is also fucking tragic, we at least knew we had some half decent players in it to build upon. Imagine a 35 year old Defoe in the Championship, he'd either retire or be injured every game I just can't see him being arsed, the mackems are already getting on his back for not bothering now. I agree with what SEW was saying, they'd have to rebuild and it'd take them a few seasons down there tbh. The problem with this league is the longer you're down here the harder it is to get back up as obviously the players you attract become Championship level rather than those lower prem types.
  9. The worst bit about this whole poppy argument is that it reminds us all that International football is back soon.
  10. Maybe they could go and get some utter crank like Pearson, they seemed to think he was better than Benitez so they're welcome to the fucking horrible cunt.
  11. He did aye, Townsend is a good player. He's seen as a one trick pony type but when your one thing is as devastating as his it's a pretty good thing to have in the side. They're hard to compare as they're very different players, I like Ritchie and I think he brings a good attitude to the team, he's also possibly more consistent than Townsend (hard to say mind as Benitez had him performing every week really but we'd need a longer run of games to see if that was a streak or a norm), but Townsend is probably more of a game changing type of player on his day.
  12. Aye those things as well, I don't think he tackles at all or if he does it doesn't resemble tackling, for a bloke built like a brick outhouse he's a right tart. I honestly don't know why people keep trying to defend him in that Spurs thread, as I say it's not like he's a new comer to the league, he spent 3 years playing shite at us and now he goes there at 27 year old, plays a few shit games and they're going "he'll come good man" no, no he wont.
  13. They're complete and utter mackems tbh. Of course they're a well run version but they still have weird chips on their shoulders regarding their better rivals.
  14. I like the ones still defending him, how many years of PL football does the bloke have to play at a shit level before people just accept he's shit? He has no ability to control, pass, or shoot a football, if you can't do any of that as a footballer you're not much good. It's unbelievable that we got £30m for the utter heap.
  15. Aye, I just went with CT's build stuff as I thought if he could manage it then it would be straightforward, I suppose it helped me figure out what I need which is really just Exodus. Now I know what everyone, yourself included, was meaning by saying it's bloated as anytime I opened it there was 20 things updating that I'd never heard of and it ground the thing to a halt until they were done (or crashed it).
  16. Well after initially having one of those builds on and getting sick of booting it up to find a blank menu and having to faff on for 10 minutes updating everything and restarting to get it working I sacked it all off and have just added Exodus and a few others to the blank Kodi. It's a fucking million times better, no random crashes, works every time I turn on, etc, game changer as Gloom would say.
  17. Was just posting the same, what a fucking loon. You could even see him really trying to think of something good before coming out with that drivel.
  18. He has fuck all else to do but figure out what's going on at NUFC and he doesn't have a fucking clue.
  19. Honestly man it's like a bloke in a pub. The plight of that collar man, he turns up to work in that disheveled clip? "well a bloke like Rafa will always be looking for targets so yeah I think they'll sign some players in January" What a fucking scoop, then he starts getting bold saying there will be some surprises 20 seconds after showing he has no evidence whatsoever that NUFC will even sign anybody other than he reckons they will .
  20. Aye I worried a lot of it would go right over my head and it would be a lot of insider type jokes relating to that industry, but they've done a good job at limiting that. I think T.J Miller and the lad who plays Jared do a good job at balancing the show out so that it's not overly tech related, I laughed when Jared pulled out SWOT analysis and mentioned he had other corporate tools hidden around the house, that mix of industry gives it a wider audience.
  21. I don't know if anyone has mentioned it on here but I've finally got round to properly watching Silicon Valley, I'd seen random episodes in the past and didn't think much of it but I thought it was class watching it properly from the start. They're only 30 minute episodes so I have blitzed through it the last couple of weeks and now I'm waiting on season 4 .
  22. I doubt he's arsed, as others have said he's completely driven by money, the only other thing he hangs his hat on is the fact he's never been relegated from the PL. This Sunderland side are complete dogshit, he knows they have no money to spend on players, so he'll know his chances at saving them from relegation are pretty close to zero. Aye he'll not get a upper mid table side but he'd no doubt get an offer from a side who are in a much more tenable position and he'll go there, it might not be this season but I can't see him going to the mackems for a combination of reasons (he was already on his way out, and the whole "I've never been relegated" spiel). Saying all that I'd be happy if he did because I think he's a dogshit manager and wouldn't stand a chance at keeping them up (again he needed two imploding sides to survive last time), it'd be brilliant to see both the tramps and that smug twat relegated.
  23. There's no way Allardyce would go back imo. He loves that he can say he's never been relegated from the PL (despite the fact he has been majorly responsible for sides going down) and this lot look as good as down. He's the sort of bloke who will get another PL job so he doesn't have to just take the first one offered.
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