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Everything posted by Howay

  1. They call us deluded yet one of the first responses on that thread is this bloke wanting to be remembered for being a team that looks like it’s really going places.
  2. Aye, I liked his sulky “they’re just sat in their rooms playing video games so don’t have any team chemistry” nonsense. If he listened to Athletico Mince he’d hear exactly what is going on in the England camp as Mortimer has someone giving him info from inside it.
  3. Nothing I said is hysteria. He pushes through things with no regard for the implications and often on a whim. For example, the tax reform in the US was written and pushed through the houses in about 3 months, so quickly in fact it still had hand written edits and gave the opposition mere hours to read it (does that seem like something a rational and good leader would do?). The thing is so badly written we have been reeling ever since. The US gives a foreign tax credit for foreign taxes paid on foreign sourced income to avoid double taxation. You bucket your income based on the type of income it is and match the foreign tax credits generated to the bucket based on the tax law. Trump and his band of idiots came up with a new tax called GILTI ( I’m not kidding here) and in their rush to write the new code wrote that GILTI income is its own bucket but the credit that comes with the income goes in the general bucket, this completely contradicts the general rule for no reason whatsoever, creates a needless issue and gave companies massive headaches to the point the IRS has came out and essentially said bucket the credit with the GILTI income and we won’t disagree with the treatment. It’s this sort of haphazard inattention to detail that ripples through his regime. Simply calling people hysterical doesn’t score you any points, you asked for a reasoned discussion I gave you plenty of points to discuss and you gave that ridiculous retort.
  4. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-looking-continent-no-10-14764549 While I hope we are looking for a number 10 I can’t believe how bad the Chronicle is. This article is so badly written it’s pathetic, for a start his subtitle is “Rafa Benitez wants to lure a sign a No 10 for Newcastle United” just proof read your work ffs. He also completely refuses to write number 10, instead using the short cut “no 10” I could just be being a prick here but that just seems needlessly lazy. The article also says absolutely nothing of any note, just that Rafa wants to sign a “no 10” and could be looking abroad and the domestic market . If he couldn’t be arsed to write out number 10 he should have just not bothered his arse writing that nothing of an article. I thought Lee Ryder was bad ffs, that Waugh makes him look competent.
  5. Aye, even if he could potentially be good for the UK (as you’ve pointed out a few times he won’t be but just suspend that for a minute) he’s shown himself to be completely erratic and unpredictable on numerous occasions in just one year so tying the cart to him is fucking mental. Even if there was some brilliant deal that worked for both sides there’s always the potential for him to just rip it up at the last moment because someone from the UK had a pop at him, no doubt done by tweet “People should learn their MANNERS deal was rotten I say NO”. To push the EU away due to its flaws in favour of Donald Trump is mental, completely fucking mental. How do people possibly think he could be good for the UK? He’s clearly cosying up to Putin at a time Putin is becoming more assertive and aggressive towards the UK than before, that alone should show he can’t be relied upon.
  6. Doing what he promised during his campaign? Like the ‘beautiful’ tax reform that was going to help the middle class and create job growth? Instead it’s burdened the middle class more as the cut from 35% to 21% for corporations created a large shortfall, this was supposed to create jobs but instead the large corporations plowed money into share buy backs. The share buy backs drives the price of stock up which means the C-suite get even bigger bonuses, essentially putting the tax windfall right into executives pockets. The ripping up of the Iran deal was a distraction from his court cases (fucking plural) since NK had cooled. He then tried his fucking best to undo the hard work of South Korea and China by simply abusing Kim Jong Un for no fucking reason. I don’t even think the Iran deal was discussed during the campaign, there was no reason other than the fact Obama happened to be the President that signed it to rip that deal up iirc it took 3 terms to get that deal done. He’s still planning on spending essentially all of the money brought in by the mandatory deemed repatriation (aka “Toll charge”) on a pointless wall. We’ll also just ignore the fact he’s a fucking embarrassment, he asked Trudeau if they had burned down the White House (that was Britain in 1812), he suggested he “might” pardon Muhammad Alli when he was already pardoned decades ago, he’s going through multiple court cases, one showing he’s Putin’s lap dog and another showing he paid off a porn star, he has started feuds with multiple American sports teams doing pathetic thinks like uninviting champions to the White House after they said they wouldn’t go, he also has said he might just give a presidential pardon to himself. I rarely feel this way but I echo Gemmils sentiment on him tbh, he’s needlessly destabilizing and causing potentially large harm to people’s lives (if you think this is hyserical just look at his stance on guns for a start). The man is poison, and regardless of if he really is some hard right racist himself (He’s definitely a racist but he’s more just greedy than being far right) there’s no doubt he is giving these people a voice and they seem to be growing in confidence by him. Even fucking knuckle draggers like Tommy Robinson are encouraged by him.
  7. Spunked a load on the front line and midfield so had to cheapen out at the back I still might swap out Dembele for Mitro so I have more reason to cheer him. No clue who the players on my bench are.
  8. I’d be more inclined to believe it if Karius hadn’t been a dodgy at times throughout the season.
  9. ESPN done a series of short episodes about him and his son, as his son was a American Football player at what was essentially an academy for high school athletes in Vegas. The school is called Bishop Gorman and one of his team mates was Nicco Ferttita the son of one of the owners of the UFC. It was basically Snoop putting immense pressure on his son . I think the kid made it onto a college program and then basically jacked it in.
  10. People have already been on his Wiki page nicknamed Ozzie apparently.
  11. Spot on, they always like to act as if we are absurd for disliking Ashley and point to him spending money, they hate any mention of the actual net spend being low. Yet when it comes to Short they often just spent lots and rarely recouped anything back, players like Khazri, N’Dong, Borini, and (convicted Paedophile) Adam Johnson all cost around our club record fee and that’s just a sample of the very recent ones (3 of which they still have on their books, they all wish they had the 4th despite his transgressions). There are plenty more like Bent, Gyan, etc. They love to act like our fan base is full of morons and Ashley is doing a good job despite us. If that’s the case I’d put a lot of Short’s failures right at their door, how is he supposed to account for fans of the club racially abusing the star players mother which made him leave the club? Or hounding out the best manager they’ve had in yonks because he happened to be from Newcastle (despite him showing no affinity towards NUFC at any point in his career)? He also had to constantly over pay for players as Sunderland is probably the worst (if not the worst) destination in the PL as a ‘city’, so his only option was to offer players more than the going rate. They like to try and act like we’re in that bracket with them and while we may lose out on some that want to live in London we definitely don’t face that issue to the extent they do. The fact they fucking hate this bloke and are lapping up these two chancers because they are kissing up a bit and ‘rolling up their sleeves’ shows their mentality. They can’t get their heads around why we don’t like Ashley, they just need to look at Short and imagine if he was tighter with the budget, renamed the stadium to advertise his brand for fuck all, hired an MD that literally said “they don’t know how nasty we can be” about the fan base, hired Joe Kinnear multiple times, treat not one, but two club legends with absolute disdain to the point one of them sued the club and won. That’s only half of it as well. They blame Short as it’s a shield, he tried to make them a competitive side but despite spending money and doing all he could it just wouldn’t happen, so rather than acknowledge their lack of potential as a club (short of a Man City style takeover which you could say about any club) they call him a nasty shit owner.
  12. I still don’t rate him tbh, I think Butland is better and Pope had the best season out of the 3 so I’d start one of them over him.
  13. Enjoy it while you can as it’s obvious one day it’ll come out that he’s a MLF.
  14. Easy for him to lose track of the days since he does fuck all, the dole walling cunt.
  15. Aye, I’ve read their club president Perez (who seems like a right prick btw) is always trying to make the transfers he wants rather than trying to keep who Zidane wants (apparently it’s Bale, Benzema, and Isco being the main ones). I know him and Zidane didn’t see eye to eye during Perez’s last tenure, particularly when he got rid of Makalele so he could over pay for more ‘galacticos’ iirc Zidane basically said it’s like putting more gold paint on a car after you’ve sold the engine. I think having to try and deal with an arsehole like that, while putting up with Madrid’s fans who call for your head anytime you’re down in a game regardless of what you won for them would do your head in. Like you say he’s got nothing left to prove there and it can only really go sour from here.
  16. “I shoot with my right foot so it has a deeper meaning”
  17. He’s worth about £4M ffs, I’ve said it multiple times but they need to pack in going on about us, we’re fucking light years ahead of them on the pitch and off it nowadays. Them discussing us as rivals or anything like that is highly deluded, they’re in Darlo/Carlisle territory now. I’ve honestly no idea why they’re so excited about these two, it’s clear as fucking day they’re utter chancers and if it goes tits up again there’s no money at all to bail them out. One of them is even having a pop at our financial situation man this is a fan base so fucking thick they honestly believe they are debt free, they have no right to talk about finances if they can’t wrap their heads around the fact they’re already a club in debt. They’re sad mackem bastards. They just keep spinning the fucking wheel and starting a thread about how deluded we are, or obsessed we are, etc. There are surely some on there that see right through this Methven bloke, they’re tossing off that he’s a PR bloke and then fawning over him after his first statement is one of the easiest PR moves he could hope to make. It’s also irrelevant if he was a MLF before, do they think Abramovic gave a flying fuck about Chelsea before he bought them? The Man City Group have a fuck about Man City when they were a no mark yo-yo club very similar to the smelly skip dwellers down the road from us? Did they fuck but they’re both getting massive success. I’ve also said it multiple times but professional football clubs already have PR teams so I have no fucking clue why they’re getting so excited about having a one as an owner, for a start they’ll barely be in the news anyway ffs, well unless they all support another kiddie fiddler.
  18. Quality winner from Garry B but Karius is a fucking joke. The commentators going on about how they feel sorry for him, I’m sorry like I’d understand fucking up the 3rd but the first was a total disgrace no idea why they’ve persisted for so long with Karius when he’s always been fairly prone to a clanger but I assume that’s the end of him at Liverpool.
  19. Get in there Garry. Class goal.
  20. Karius the most relieved bloke ever What a tosser he is man.
  21. Why do they try and have a narrative that the rest of England want Liverpool to do well, they know for a fact it’s simply not true.
  22. Forgot Prince William likes Villa, add that to the list of reasons why I’d rather Fulham came up.
  23. Wouldn’t mind us going in for Grealish if Villa don’t come up. Going off our accounts they must be absolutely fucked financially, so we’d surely get him for cheap. I know Fulham have some good players like Fredericks and Sessegnon but there’d be fuck all chance of us getting them if they didn’t come up.
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