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Everything posted by Howay

  1. Seems like Saudi Arabia are letting the Qataris know they’re pissed off.
  2. Aye I mean it seems like it was essentially from a news source (albeit I’m assuming one closely connected to the rulers), I would find it a bit thin skinned and pathetic of the PL to take an attempt to publicly save a bit of face and act like they just weren’t fully aware, while they actually go ahead with the actions requested, and use that to block the deal. If that’s honestly what he thinks would break the entire deal then surely Bein basically threatening them would push them to approve it. I think like you say it’s a total non story, they were always going to come out with some sort of story that portrayed them in a positive light ffs.
  3. He’s making some absolutely fucking massive leaps. When people pulled him up on it he just kept saying “they’d take their chances in court, in their view the PL have broken the O&D test if they allow the deal to go through”, what an absolutely fucking massive leap to make for a bloke who has no background in contract law .
  4. Wonder how they’d feel if the useless cunt replaced Klopp at Liverpool or the little bridge troll at Manchester United.
  5. Aye, he literally put out a tweet when the Company house information on all this broke saying it was meaningless bollocks because he didn’t understand the bit that sounded to him like Ashley was loaning them money. He took the tweet down after someone explained it to him, then he acts like he actually knows what he’s talking about regarding legal rulings, business, and finance.
  6. This lot are shite. Good work and link up between Miggy and Joelinton for the third.
  7. Aye I’ve tried to put it down to confidence and other things but that attempted finish was just shit. If he can’t get his head right to get an attempt at least on target in an empty stadium, in an almost meaningless game, at 0-0, then he’s never going to.
  8. If he honestly doesn’t grasp why people are more interested in movement around the deal than a borderline meaningless game against Sheffield United he’s clueless about NUFC. In fact, does he not realize people are capable of thinking about more than one topic at similar times we don’t have to just sit about solely thinking about this shit game of football.
  9. Ah well, I didn’t think there was much in it anyway. I had thought the block worked on both sides which is why I thought Bein wouldn’t have been able to sell in Saudi Arabia. They’re not going to make up over this, if anything the way the Qataris have fought this will make the relationship worse between the two.
  10. https://www.bein.net/en/country_city/saudi-arabia/riyadh/ Apparently you can now get Bein Sports in Saudi Arabia.
  11. Edwards currently doing cartwheels around his house buzzing to get some negative news on this.
  12. Luke Edwards back on it again this morning. Chastising people for not being keen on an American buyer who is supposedly bidding £50m over the accepted bid, in a bid that would only go through if the lower bid collapses, a man with a net worth of supposedly only twice what he’s bidding, and has been investigated by the FBI for his business practices. Obviously the Saudis come with baggage, but at least we know they have money and their bid didn’t come in at a highly suspect time. It was almost as if his bid was waiting for the outcome of the WTO report, so that if it was more along the lines of what the Qataris wanted to hear his bid wouldn’t have been made. I genuinely hope Luke is trolling because I worry for him if he doesn’t seem to grasp why people would be more worried about a Henry Mauriss type bidder than the PiF, it’s very possible this bloke could be worse for the club than Ashley.
  13. I’m pretty sure I’d seen somewhere the bloke had been charged with some type of fraudulent business practices as well at some point, in which case he’d fail the O&D test anyway. People on Twitter are saying he’s involved with a company that’s bidding for tv rights for the 2022 World Cup as well.
  14. Agreed Rayvin, that’s a ballsy move by Bein, I suppose it’s their last roll of the dice to just threaten the PL since they’ve exhausted other options. I also agree with ewerk that if they lose the PL rights they’re sort of fucked anyway, so their threat is nothing more than a bluff tbh. The Saudi Arabians will buy the rights if the deal goes through, the PL profits from this, I can’t see the PL backing down to Bein on this one as it would also set a bad precedent.
  15. Surely they can also appreciate that Saudi Arabia and Qatar have a terrible relationship and have been putting embargo’s etc on each other, that would make a request which seems simple (such as Bein using Saudi courts to attack BeoutQ) very difficult.
  16. I mean they’d have to be willing to take on the absolute shit storm that comes with calling a key trading ally with the Government not fit to buy a club. That’s a fucking massive stance. The little note from the Government the other day was the first hint/nudge that points to that. Nothing new I’m saying here I know, I just feel it’s always worth mentioning when outlets like the Guardian seem to gloss over that absolutely massive factor. If that report doesn’t provide a completely clear link between BeoutQ and the main stakeholders subject to the O & D test, that would legally stand up in court, then I don’t see how they can reject it and have that rejection be sustained. If the report is saying they didn’t do enough to prosecute those responsible for the now shut down organization I really don’t see that being anywhere near enough. The PL need to pull their fucking fingers out and just make a fucking decision as soon as possible. It’s shambolic that it has went on this long.
  17. Luke Edwards man, he was absolutely buzzing when he thought it wasn’t going through.
  18. I don’t see a way the Saudis walk away, if it’s rejected it’s a real slight on them and a huge knock against what MBS has been doing / plans to do. With that being the case I feel like they’d double down and force it into the court system if anything.
  19. The fucking brass neck on them cunts. Worried about sports washing while being part of the leadership system that actively trade arms and have various other business & political deals with the Saudis, get in the fucking sea man.
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