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Everything posted by Howay

  1. that’s the genius of it, if he eats them his wages get docked, would be complete torture for him. Likely he would end up owing the club money.
  2. Aye the level of delusion when it comes to those teams, they parade players like Trevor Sinclair and Danny Mills around as if they were world beaters and not complete fucking cloggers.
  3. Fucking hell, he genuinely just tried to give himself full credit for this happening said him and Phil Fodens agent spoke to Amanda Staveley for 2 hours in the stands, then following that meeting she went and started canvassing Charnley to buy the club. He’s beyond fucking deluded.
  4. Sky sports talking about how the fans are so passionate here, it’s basically a religion. This is going to be torture for the tramps down the road, they’d best just sack off following football eh.
  5. I’ve done the absolute square root of fuck all at work. Sky sports currently have Wales and Scotland international shite on don’t they know this is OUR BIG DAY.
  6. Sky Sports have had Warren Barton and Rob Lee on for probably the first time ever, and are talking about the entertainers and famous number 9. These sky sports cunts are going to wash over the whole Ashley era and pretend like they’ve always loved us arent they fucking plums. Start by having that ball sack Ferdinand exclusively refer to us as United thanks.
  7. Do we finally have the funds to bring Choudrey in on loan?
  8. I hope they keep him in, his role will of course change to vending machine technician and doing cartwheels at half time of matches. If he feels embarrassed by this he’s more than welcome to take his pockmark covered face and fuck right off. Have it from a pretty good source that Charnley hasn’t been back at the club since Monday so it seems he’s already been removed from his position, or maybe he’s back doing what he does best and running the club tuck shop.
  9. Summed up well, like DK said people can’t have a go at NUFC fans while happily consuming from other things these people heavily invest in. The defence is to call it whataboutism but it’s also completely hypocritical to say NUFC fans should just walk away from the club and reject it while everyone else enjoys all these other Saudi owned (and other blood on their hands nations/people owned) ‘products’ (for want of a better word). Weren’t the mackems sponsored by a pretty dodgy company that were something to do with drilling for oil or other natural resources in Africa somewhat recently? I suppose this Barry tit walked away from anything to do with the club at that point seeing as he’s so principled? Or maybe it’s not that simple and black and white.
  10. When the deal collapsed what did the fans get? We got the piss ripped out of us and then straight back to the “they should know their place” nonsense from the usual media outlets. We were also told repeatedly that we are idiots and have no power to force change when there were movements against Ashley so why is it the fan base is expected to lead the charge now? We’re well past the point of no return on blood money in sport, call it whataboutism but it’s fact, if we missed out on this we’d have to watch the same people who are giving it the high and mighty routine laugh at NUFC while wanking over PSG’s front 3, or about how amazing Chelsea are etc. Fans have every right to be excited, regardless of what we do or how we react this is happening we are just along for the ride, the same way we have been for the nearly 15 years of Ashley turning our club into a fucking zombie. There was no positive to having the moral high ground anyway, we’d still have the piss ripped out of us for being a laughing stock of a club, told to know our place, called deluded etc. As that Man City fan mentioned we best get used to it anyway as we’re the media’s worst fucking nightmare tbh, they’ve spent the majority of the PL era taking the fucking piss out of us, selecting the biggest arsehole ex players to come on and insult us over and over again and could bash us knowing we’d do fuck all because Ashley was owner.
  11. That’s the hope, but their argument that the PiF and Saudi state are one in the same is obviously a murky one to fight off which is likely why they’ve picked at it. They’ve never given a flying fuck about MBS being involved it’s always been a tool to obstruct, maybe they will climb down but I just worry it’s only removed one part of their resistance.
  12. The issue more is that MBS will never submit to an O&D test, the PL know that and have been using that structure argument to block or at least obstruct the deal on behalf of the “big six”. No one would be happier than I for this to go through but I just can’t bring myself to be excited about this and then yet again have to come crashing back to Earth with a Steve Bruce shrugging press conference after the PL block it.
  13. I still don’t think it happens. I’ve always felt the piracy piece was just one part of their reluctance, with the fact it was also potentially shaking up their beloved “big six” being the other reason. The structure argument still holds for the PL and I really can’t see them relenting.
  14. We won’t ever forget THAT goal against Cardiff, Andy Carroll breaking his jaw, and THAT goal line save against Villa.
  15. What a completely thick cunt he is . He better count his blessings he made it as a football player and has got jobs for the boys type manager jobs as honestly he’d have struggled otherwise.
  16. Didn’t bother watching. Shit result, absolutely nailed on for relegation imo.
  17. Funny coincidence that every club you’ve been at has this same issue eh Steve?
  18. I think if we are sitting on 2-3 points after our next 5 games (which is looking pretty likely tbh) they might start the process but even then it’ll be too late, plus their process takes months anyway. It’s still absolutely baffling they extended his contract, they could have given the dozy cunt an at will contract (or as close to an at will deal as allowed in football, month to month maybe? Not sure of what the union has agreed or anything) and he would have signed, it’s not like any club would go near him especially for the money he’s on and if he did walk he’s easily replaceable by basically any out of work manager.
  19. Lansbury meant it imo, likely saw the lad walking across and fancied his chances of getting away with it. Total scum bag of a player.
  20. Its Henri Lansbury isn’t it? The bloke is a total fucking cunt, always been one of the scummiest players going imo the sort to do snidey kicks like that but then dive all over the place. He should get a lengthy ban for that, could have really injured the bloke, but I’m sure he will get nowt as he got booked.
  21. I just don’t even see the point, does he genuinely do anything with training? I honestly find it fairly unlikely the lazy cunt does much and instead just delegates it to everyone else while sleeping his hangover off in his office. We have this fucking loser in charge, and Mike Ashley as owner with zero sign either will be gone anytime soon. What’s the fucking point. Btw I honestly think Bruce is the most I’ve disliked a Newcastle manager, just an absolute chancing cunt to the bone.
  22. He’s lost the plot tbh, he has been decimated in that discussion so he brings up some intangible thing like how he rates the players brought in v ones lost. ASM is better than both Rondon and Perez so Bruce gained him and since got Callum Wilson so it’s again trying to just make up excuses that aren’t there. The blokes a fucking shit manager, it’s not suddenly going to click in year 20+ of management and it clearly fucking hasn’t. It’s also fucking hilarious that he’s having a pop to “be accurate” about someone saying he said much better v marginally better but meanwhile either way he is saying a bloke has done a better job when it’s just been proofed out that he isn’t.
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