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Everything posted by Howay

  1. He’s an absolute disgrace with those comments btw. I have absolutely zero respect for him after reading that, not that I had any anyway tbh. Bringing up his parents death ffs, he’s the bloke that took a massive dump on the club who stuck by him and did right by him through that period. He never ever worked to get the fans on side in anyway, all he did was come out swinging by constantly playing the victim, having his mates write criticisms of the fan base and club while he did the same in his pressers. If he’d have shown an ounce of humility or respect towards the fan base maybe his whole respect shite would hold some water, but it goes both ways and he never respected the club, the fan base, or his job as he took the absolute piss from day one. He can’t honestly hold his head up and say he tried his best with this job can he? He tried to skate by doing the absolute minimum and treat any criticism as insult. Fuck off Steve Bruce, you’re an absolute disgrace. You total fucking failure. Enjoy knowing you absolutely ripped off the club you claim to love.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/oct/19/premier-league-clubs-v-newcastle-inside-the-stunning-emergency-vote Not sure if the above had been posted, if so sorry for the repost. I think they key points are they’ve clearly acted as a cartel, by not including Newcastle they set a fucking terrible precedent, and also it’s a clear case of targeting one club which apparently isn’t allowed either. I know the bloke writing the article said clubs would try and play it off like they were always working on tightening regulations, but fucking hell it’s about as blatant as you can get seeing as they literally didn’t invite NUFC to the discussion, and the timing alone makes it clear as day what it’s related to. If the PL don’t do anything about this we should take them to court. As I’ve said before I don’t think these clubs have truly thought this through, the cartel aspect alone leaves them massively exposed and if it’s not shot down leaves them open to being the ones excluded from the meetings in future.
  3. We just all have to hope it was really respectful.
  4. Aye what planet are these fuckers on. What have the even done to him anyway? And like pointed out he’s going to get £8m most people just get told they’ll get paid for the day they get sacked and to fuck off.
  5. Aye that’s the hardest thing for me, I think many of the players, while not good, would be perfectly serviceable under a proper football coach. Like Nagelsmann got a 9 goal season from Joelinton iirc.
  6. Our full backs are a massive weak spot imo as well. I know we are seeing Tarkowskis name a lot but our CBs aren’t too bad if coached correctly, but our full backs are fucking hopeless and should be a real priority in January.
  7. Agreed, I totally get the counter argument of making sure you have your ducks in a row and not being rushed as you’ve got an interim in charge, but Bruce is a different case. The players aren’t even training at the moment, and the longer it continues the harder it will be to turn things around as they’ll not be fully fit. If we were shite like last year but the players were training regularly, and we were picking up some wins I’d accept the argument to hold off but somethings really wrong when you look at this start and it doesn’t show any signs of changing especially considering the fat wanker is in about 3 days a week and is taking any chance he has to go on holiday.
  8. Steve Wraiths phone is always on, set to loud, anytime they fancy giving the man some people say was a small cog in the takeover a call.
  9. How much longer are they going to let this bloke take the piss?
  10. I’m happy to be corrected but I don’t think they faced anything like this, and I think the reason was the pure arrogance of Manchester United/Liverpool etc, they’ve learned that a club can quickly transform when serious money is injected into it and that this repeated “but this club is bigger than this club” means very little when one of the clubs is offering more money and a better platform to win things. I agree about the mentality, and I think it’s going to be pissing our owners off. The fact they sent Charnley points to the fact they don’t take this threat too seriously iyam, all of the big hitters were in Newcastle on Sunday afternoon and were clearly aware of this Monday meeting but sent a bloke that’s on the verge of getting his P45. Even if any of it stuck (which I can’t see it being the case) we have a ton of headroom to spend even with our shite sponsorship deals anyway, plenty of time to figure out alternative arrangements.
  11. I think they’re on dodgy ground and are reaching, it’ll realistically be a few clubs with their noses out of joint trying to do anything they can to disrupt and the others just going along with it. I think even this “fair value” shit they’re bringing up is ropey, it would be very hard to attribute a fair value to a sponsorship deal especially as the PiF could claim numerous benefits of advancing things in their own country by using branding etc. They would need to bring in some type of independent authority on this, funnily enough the exact type of thing most these twats have been fighting to keep away from their affairs. Plus as you say we can then just have a sponsor for absolutely everything. I agree with Isegrim that they were banking on the takeover being blocked so are now trying to throw any blocker they can. The bit I think they’re missing here is they should have a good long think before they go this type of route, as do it enough and it will eventually become easier for Newcastle and Manchester City to just go to the court system and smash FFP all over the place, then not needing to do any of this “financial doping”. Again though I personally find it very troubling that the clubs are ganging up behind closed doors and conspiring in this fashion. A very troubling precedent iyam, and another thing some of these clubs should probably be thinking twice about doing.
  12. “Straight after it, the 19 clubs met on their own to discuss the financial implications of having the Saudis as competitors. It led to the draft of the temporary ban on related party transactions – Newcastle would be notified of this – and then to Monday’s meeting.” Tbh this alone sounds dodgy as fuck, surely it’s meant to all be done in the open and not 19 clubs nattering about another behind closed doors. Isn’t this the exact type of behind doors collision the tossers formerly known as the “big six” accused of with regard to the ESL?
  13. In what way can they dress this up as a brand worry, it’s making it clear as day they want to block us from spending and surely it’s not even lawful. It’ll just fire the Saudis up to make it even worse for them.
  14. I might be wrong but I think he was in quarantine per COVID protocol after the internationals. Tbh even if he was on the pitch he does fucking nowt. A better manager would get more out of him like Rafa did, but even then he wasn’t up to much.
  15. He’d be a good buy tbf. Would be a big upgrade on Almiron imo who has been fucking hopeless bar a short spell under Rafa (maybe recoverable under a manager better than Bruce but personally don’t think the kid is up to much).
  16. Mind the shite people come out with to defend this tosser is absurd. Looking around Twitter there’s a ton of idiots saying they watched Newcastle today and it’s clear Newcastle’s team is full of championship players so what’s Bruce meant to do, and changing him wouldn’t do anything. Funny that this “Championship” squad finished 10th and 13th before he took over, then got 13th and 12th with him in charge. Funny that the same players that made up iirc the 6th best defence in the league are now branded utter shite and championship level after a couple of seasons of his coaching and tactics. I’m not saying I really rate many of our players but this rewriting people do is absurd, it’s also majorly overrating the players in the teams around us. This squad with a good manager would be nowhere near relegation.
  17. We need a new manager in as soon as possible. We will possibly get a new manager bounce, and start to put some actual tactical framework in place which would hopefully mean we nick some wins before January where the squad can be really improved. The longer they keep Bruce the more difficulty there will be, the blokes an absolute negative imo.
  18. Bruce really capitalized on that time in the dressing room to help the team figure out a plan.
  19. Aye it’s hilarious that they’ve managed it but to be totally honest they’re not bad pundits, as they actually pay attention to teams outside the “super duper six” and tend to give fair thoughts on most outside the usual tropes about each club/fanbase.
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