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Everything posted by Jill

  1. I love shows like this that make me scream at the TV. Fat Families is another classic.
  2. Weird show, this. On one hand it's good to see them working hard but the eliminations are a bit crap and most of them probably won't keep it up. There doesn't seem to have been much emphasis on them changing their lifestyle and the way they think about food, as evidenced by the glee in their eyes when they saw the cake etc last night. Only the fella on his own (Rob?) looked gutted at having to eat the pizza (though still didn't take long to see it off).
  3. Did they say you were pish? Nar. My team leader does it and she's alreet. As usual though I had a huge list of things to complain about and the big boss won't read any of it even though the TL agreed they're all valid points.
  4. Bored as fuck at work. Had my appraisal this morning, total farce. Can't wait to get to the gym later.
  5. Could do with shedding a good few pounds this week.
  6. Patience of a saint, I'd have given up long before that. Can't stand giving my money to places with shite service, much rather find somewhere else. I went in that Town Wall place before, didn't get any food though which was good as people were waiting ages. Every table in sight complained about the wait.
  7. Load of people on my Facebook were on about that. One clearly trying to start a panic by saying the airport website had gone down as well when it was working fine.
  8. Fuck off man. It's depressing enough walking past the place all the time when I'm off to Tesco to buy tins of own brand tuna and cheap pasta sauce. Every time I look in someone seems to be ordering a proper nice looking bottle of wine as well.
  9. Well played Stevie. I'm bored today like. Fancy a nice lunch and a few pints in a decent pub but I'm trying *not* to spend much.
  10. I hate that. I always thought it was a bit exaggerated but I was speaking to an American taxi driver when over there last year and we chatted for a bit about 'soccer' and which teams were popular over there and why people chose them etc. He suddenly said "Oh well I'm English, my great grandfather was from London" or something. I was about to start a little argument but decided against it as he was generally nice enough. Apart from being a Fulham fan.
  11. Bit bored. Can't settle on owt to watch. And I really should get an early night as I want to be up at a decent time tomorrow.
  12. Gemmill's knees are desperate. I fucking hate knees too, especially nobbly ones.
  13. If I'm out all day I can usually manage about 10 pints before I can't drink anymore. Not because I get ill, I just can never seem to have more than that. I tend to struggle these days though as I've gone back to drinking vodka and as much as I'd like to be able to manage doubles all the time like I used to, I really can't.
  14. A lass from work went to Slimming World last night and has come in this morning full of excitement. I quote: "I can eat basically as much as I want, more than I eat now, and I don't have to do any exercise but it'll probably be easier if I do a little bit, and it must be working because everyone had lost loads last night" then she went into some sort of a description that seemed to involve eating numerous chocolate bars a day. Can't wait to see how it pans out. I've only lost 1lb this week like. I reckon I'm all muscle though.
  15. Rubbish it all you want, I hate it. I do repossession sales & then collecting the shortfall after the property gets sold off at a low price. People are usually pretty quick to tell their tale as a way of explaining their circumstances and you really do hear some awful stories which make you feel bad for chasing them. Mind, on the other hand someone lied for 4 or 5 years that her husband had died to get out of having their house repossessed and went as far as to say things like she didn't want to leave the area they lived in because the kids liked to go to the dad's grave and cry. It only came to light years later when the bloke signed something. Stop doing it. And fall into arrears on my own bills because I'm not getting paid? It's sould destroying for you and the victim at the other end. Stop it. Now. Ok.
  16. Jill


    Mine's Eon as well like. I can't change it either (landlord's rule). Definitely going to give them a ring and see if it can come down.
  17. Rubbish it all you want, I hate it. I do repossession sales & then collecting the shortfall after the property gets sold off at a low price. People are usually pretty quick to tell their tale as a way of explaining their circumstances and you really do hear some awful stories which make you feel bad for chasing them. Mind, on the other hand someone lied for 4 or 5 years that her husband had died to get out of having their house repossessed and went as far as to say things like she didn't want to leave the area they lived in because the kids liked to go to the dad's grave and cry. It only came to light years later when the bloke signed something. Stop doing it. And fall into arrears on my own bills because I'm not getting paid?
  18. Jill


    That reminds me actually, we were paying £85 per month as we had quite a lot to pay off due to problems with the meter (it ended up getting replaced), we're now in credit I think so need to see about getting the payments reduced. I'd give them a call and see what their justification is.
  19. Rubbish it all you want, I hate it. I do repossession sales & then collecting the shortfall after the property gets sold off at a low price. People are usually pretty quick to tell their tale as a way of explaining their circumstances and you really do hear some awful stories which make you feel bad for chasing them. Mind, on the other hand someone lied for 4 or 5 years that her husband had died to get out of having their house repossessed and went as far as to say things like she didn't want to leave the area they lived in because the kids liked to go to the dad's grave and cry. It only came to light years later when the bloke signed something.
  20. I usually go to bed at around 11pm and don't need to get up until after 8am but I always wake 2 or 3 times in the night and take a while to get back to sleep. I probably get 7-8 hours at the moment, which is better than I used to manage. It helps that I exercise more these days so I'm actually tired at night instead of feeling wide awake.
  21. At graft, d'you mean? I go into companys and am a trainer. Some boy in all honesty Well I'm really, really good at boosting peoples confidence, pep talks I'm like a poor mans Keegan, but I've never managed in my life. In 12 months time looks like I'll have my own satelite office in Newcastle though with 5 or 6 staff. I'm a bit nervous about it I'm sure I'll be ok, but I've always been the type who's thought gaffa's are cunts and I don't want to be thought about like that. Of maybe 15 managers I've ever had I'd say 3 were really decent. That's what I do. Mainly trainer of debt recovery but my main skill set is in motivation and getting on the right level with people to train them as an equal and not like a jobsworth manager. I've not changed my personality at all throughout my career (still relitively short - 9 year) regardless of what capacity I've held the job in. It all comes down to the individual really, some are power trippers and change their circle of friends etc when moving up in their job. I wouldn't be so weak as to do that. That's what I used to do 10 years ago, I hated me job, forcing people who were skint in to a corner. The company I worked for were little more than loan sharks (yank as well) 25% some rates. I remember this one woman wrote a letter to the company saying that I had ruined her year with my attitude and she was nearly suicidal, me attitude was fine I was just doing my job but I didn't want to make people feel miserable anymore. I work in debt recovery. It's pretty rank, I feel like a total twat at times but most people appreciate I'm just doing my job. Also, I do get some pretty funny replies from people. I'm just pleased being shouted and sworn at on the phone amuses me rather than upsetting me.
  22. Each to their own and that but I must admit I've always assumed Weight Watchers etc are a load of shite. I know loads who've tried it and they've lost a bit here and there but never maintained it. I was talking to someone the other week who's tried it 4 or 5 different times and she still didn't seem to know the most basic things about healthy eating. I know many think it'll spur them on getting weighed once a week with others etc but in my experience I've found that deep down you know whether you've put the effort in or not and therefore whether you're likely to have lost or gained weight so I've never found it the slightest bit appealing.
  23. Jill


    I know a lad called Jan.
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