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Everything posted by Jill

  1. Reflective. Always have a bit of a 'downer' moment on NYE. I'll sort myself out later though when I catch up with my friends.
  2. Happy new year, everyone.
  3. Into the Abyss Interesting and well put together.
  4. I'm going to have nightmares about that, I just know it.
  5. Admittedly it was a fair few years ago when I went but I thought the service was absolutely dreadful, had to ask 2-3 times for everything and it really took away from what was a decent meal overall.
  6. If this continues I'm going to have to mussel you all out of the thread.
  7. Someone on my Facebook has posted to say she's been sent a box full of live fish in water bags with a receipt for £105 inside and she has no idea who's sent them. She doesn't even have a tank. This could be CT's 'save the day' moment..
  8. Oh and I want to get back to giving blood regularly. Only been once in about the last 4 years and was hoping to get back before Christmas but none of the local sessions were possible. Made an appointment for January anyway, and will not be slacking off.
  9. I always thought Thunderbird 4 was dead cute.
  10. It's the sort of thing I'd quite like to try, but not sure I could commit to going regularly. Just need something I can do occasionally for a change.
  11. I feel like I've put about a stone on in the last week. Back in the gym tomorrow hopefully.
  12. Do they let you box with glasses on?
  13. I don't tend to bother with resolutions, because I never keep them. Though I am still going on a project I started 3 years ago, to take one photo every day. I'll continue with that. Also want to take up some sort of sport, probably swimming. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week but not really done much else since my netball team folded. I'd fancy a martial art but it looks quite costly and I'm not sure I could commit to something that would require regular attendance.
  14. I feel absolutely gigantic. I did a kettlebell session this morning after balking at the idea of a run (belly too jiggly) and I think I was sweating out full sprouts.
  15. Heard about it just before we were about to sit down to dinner, so tragic. Had a lovely family Christmas and there was even a miracle - my mam let me open a window and let some air in. It's always sweltering in her living room, we were all stewing in our own juices.
  16. Oh well work is closing at 2 today.
  17. Bastard. Just had a rubbish sandwich that was falling apart so badly I had to eat half of it with a spoon.
  18. Nah to be fair the rest of us were a bit further over the other side.
  19. I don't hate it and I don't have to think about it when I leave for the day - not many prospects but it'll do.
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