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Everything posted by Lou

  1. The uni greek society keep sending me emails in greek. I have emailed them saying I AM NOT GREEK. STOP EMAILING ME. They ignored me. Bah.
  2. I just did something amazing. I typed "what should i get my brother?" into Google, and clicked on image search. With view of finding ideas for christmas presents for him. The results I got: 1. a pretty looking girl (not gonna get him one of those) 2. a squirrel 3. a fecking big spider 4. a baby Hmm... not too great so far... however, a few pics down... Someone who looked a bit circusy. Which, in turn, triggered the reminder that he's all into Poi at the moment (it's a circusy related thing, for those of you that don't know). So, I've now ordered him some ridiculously cool poi..... quite pricey, but i reckon he'll LOVE it. They're glowy. NEXT UP: "what should i get mum?" Found myself taken to a part of the BBC website that has 2 minute video clips of the past few weeks of Neighbours, so that you can catch up on what's been happening. Still no idea what to get mum, but know what's going on in Ramasay St, and know she'd agree that that's important. I LOVE THIS DISCOVERY!!!! *heart* google.
  3. Then I believe we get in for freeeeeeeeeeeeeee! And teeheehee, if it's anything like last time, the lady at the door goes "I shall show you to the comic's table" and you feel dead cool. Or he might just come and point and laugh and call us stalkers then run back inside again and leave us standing in the cold. To be honest, both ways sound a little entertaining. Not seen Robin Ince, nope. Will look out for him. I bought a spade from Ikea to dig my own grave.
  4. I don't know any stories about "fucking Silky", as you so nicely put it, and I'd like to keep it that way.
  5. Well, then you could think of interesting things to say.... rather than just complain about it being dull. However, I be of no use here, because I can't think of anything interesting to say which, I'm sure you'll agree, makes a change.
  6. Fishie, Silky's headling on Sat'dee (in his own words, "Hurray!") and we just have to ask for him when we get there. because we're dead cool like that. I have not (yet) instructed him to pick on you. *** Y'know the guy I mentioned in my post before, the one from saturday that emailed me? Well, I forget if I said this, but I sorta invited him to move to Melbourne with me after I'd only known him for about 10 minutes. And then when I replied to his email, I invited him to come and see Mr Timothy Minchin's show in London avec moi in Feburary. I should really stop inviting virtual strangers to do stuff. But, oh well, it's fun.
  7. Well. Now I have a chocolate craving. Damn you khay!
  8. Oh Meenz, do tell! I'm intrigued as to your interesting story....! Woohoo - random guy who stumbled across my cult's meet on Saturday, who we brainwashed in true cult form, and who accompanied us for the rest of the night, who I may have asked to move to Melbourne with me after only knowing him about 10 minutes, *deep breath*, WELL, he just emailed me Haha, he claims that he's now "joined the Join-me's!" - hooray! And apparently he's told all his friends about saturday, and is trying to make them check out join me. I'd love to be there when he's having that conversation with him..... "I went to the pub and there were all these people here - THEY WERE ALL IN A CULT!! And they gave me stickers! And badges! And made me want to join! And I MET JESUS!! And we all went clubbing together!! AND NOW I'M ONE OF THEM!!" I don't think I'll hear from him again. I think his friends are going to get him committed.
  9. There's nothing wrong with a good bit of turretage! And don't you try and palm off your woodlouse obsession onto me, fishster I have enough issues of my own to take on yours too! And khay, I asked... and the bunny replied... What a harsh bunny he is....
  10. "fine, highbrow conversation" is something that you shall MOST CERTAINLY have with my father. i was so distracted before by using the word 'forthwith' that I never actually got around to it i really do need to though... hmmm....
  11. Hyena styled night out sounds fun. I shall but email Silky. And tell him to pick on you No, that'd be mean of me so I won't. ............ or will I? Oh, incidently, my computer is being an utter bastard at the moment. Maybe it's in cahoots with my phone? Cahoots, I tell you, CAHOOTS!!
  12. I feel bad, but damn that picture makes me laugh. However, it also reminds me of how we used to live in fear of accidentally killing our kittens with the dishwasher..... because we'd have the teeny tiny little kittens (5 of them) scrambling around the kitchen.... and when you opened the door of the dishwasher, it created a little gap in the bottom.... perfect size for a kitten to crawl into. And when you closed the dishwasher, the door closed up this gap, potentially squishing to death anything in there. We used to have to lie on the floor to look under the open door at the gap before we closed it. And if you ever forgot, and just closed it with a bang without looking..... eep!! Scary moments. On the plus side, we never ACTUALLY killed any of the kittens that way. Or any way to be honest. That was a very successful litter.
  13. From the tenth as in "including the tenth" ? However, what time's yonder kick-off? Hmm... 5.15pm according to .com (I should really find things like this out, seeming as I have a ticket to the match and all....!) And apparently doors close to Hyena at 8. That might actually work? Not if you're going to talk in L- to the E - double T - E and the R and S though..... I would have to poke you in the eye if you did that. AND make Silky pick on you.....
  14. I'm really bemused by Silky's next gig..... the Hyena site is saying something about it being a special Christmas thing, and tickets are £18 (£18!!!!) and includes food ("a platter for two"). Fan bloody tastic. Why can't he just do NORMAL gigs, damn it? I was looking forward to being called Lady and feeling cool because I'm mates with the funniest comedian from the night. Oh well.
  15. The thing is, the first time I saw this thread, I took it how it was MEANT to be read, and all is well. But since I've seen it that other way... I just can't stop reading it like that. I'm going to go to sleep soon. My head hurts. This isn't helping.
  16. I'm scared. Just truly truly SCARED. I interpretted that thread title in *completely* the wrong way. I mean... just..... WTF?!?! *goes off to remove brain from head. permanently.*
  17. ...... ahhh... what a difference 20 minutes makes... I'm now feeling a bit down and sorry for myself... Thinking of skipping Friday and going home so I can be back with people who love me. Or, alternatively, finding myself a flux capacitor (no, just pictures of it won't do, but thanks for the thought) (mikey, i can just *see* you reaching out for the BttF pictures right now.....) and making a time machine so that I can travel back in time. Only by a week. Actually, make that a week and one hour, just to be safe. Please. *sigh* And btw, serious question now, but WHY do phones sometimes decide that they're just not going to send and/or recieve messages from a certain number?? I've had it happen before.... my brother's girlfriend couldn't send me texts.... my mum couldn't send me texts in oz.... and now I can't send texts to someone... although I could last week. WTF is with that?! It's royally pissing me off.
  18. Y'know what, Brock? It really wouldn't surprise me if he did. Haha, apparently on Sunday, one of the girls dropped a pint and it splashed in the eyes of one of the guys, so Jesus was all 'I have to heal him now!!!' and leapt up to cure his blindness I wish I'd seen that. I didn't witness any miracles. Boooooooo.
  19. Shoosh you. It's so damn funny it withstands the test of time! In that I first heard it 2 years ago, and it still makes me giggle. Teeheehee, I text it to a friend on a train once, knowing full well they were alone on public transport at the time.... apparently he couldnt' stop laughing for about 5 mins and the lady next to him was looking at him REALLY oddly... and he couldn't explain because he didn't think she'd find it anywhere near as funny. Good times
  20. Jesus is a Joinee. Of course, there is a possibility that he's not the ACTUAL Jesus, and that he just perhaps looks like Jesus, what with the hair and the beard and the loaves and the fishes and stuff. But everyone only knows him as Jesus. And you can have nice Jesus-y chats with him. But I just thought it'd be fun to bemuse people by coming home and being all "I found Jesus" etc etc. And it was. But now that's over and done with. Hmm.... what next? what next?
  21. Ooooo you COMPLETELY just reminded me that I have to pick up my photos on Tuesday.... boo, I'm so convinced that today is Monday. Which is weird, but still. Anyways... I can't remember where I put my photo receipt thingys... I think MAYBE in my coat pocket... in which case, they're still on a megabus somewhere Oops.
  22. Hmmm.. you people don't seem up to deep religious discussion.... What WOULD Jesus do ... probably dance around singing along to Park Life, judging from last night...... Seriously, we found the most ridiculously pathetic.... but therefore most wonderful!... club ever last night. So much fun.
  23. A really cheesy and crappy (but FUN!) mix of christmas songs from the JOY that is poundland. It's like a minute or two of all the typical cheesy cheery xmas songs, faded into one another (hence "mix"...) It's so half arsed and crappy. WELL WORTH A POUND!
  24. You do have very shifty looking eyes
  25. Note to all at next pissup: Keep Steve away from Lou's dad. On seconds thoughts... 64415[/snapback] Stephen you are very welcome to meet the Legend of Rooney. He met some of my Melbournite friends but last weekend, was deemed a Very English Legend, and he had fun too. I shall discuss plans with him forthwith.
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