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Everything posted by Lou
Then download THIS: www.abc.net.au/triplej/todaytoday/listen/mp3s/timin.mp3 (Just go 'save target as' and hopefully that'll work.) And revel in the minchiny goodness. (you have to listen to a bit of the interview until you get to the song....) It's comedy. It's award winning. It's good. Listen to it, Fishwardo. You know it must be done.
...... in the loosest sense of the word
Mr Fish. If you look on fucking silky's website, dans la videos page, you shall find your beloved Robin Ince. Isn't that happy?? I've not watched said video yet, for this university computer has no wish for sound. But when I have sound, then, yes. I shall.
I bought one of them in Oz. My aussie friend disowned me.
Didn't you have an avatar amongst all your Bellamy ones about that guy who wrote a book.. Find me or something.. Can't say I remember very well 66737[/snapback] Oh, I might well have had my King and Leader, Danny Wallace. Of Join Me. (You were close). Flying pig? I had a flying dragon for a bit, that's for sure...
He lies. He just loves plants. He never ever shuts up about them. Especially hiancynths. I can't spell that. I probably should have chosen a more spellable plant, seeming as I'm talking crap and all. Good ole fucking silky. he's cool. Turns out I'm meeting up with my brother later today, so now I actually have to get on with doing work. Oh, and I like how comedy was your #1 priority. well done that fish. AND, I don't like the bit in the lion the witch and the wardrobe when they think that aslan's dead.... and then all the mice nibble the ropes off him or something..... that bits really really sad and freaky and scary and eek. Or at least, it was when I was about 8. I've probably regaled you with this before, but it made me laugh, so you get it again: Me in bookshop. Random 20-ish yr old couple also in bookshop, searching for Narnia books. Girl: What IS Narnia anyway? Boy: You've never heard of Narnia?!?!? It's a magical land that you get to by going through a cupboard!!! Me: Actually, it's a wardrobe. Girl: *laughter at random stranger correcting him* Boy: What? yeh... well.... same difference.... Me: Well, no, not really. I mean, it's not called The Lion, The Witch and The CUPBOARD, is it?? Girl: *uncontrollable laughter* Boy: Oh... well... yeh, ok... fair point... Me: *walks away quickly so that I stop giving cheek to strangers*
Completely agree with mimes and statues - scare the feck outta me. One of them I saw around the place I *knew* was the sister of one of my mates..... but she still scared me. I never really thought twice about street performers before I befriended them. Unfortunately, the one that I originally befriended turned out to be the biggest fuckin' twat in the universe..... but luckily, all of the others were lovely. And they work ridiculously hard for their money... and if they're actually any good, then they've been learning their skills since *forever*. And it's just luck as to whether they end up making loads, or scrape together a tenner. Anyways, you're entitled to your own opinions on this..... you think they're tossers. Fair enough. Some of them are. But, a mon avis, not all of them. Oh, and unfortunately I'm busy with work today (urgh, statistics...) so could ne pas go to see it. Boo.
Mine were all of Mr Bellamy..... It hurt a lot to have to accept the fact that as he no longer played for us, it was probably the done thing to phrase him out of my siggy, avatar and (alas) username. I think I'll stick with what I've got for the moment. Ron looking sad and lonely in red light. I like it.
Sorry that I seemed to miss a few of you pre-match.... I thought I should probably spend some time with Dad, seeming as he'd driven up for the match especially! So I just deserted him after the game instead However, it means that some of you missed seeing my glorious, 4-Years-In-The-Waiting* hat.... However will you cope?? *the very very first newcastle match I watched (incidentally, vs arsenal, incidentally, we won) was (incidentally) a christmas game... and lots of the crowd were wearing black and white santa hats and OOOoooohhhhhh did i want one!! And now, finally, I have one!! Hurrah!
Or Stonefish, for Toadie and Dee's wedding .... just me??
I swear that one belongs to a certain Liverpudlian comedian that we both appear to be stalking at the moment, Fishie..... It's so VERY him. And it IS good. My favourite saying at the moment is... umm... I dunno, really. I probably shouldn't really have bothered replying to this thread then, should I? Oops.
I'm extremely glad I wasn't alive 25 years ago today. I mean, like, alive and the same person that I am today, kind of thing. Because if you'd seen how much George's death affected me (and I *knew* he was ill and that it was coming... I just didn't expect it to be THAT soon...), then you'd know how much I would not have been able to cope with this. When I was in NYC in January, we went to Strawberry Fields (where John used to sit and play in Central Park) and that was cool. But we then walked past the EXACT spot where he got shot, and it just freaked me the hell out. I just wanted to run away from that place. 25 years?? Wow. I feel so young
Was the idea to catch the moon in a green basket at 3am in the morning, next Tuesday, from the top of the Eiffel Tower?? If so, I'll see you there!!!!
Oooo, interesting! Ta Cath! Incidently, a girl said she saw someone on a giraffe uni (ie: a very tall one, the seat can be 5 - 10ft above the ground) performing in Northumberland Street.... does this happen often?? That person could well usurp the Chirpy Double Bass guys as my favourites....
That just made me laugh out loud MUCH too much for someone who is in a rather busy computer room!! Mancy, I shall keep an eye out for this fellow of whom you speak as well. And umm... oops.... today my computer literally went BANG, and a fuse blew somewhere and everything switched off, and there was a pleasant burning smell. Needless to say... I won't be online quite as much in the next few days.....
I'm listening to Christmas music to try and start me feeling Christmassy..... it's only just *slightly* starting to work.... A little bit.
I just see the inner beauty shining through And, well, I put Babyaro, then thought that was a bit harsh, but really couldnt' be bothered to edit it. I'm free to take up suggestions on who you all want my new fave players to be.
Pyramid Head?! What kind of name is THAT?? "The Pyramid Head" is much better
Fair enough. Don't I feel suitably chastised and ridiuclous now.
Hurrah indeed!! And I have no more marketing or accounting lectures before xmas.... that's FIVE less hours of boredom
I've never really had much to do with X-Men, so I don't know anything about the Beast, other than the fact that he's called "the Beast"... which does conjure certain character traits, it has to be said. And sometimes in Frasier, Kelsey did that roaring scary voice and mad rolling eyes thing..... it was scary, but rather great. I'm sure that could come in useful here. Ja?
Why do we get rid of every single one of my fave players?? hmm....... *idea!*... My new favourite players are Amdy Faye and Babayaro.* *cunning plan, n'est pas?
Oi! Don't mock the word 'nincompoop'. It's almost as good as 'balderdash'.
I think it's cool that Kelsey Grammar has got this role... if he pulls it off, it'll show what an amazing actor he is, that's for sure. I take it he's not currently suffering from type-casting!