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Everything posted by Lou

  1. I should tell Ricey about it..... I can definitely see him suddenly shaking smoke out of a tin at everyone in the middle of his show. Nice idea alex, you're obviously on the right wavelength for this......
  2. Awww I've not been on that site for years. (Tempting to bring out the timeline for you, but can't be bothered.) I love the Dead Letter Office. I love it when overly Christian americans write to him all shocked and righteous that he's 'playing god'.... and he just laughs back in their face. Splendid!
  3. Mum made us go to midnight mass at york minster this christmas... the rest of us were not happy. Anyways, when the dude did his sermon.. it started off well because he was saying about all the crap that's happened.... tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes etc etc etc... and where was god during all of this? And I was like, yeh, go on, tell us. He didn't. Which disappointed me. Anyways.... at one point he mentioned something about knowing "THE TRUTH" about Jesus's birth and life and blah blah blah. I switched off after that. I found it all really weird, actually. It was so much like a cult thingy. I mean, if I went off to a Join Me thing and people wore stuff like that and did stuff like that and talked like that, I don't think anyone would ever let me go back for fear of my sanity. So yeh, I'm not very into organised religion, and it all freaked me out a bit. Plus, I couldn't stop giggling at the guy who shook smoke everywhere. Because I had no idea why he was doing it, so it seemed rather bizarre. I think we should shake smoke out of tins at Join Meets. I mean, why not, eh? Anyways, I'll stop referring to the church as a scary cult for a little while now.......
  4. Only 5 mins?? I read the whole thing. I lost about 25 minutes of my life to finding out that Spidey wishes the Wild Watermelon crayon smelt of watermelon, and is disappointed that it doesn't, "no matter how much it looks like it's about to". Ahh I'm just way too easily amused I guess. Btw, thought this might raise a smile from the Fish, if not others:
  5. Connie and Carla (well, i missed the beginning, but it was easy to catch up). With David Duchovny (sp?!) in it. What a fantastically RANDOM film. It was surprisingly funny... I can't remember any specific bits that was funny, but I just remember laughing out loud a lot. I enjoyed it tres much.
  6. Tiz not just me who loves their Crayolas. Spidey does too. Check out Spiderman and his crayons here - http://www.x-entertainment.com/articles/0913/ Oh did I laugh out loud!
  7. Just booked my NEC tickets. there goes my sanity..........
  8. how is that nice fucking silky? tralalalala, more fake celeb stories for you - successfully met the evil Dr Darcy. I think the fact that we waited by the stage door for him probably fueled his ego to dangerously high levels (I think he's already fairly full of himself)... but full credit for him, he told the scary-faced Nolan women to go without him, while he stayed to chat to us for a while. still debating a trip to birmingham NEC to get a bit further along with my Crayola Celebrity Challenge...... I think danny wallace would be disappointed in me if I don't go. And to be honest, I think that means I need to go. Even if the train tix are a bit steep.... but the law of danny and dave speak of not letting money get in the way of stupid-boy-projects...... which isn't really what this is, but it's the closest I've got. good news guys (insert sarcasm to the word 'good' if you want).... back to uni tomorrow, hopefully back online on sunday..... so, essentially, I'll be back (not in an Arnie accent... just, actually, I *will* be.)
  9. Nice trip to Newcastle to see my good friends Matt, Meenzie, Pud and Toplass. It was actually good fun. And I got to show off pics of Winston, hooray! Pity my feet froze to death as I waited for my delayed train though...... But ahh well!!
  10. Hey folks. How's life treating y'all?? I got Joe Scully interested in Join Me He's a legend. I also wrote Blair (aka Stuart in Neighbours, of course) a letter in ye olde englishe and still didn't scare him off! And on 4th January, I'm gonna see the evil Dr Darcy!! Hurrah!!!! I have, however, drawn the line at going to Canterbury for Toadie (I mean, I get to see Steve at the Blackburn game anyway ) and Hastings for Harold Bishop. I hate that line. It's holding me back from being enveloped in my obsession. I don't like that. But oh well. I might survive.... just. Christmas greetings to y'all and all that.....
  11. If Meenz is there, I'm there. Errr........ although not sure on the timing. If someone could text me and let me know where/when at some point, I'll see what I can do. Ta!
  12. This place really goes downhill when I'm not around I love that yesterday, I'd been home for about 3 hours, and twice I'd laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe, the first of those times I ended up in tears, the second time mum was laughing so hard that she ended up in tears. And today I laughed so hard that I've hurt a couple of times too. And people wonder why I come home so often....!
  13. Why do things always make me laugh out loud when I'm in a busy computer room?? *sigh*
  14. Hello hello! I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello! Are you suggesting I'm the new messiah??
  15. Meh, I'm really not concentrating on life today. Don't expect me to spell words right.... Ahhh dear, I really am SUCH an idiot sometimes (yes, I know, I hear no arguments from you lot).... Today I tried to go down an up escalator. I mean, I walked up to it... and I looked at it and vaguely thought 'hmm..... the steps don't appear to be moving the right way....' but did that stop me stepping on it?? Noooooooo. Of course not. But even then, I was just like 'WTF?!' when it brought my foot back up again. I *SO ALMOST* stood on it again to see if it'd work properly the second time. And I like looked around, at the escalator next to me, and that one was going upstairs.... and I was like 'but.. i don't WANT to go up?!... so it must be this one.....?' It took until I was walking away until it clicked. What the fuck is wrong with me?????!!!!!!!!!! I promise I'm not usually this bad Honest. Oh, and The memory of it makes me giggle quite a bit.
  16. I have the best book EVER. I won it at the big join meet in london t'other weekend. Anyhoos, it just has lots of stupid phrases and stuff in it. And one of them is a correction thingy for a parashooting magazine, and it says something along the lines of.... "In our "Beginners Guide on How To Skydive" handbook with last months issue, in Step 7, where it says "State Post Code" it should infact read "Pull Rip Cord".
  17. Oh yes, very festival indeed. well done fellows! it made me giggle when i logged on!
  18. REEEENNNNTTTOOONNNNNN!!!!!! Has this forum always been vaguely pink????? Do you think he'll come in here to answer? Maybe I should have shouted for him louder? Why him? Is he the Pinkmeister? I don't know WHY he'd be the pinkmeister. Infact, I don't know why ANYONE would be the pinkmeister. But still.
  19. Hmmmmmmmm.... has this forum *ALWAYS* been vaguely pink???? Alex - see all my previous ignoring of your student-related posts.
  20. Lou

    Space cadets

    Apparently the guy with big frizzy hair has been spotted on a tv advert..... and so some folks are all into the "eek! he's an ACTOR! they must ALL BE ACTORS!! the hoax is on us!!!" realm of thinking. Umm.... I've only watched about half an hour of the show last weekend, so I can't comment much myself. Not that that'd stop me posting.
  21. Talking of unicyclists..... VERY pissed off yesterday because I missed Unicycle Guy by about 2 minutes..... walking down the street and I could see him just disappearing round the corner in the distance (no, I don't think he was just trying to get away from me. though I suppose it's a possibility.) Damn him. I need to befriend him. Anyways, this made me chuckle... I haven't done any good old fashioned stalking since FOREVER.....
  22. Unfortunately my ears are still bleeding from last night when someone on my corridor decided to listen to the new Westlife "song" at top volume, ON REPEAT. ARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I've ripped out so much of my hair that if Brock saw me he'd go "she's got a baldy heed " And then I'd laugh, despite myself. But just OH MY GOD that song is APPALLING!!!! And it drives me mad simply because half of it is completely ripped off of "Wind Beneath My Wings"... and the other half is BLATANTLY straight off the musical pages of that "DannyBoy" song...... ARRRRGGHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh!! I really did just lose the will to live.
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