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Everything posted by Lou

  1. More than you'd imagine, yes.
  2. And the tiger in a tank. And we need Mikey, the infamous Mr Hog, too. And Rik, of course. Where's he? And Laz. I'm off now... but I'll see you guys all back here next week, when I'm in a completely different country to that which I am in now...!
  3. Good god this just made me grin insanely. Smecken, smecken, smecken right back atcha Ritchie!
  4. BOO! Jeeeeeezzz it's weird not being WelshDragon anymore. But oh well, there we go. Hi guys! I leave Oz on Friday.... 2 nights in LA.. back in the UK on Monday. Got a season ticket for next year, and I'll be living in Newcastle from September onwards, sooooooo..... there'll be no getting rid of me again soon. Mwahahahahah and all that. Hope all's well with you lot.
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